billbo45's Blog

same boat

well no nobody has answered my "?" so I guess i will keep going    Smile

Entry #52

the old song should i stay or should i go - the clash

I really am  at a turning point I really stink  at this and unless I start to do better....  I like to do this but its no fun when you don't make money. my "?" is how long did you play the daily numbers before you made a profit? thanks

Entry #51

in case u don't have these

top doubles

001 002 003 004 007 008 009 112 113 115 117 118 119 122 177 188 199 223 224 228 229 233 244 255 266 277 288 299 334 338 339 344 366 377 388 446 447 448 449 477 488 499 557 558 559 667 668 677 688 699 779 788 799 889 899
Entry #50

heres some info that u might like

not org with me i thought i posted these but I can't remeber but here are the 2digit combo  that come up the most.

06 08 15 17 19 24 26 28 35 37 39 46 48
Entry #49


one of these should come in but hey u never know its ny.

014 015  017 019 023 027 039 045 047 049 089 125 124 127 139 147 149 278 345 347 357 368 456  458 489 567 569
not putting any extra on 089 today watch it come in stg8
bad week :( but next week we'll get em. i swear i should live by my own advice and play the list that comes in the most.
Entry #48

afternoon 9th

there goes that trend on the doubles am,am. I didn't play this morning cause thats how they roll. tonight I'm playing my list
014 015  017 019 023 027 039 045 047 049 089 125 124 127 139 147 149 278 345 347 357 368 456  458 489 567 569
the doubles can show up pm drawing remeber they like to repeat what repeat what repeat.......................

good luck to all hopefully str8 but if not I will play with their money.
Entry #47

pm numbers ny

posted 1:50 ny time
pm numbers remember in ny doubles tend to come together:(
still playing 089,189
Entry #46

8th of feb12

I will only be playing 089 and 108 today. here is a list of the doubles that come in the most not org. with me. I don't play doubles:) have a great day hope these help you.

001 002 003 004 007 008 009 112 113 115 117 118 119 122 177 188 199 223 224 228 229 233 244 255 266 277 288 299 334 338 339 344 366 377 388 446 447 448 449 477 488 499 557 558 559 667 668 677 688 699 779 788 799 889 899.

 we all know you don't hit the numbers they hit you. here's the  dilemma- do you play 26 numbers and win 40 or 290 or do you play one number for 20.00 and when it hits ur in the money? I try both as the list of numbers I use come in every 3 days, the off days I play 089 10.00 that way I don't miss when it comes in and hopefully it comes in straight. 
Entry #45

todays numbers for ny


278 347 

456 018
193 came in i will take it
just playing o18 017 and 089  evening
Entry #44

3rd feb

hit box in ny yesterday pm :)

playing these again but looking @ 139 and 089 as my double down in the near.

014 015  017 019 023 027 039 045 047 049 089 125 124 127 139 147 149 278 345 347 357 368 456  458 489 567 569
here is the short list
023   047  127 139 147 278 347 357 368 456 
shorter list
278 347 
but then again doubles can rear their ugly head :(

Entry #43

2nd feb

hit box am on the 1st ny (017 :)

014 015   017 019 023 027 039 045 047 049 089 125 124 127 139 147 149 278 345 347 357 368 456  458 489 567 569
Entry #42

heres my play for the 30th evening

014 015  017 019 023 027 039 045 047 049 089 125 124 127 139 147 149 278 345 347 357 368 456  458 489 567 569 but i really think 11- is coming in  in the next couple of days
Entry #40


happy thanksgiving

Entry #39

steve jobs

I watched Steve jobs give his address to Stanford students the other day. (youtube) He said this,"when we started in the garage" the old saying Disney started with just a mouse is so true. I wonder today what I will start that will grow from a mouse or from a garage that will determine the rest of my life. just a thought. my numbers today

 012 016 017 019 279

Entry #38
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