NY evening numbers



I didn't earn any money mid day but really i'm just playing 777 100-109 box because i haven't put the time in this week. when it started I had great plans (best laid plans of mice and men) however, life got in the way.It's Saturday night and I decided to go with 100-109 box 2.00 and the person printing my tic. made a mistake 107 strgt. so I kept it.

My adorable wife plays the piano and shes practicing all the time, one day I said," practice makes perfect" her reply was ,"no, perfect practice makes perfect" and so with us, if we keep making the same mistakes over and over again when it's time to spend money to earn money we will not win. SO my friends on LP practice perfect!


lesson learned just because you play more money doesn't mean your numbers will come up :( ) it's a sad fact but one  that must be learned. everybody (thing ) is either an example or a warning.

Entry #20


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