billbo45's Blog

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Not today

 Why do we have this push to play everyday? we have our numbers  we like, we know  they don't come in every day but we try and push the numbers Thru! if we just have some patience and let the numbers hit us, we will save some money and  add to our profits. I don't play every day and today is one of those days if 100-110 or 001-009  doesn't come in the AM I will play the evening. good luck to u.


sorry don't mean to misled I always play 777 even if I doon't play other #'s

Entry #7

This is why

If i hit   AM  I don't play pm. never have had many hits after a hit

I was looking at the 001-009 numbers if you look @ new york after 100-109 hits then the other set comes in not always but it seems to be a pattern so I will be playing that plus 777 most of the time I play 1.00 box but 777 str. to me 777 is a freebie  its going   to hit before I spend 500.00 . have a good night I had a great day lottery wise. Not getting rich but able to take Mrs. Sherry out to dinner this week.

Entry #6

I love it when a plan comes together !

we will see in about 20mins. but win or lose how much fun! My heart starts to pump (hope my heart meds hold up:) my wow body is effected by it. I think if you need to plays the numbers to live its not much fun and  you should get a job. Those of us who play for the thrill and the hunt of tracking down the right number and saying "nailed it"  find nothing better 2x's a day. I hope your excited and can even enjoy the game if your numbers don't hit. If not please evaluate why you play. playing my 100-109 777 206

 hit 108 box 1.00  awesome! sowing and reaping (look @ last post) oh   nailed it $80.00 just what I expected.


normally I don't play if i win in the am but tonight i'm playing 463 236 890 517 578 777 but if i went by feelings (Idon't) i would play 001 -009  numbers i almost always box 1.00 except 777 1.00 str. enjoy hope everyones a winner!

Entry #5

The Day Ends

Is it just me that has that let down feeling? I expect my numbers to come in! I don't play the numbers hoping they will come in I EXPECT them to win!

people say,"that's not going to happen" but why not,I get in my car drive down the road and expect to get to work and so do you. Why not expect to win every day,every drawing? you say, because that's not the way it works. I say it does! tomorrow is another day and you say good luck. I say I don't need it,  because of this rule of life:sowing and reaping. I've sowed and I received no fruit, that's not right of course there's fruit ! it's growing and tomorrow I will water my crop and this week it will come in, it has no choice!

Entry #4

monday ny numbers

since the 100-110 numbers didn't come in on the weekend I'm sticking with them.  I've also added 602 389  777 145 and 587 847  I really think the 100 -110 numbers will be out of order so im playing them box 1.00 and .50 str. the other numbers 1.00 strg. and 1.00 box

if i had to pick one # it would be 010 but thats just a guess. the double "00"  Shouldn't  come in until the 101- 110 numbers come in they almost always fall like that. yet, I think it just might with that combo.

               good luck and don't let me spend your money. your guess is as good as mine:)

since my numbers didn't come in this midday i am going  with the 100-109 1.00 box plus 777. i hate it when the number comes up and you look @ your system and you see that you would've won if you took a little more time because it was right there!!!!!!!!!! hence that's what i ment with my first blog.

Entry #3

time after time

The Clock and The Compass go hand in hand. This month give time to the things that are taking you to the place you want to go. Most of us here want to have fun and make some money, if your goal is just to make money then you will not be satisfied with it when you get it. I enjoy the thrill of picking a few numbers and getting it right! That doesn't  mean however I can just have fun, I also want to earn money! the two go hand in hand. So I have to watch the clock  and spend the time (learning). I have to look @ the compass to make sure i'm staying on course. we try so many systems that  we often find  ourselves running in circles (don't chase numbers) and hoping our numbers come in for no reason at all just blind luck! When we find ourselves in that place we are niether having fun nor making money! To fix this we must get back to "our" compass and "our" clock. Have a great day

Entry #2

Numbers NUmbers NUMbers

Observed a guy putting 5.00 in machine @ rite aid  for a pick 5, I ask him why he choose the lotto, His reply you never know. I thought the guy just threw away 5.00. playing the numbers is hard work if done right, enjoyable, yes!  nevertheless time and money have  to be used and the end result should be a reward for my work. Oct starts tomorrow I plan on working harder @ getting the right numbers. I treat playing the numbers no different then a job! This month I'm going to work hard and study and invest so @ the end of the month I can say, " It was a very good month"

Entry #1
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