jarasan's Blog

Closer to 30%.

After that press conference he made one thing clear about all demoncRATS, even with facts, truths, and reality they are never wrong.  Just like in good ole' Mortal Kombat, FATALITY! Nov. 2022 will be the end of this nasty angry cabal forever. The demoncRATS already be jumping ship.....


One of President Trump's appointments came through!!!!!!


This is what illegitimacy got us, a GD senile potato headed plagiarist, liar, and grifter.

Entry #2,058

Here is the reason they hate President Trump.

Clearly politicians are liars and thieves, stealing tax dollars, paying themselves, and never having to account for anything. They can't handle being exposed as the loser criminal a$$holes they truly are.


Entry #2,052

Does your grocery store look like this?

Never ever, even after massive storms have I seen empty shelves like this. These are refrigerated items but there are empty spaces on all the aisles. Let's go Brandon!!!!

No Bananas today!

Only chocky milk!!!!Well

you don't have to eat your meat for your pudding.  This is the result of fraudulent elections and an inept illegitimate regime.  Repubics are bad but demoncRATS are dangerous and need to be removed ASAP.

Entry #2,048