goal for the week



I am not going to be able to post tonight so I thought I'd share with you my goal for my lottery winnings this week. $800 IS MY GOAL. That may not be alot for you guys but for me it will be the most in one week! here's my plan:

1. I know I can't make the numbers come in strgt. or box

2. I know on avg. my numbers  hit 2 x's a week for an avg of 160.00

3. play more numbers

4. play same numbers but instead of 1.00 box i will need to increase it to @ lest 2.00

5. play different games with more play off i.e. the 4's

not one of these will get me to 800.00 unless my 777 comes in but not holding my breath on that.

any thing I do will take me out of my comfort zone but the rewards will be there!

what are you doing different to get you to your destiny?

Entry #17


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