jarasan's Blog

Excess deaths, this is just more hard evidence the jab is poison.

Devastating the lives of everyone.  I know a couple, early thirties, both jabbed boosted etc., just had a baby....premature on the extreme edge 30 weeks, they are stressed to say the least. The baby has made it to 34 weeks and hopefully will be breathing on its own very soon. I have another older friend jabbed boosted 70 yo. yesterday he said to me my "body is deteriorating fast" he could barely keep his eyes open doctors every week.....he was fine beginning of 2021...I know post jab heart attacks, embolisms etc.....the jab is poison.


Entry #2,113

How the world sees the VP of America.

Stolen elections and identity politics are having devastatingly destructive effects on our once great nation. Whoever actually voted for these scoundrel demoncRATS should be ashamed of yourselves. Hard to watch this if you love your country.

Entry #2,112

Of course the laptop is real, and yes they are a sick criminal family of grifters and perverts.


from the piece:

"Why was it unsubstantiated? Because of willful ignorance and the Times’ curious lack of curiosity. Hunter’s business partner Tony Bobulinski came forward immediately after The Post’s reports and confirmed that the emails bearing his name were legitimate. The Bidens didn’t even deny it was true! They just deflected, with the media’s help, saying it was a dirty trick or not a story. Mostly, the press just ignored it."

The big guy is a crook, makes Nixon look like St. Francis of Assisi.

Entry #2,111