billbo45's Blog

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Missed It By This Much Lol

NOTICE my numbers a couple blogs down I m so good i can pick the numbers around my number hey I'm in the right neighbourhood lol the one thing I noticed the world didn't stop. lol have a great night

Entry #37

just a thought

old Chinese proverb: 'The best time to plant a tree was twenty years back. The second best time is now'.

Entry #36

fun out of Halloween

didn't get tik for tonight this halloween thing ewe ok quite blaming others my fault,. could have gotten then when i played 664 but wanted to see what came in. have a happy halloween and good luk with ur numbers.

              I’ll bet living in a nudist colony takes all the fun out of Halloween.”

Entry #35

Be Wise

this week I want to be wise in my earning money this way. i think  a double is coming up for the mid day ny.(i don't play doubles) If I'm right I will play pm.

I have learned I don't have to play everyday but I have to play smart everyday. NY has am pm drawings I need to let the am setup the pm and the pm set up the am. If i do that I will win more, lose less. yes, i will miss some here and there but I will  have more in the end. When i trade stocks it takes a lot of Patience's and you can't just buy and hope it works out, you have to have a system that works for you. It's the same i noticed for numbers. I'm still trying to find the right system for me. I will find it! the box is going good but the stg8  not one time :( watch it will come in am lol

                     if i were going to pick numbers here they are: 664

                     012 016 019 024 025 035 036 037 039  046 049 059 068 078 079 089 099 126 137 138 146 148 268      269  246 347 356 358 367 389 469 479 578

      Thomas edison, Steve Jobs all failed but kept working, I will never be either of those man but I can have that same drive.

played 664 ..........50 cents box just because

Entry #34

So excited

I earned more money this week then ever 80.00 that's awesome still in the hole but I earned money 2x's. thats so awesome I didn't lose as much as before. all in all good week. see you guys Monday have a great night. oh fyi I only had a 100.00 lost this week. tuition is getting cheaper.

Entry #33

I'm so happy

hit box ny 623 i will take it as i used my earnings from a perv. win to buy the tix. any way I can play again I only make 9.00 on the win but as long as i can use their money to play you never know when a sgt8 will come in. :)

Entry #32


Everybody pays it one way or another. when i was learning how to trade stocks I read some books watched the market but in the end I still made a lot of mistakes that cost me money,Tuition. when I started selling on amazon I bought a lot of stuff that didn't sell or paid way too much for it and sold at a lose.Tuition.Everything has a learning  curve. no doubt I've made mistakes learning to play the Numbers such as: who is posting numbers just to get you to buy, who is sincere but numbers are no better then mine and those who know what they are doing and I can gleam from them, thank you Mrs dufflebag. There are no short cuts in life what you do in life  has a learning curve. So don't be discouraged in a area of your life that you feel you are failing remember your just paying Tuition:)

Entry #31

love weds!

It's the middle of the week I get to see in which my direction is going. If it's going good i stay on course if it's going bad I don't have to continue with it! I earned a box in NY yesterday. I didn't play in the AM so I was good for the day. not playing am today will wait and see what comes up then decide. I have turned the corner but still have alot of making up to do,looking for that strgt. 1.00 to turn it around.

Hope your week is going good and remember

If things go wrong, don't go with them. -Roger Babson

Entry #30

rainy days and monday ...but

Here we go had a bad week last week for the first time in a long time went in the hole. I was thinking what in the world are you doing!? I know my numbers are good and I'v back checked them. over the whole year and they are winners! I was thinking why is this happening and i thought throw in the towel but i remember all the stocks i bought anyone remember xtel?  broke. bought rite aid for 20.00 a share now its under 5 last time i looked and I could go on and on. when i opened a copy shipping store 10 years ago yea bust. last week I went in the hole 180. wow big deal I lost 2,500 I invested in rite aid. so whats 180.00 nothing one strgt. and i'v got it back ! no one wants to lose but you have to keep them in perspective. have a great day

what do you do when you find yourself in a hole? stop digging

Entry #29

saturday in the park

  the heading well this has nothing to dowith the post,  just the song running though my head. i got my numbers this morning but seeing that i'm in the hole and the numbers didn't come up i played 50/50 don't want to miss the stg. It's been a rough   week for my new numbers but i'm sticking with them. I know their good ones. I like the saying,"you  may be attached to your numbers but your numbers aren't attached to you " so true.

have a great day good luck remember the harvest is around the corner don't quit watering now.

Entry #28

Got Numbers:)

I hate this time of year the weather is changing from summer to winter. I hate change even if it 's for my own good. I had to change my numbers this week but I don't like playing 43.00 a day to earn 40 because when the numbers don't hit yours than when you wim it's even. I know I have great numbers and I've only played a couple times this week I won once lost once and now today will be the deciding day. Good luck to all, if you planted the seed watered the seed then you can expect some fruit!

Entry #27

the whole or the piece

my numbers have never gone 5 drawings without coming in until tonight!!!!!!!!!!!

makes me mad but... we look at the whole pie not the piece.We have to pay attention to the piece and if there's a bad one you throw it out. When my wife is baking or making something for a pot luck or holiday dinner if it doesn't work out she doesn't say," I quit!" no see starts all over until she gets it right! why? because she knows the event is going to happen whether she is ready or not. I believe my numbers are coming in and I will get payed if I don't give up!!! look at the guy who won 65,000 on the daily four I think i read it was 2 years since his win... whats one piece when I know the rest of the pie is getting baked!!!

Entry #26

todays the day

Well got my numbers in for tonight should've played strgt. but 1.00 box. good luck to all

Entry #25

Good busy day (9:30 just got home.)

never played so it was good, my #'s didn't come in! when i was a little boy I was helping my dad with something or other can't remember but he told me don't do it to hard it will brake. sometimes you just have to take life the way it comes and not push it. Have a great night.

Entry #24

I did IT!

I told Mrs sherry that i was going to make dinner last night and it turned out great! and not only that but my new numbers came in:) don't you love it when you have a great day! but today is a new day and no man knows what a day brings. 3 things you can do to  have a great day.

1. live above your circumstances. this too shall pass.

2. attitude have a good one

3. think right. think about those thinks which are true, lovely, pure.

as a man thinks so is he. book by Allen free on line somewhere small great read

one more don't look at what you had but look forward  at what you will have.

good luck with your numbers i didn't play am but will pm unless they come in am.


Entry #23
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