billbo45's Blog

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great start to week

hit new  york  box for 80.00 getting closer to the 800.00. it OK i paid 42.00 for tickets and earned 38 today.

i will take that any day.

Entry #22


 I realize that I needed to change because of my lack of winning numbers. Most of us have heard the meaning of insanity: doing the same thing over and over expecting something different" The game won't change so i have to: so here are my new numbers daily box 1.00. have a great week.


Entry #21

NY evening numbers

I didn't earn any money mid day but really i'm just playing 777 100-109 box because i haven't put the time in this week. when it started I had great plans (best laid plans of mice and men) however, life got in the way.It's Saturday night and I decided to go with 100-109 box 2.00 and the person printing my tic. made a mistake 107 strgt. so I kept it.

My adorable wife plays the piano and shes practicing all the time, one day I said," practice makes perfect" her reply was ,"no, perfect practice makes perfect" and so with us, if we keep making the same mistakes over and over again when it's time to spend money to earn money we will not win. SO my friends on LP practice perfect!


lesson learned just because you play more money doesn't mean your numbers will come up :( ) it's a sad fact but one  that must be learned. everybody (thing ) is either an example or a warning.

Entry #20

end of week

What a horrible week for me mumbers wise but today can change That. I still have 800.00 for goal not going to make it but hopefully soon. have agreat day.

sticking with my 777 and 100-109 1.00 box

Entry #19

Wasted Days and Wasted nights

There's a saying that goes"people would rather do stress relieving things, than goal achieving things"

I'm not sure if playing the daily numbers is STRESS relieving or not but I hate it when i could be working on my numbers and find myself watching tv(go tigers) but it effects all areas of my life; I know I need to cut the grass but instead I will take a nap. when it comes to the numbers I know that the time I put in will result in good things but if i waste my time, then who is to blame when i don't reach my goal ?!

whatever you need to do today git-r--done. someone said, "the difference between successful people and those who are not, is they do the things other people should  do but don't"

did'nt play yesterday only 777. today not sure if I will play other numbers other then 777. 'have a great day

Entry #18

goal for the week

I am not going to be able to post tonight so I thought I'd share with you my goal for my lottery winnings this week. $800 IS MY GOAL. That may not be alot for you guys but for me it will be the most in one week! here's my plan:

1. I know I can't make the numbers come in strgt. or box

2. I know on avg. my numbers  hit 2 x's a week for an avg of 160.00

3. play more numbers

4. play same numbers but instead of 1.00 box i will need to increase it to @ lest 2.00

5. play different games with more play off i.e. the 4's

not one of these will get me to 800.00 unless my 777 comes in but not holding my breath on that.

any thing I do will take me out of my comfort zone but the rewards will be there!

what are you doing different to get you to your destiny?

Entry #17

If at first you don"t ...

yea  succeed: try again, don't take up sky diving, try something else . how ever you finish the quote you will never win if you quit so just try again and again until you are to the place where you want to be.

Word of the day succeed. Meaning "to continue, endure" is from early 15c,. Unless we endure we will never succeed.

just playing 777 today

Entry #16

started the week off great!

no didn't earn any mony today however the double 0's came in but in the 4's not the 3"s lol

such is life.:)

Entry #15

Monday Monday - word goal

Do you have your Plan for earning your goal this week? Notice i said earning, that indicates some work involved.

People think they  can just pick 1000 numbers and their going to win, we know that doesn't work. We also know that if we are not making the money we want we have to change some things. Remember you may be attached to numbers but their not attached to you. So what are you going to work on this week to help you achieve the money you want? I have a friend who makes his living gambling, a good living! he studies his craft non stop he is like me he doesn't play every number everyday he's a chart man and hes very good at it. I know that he "EARNS EVERY WIN" can you say that or do you say I got lucky?

when I play I expect to win I don't win every time but I win enough to have fun. spend enough time sowing so you to can reap and say" I DIDN'T GET LUCKY, I EARNED IT"


i like etymology I'm not smart or anything I like the study of words. today the word GOAL:

goal   used  1530s, means "end point of a race," Figurative sense of "object of an effort" is from 1540s.


went and got my numbers for evening  777 100-109 002-009 214 I know that the 00"s are coming in but not sure when just surrounding the wagons. should have played 121. not sure why, but comes to mind

Entry #14

putting my money where my mouth is (bonus joke)

today i drove from NY to pa to oh. to buy lotto tickets i didn't get to pa in time to play mid day of course 104 (not in that order) came in:( but i bought 777 in pa in oh. i bought 100-109 1$ box plus 777 only playing 777 in NY. I've been saying all week 100 -109 is coming in. either way it was a nice ride seen the leaves and it is such a beautiful day. I stopped and bought concord grapes from a road side stand. .99 quart nice 

OK joke: What did the grape say when the elephant stepped on it? nothing it just let out a little wine. lol

good luck to all who played tonight.


Well didn't win anything but like I said had a great day. should have  hit pa but oh well thats life!ended the week $84.00 to the good, not bad even if i subract the gas for the trip today still 64 ahead. so all in all it was a good week.

Entry #13

Milk All The Cows

Since I've been on lotterypost I have noticed everybody has a system. I back checked most of them and they don't work for me. the up one down one, up six down four and do the hokey poky and turn yourself around Really! I tried the quick picks played 100 at a time (not real money:) I'm not sure what works for you but if it works keep doing it! We all can learn from one another but DON'T BE A  fire catcher. A fire catcher is one who goes from one fire to another fire. The problem with that is you never learn the way that fits you! There's no such thing as easy  money, It is earned with either mind or body or both. I would like to know how many hours people spend trying to get the right numbers. reaping and sowing.

 learn what works for you!


Entry #12

second guessing

There's a strange part of playing the lottery that many have: second guessing. They wonder did I pick the right number? what if it doesnt come in?do I play the same ones tomorrow and if it comes in what do I do then? Waiting for the numbers to get called is not for a weak hearted person. This second guessing  of course is not rational (if you are spending money you can't afford to lose then stop ) the few dollars we spend will make no difference either way, Why beat yourself up with  second guessing. 

Play your numbers with what you know, take your best shot and let it go! We all get caught in that trap.

John Keats in his poem, "Otho the Great " put it this way," I cannot doubt- I will not-----no------ to doubt is to be ashes!----wither'd up to death!"

 The second guessing  we have will mentally kill us!

good luck today use your system tweak it, study and Expect to win!

just playing 777 1.00 str.

Entry #11

counting down to tigers

777 was sold out when i went to get it sorry but hope it doesn't come in.

I'm waiting for the numbers and the tigers hope were both winners. really wanted to play 102 and 105 stg. but only boxed them played 001 -109  001-009 254

winner in NY 041 box want to hear something funny my profit for this week so far is 104. I know its not alot but its fun and Mrs. sherry and I can order off the reg. menu instead of the .99 menu lol

go tigers

Entry #10

Go Tigers

If the tigers lose they are out for the season no second chance. The same way when we play the numbers it either hits or misses and your done! so its like the bottom of the ninth your bases are loaded two outs down to the last ticket you look annnnnnnnnnnnnd  its an out :( . You say I missed it by one number but its still no good. Did you know that there are some professional baseball players that only have a batting avg of 250 that means they hit the ball once every 4 or 5 times their up to bat! yet they still get paid the big bucks.  realize your not going to get a home run every time but man oh man is it sweet when we hit it out of the park. :)

not sure if im playing am but dif. pm my normal #'s

 remember:  everybody brings joy, some when they come, some when they leave.


I had a real job this morning:) so I just let the lottery go this morning. I thought it wasn't going to be a good morning,I perdicted right my numbers did'nt come in. tonight it's mine baby! I'm not hoping to win I expect to win! (perv. blog)  I don't chase numbers, you  don't hit  the numbers like so many others say, they hit you!!! now is my time shine! playing my normal 100-109 and 001 -009 and 777. If i lived in Ohio 101-109 wil hit this week not sure if box or strg. but its coming. in ny I think 001-009 will come in but covering my bases with 100-109 $1.00 box but I'm playing 102 002 box and strg. I had a 80 winner earlier this week I'm still up and a win today will be sweet!

Entry #9

watching the 4 playing the 3

earlier today I said I was going to play 100-109 or 000-002 but noticed the play 4 came in 1003 so that used up the 0's so set out tonight except for 777 patience my friends patience. read a quote today that said,"God feeds the birds but doesn't put the food in the nest" so true.

Entry #8
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