jarasan's Blog

Jim Breuer Very funny!!

He is a hoot and is spot on!!!!!!!!! That is the root of all good comedy making light of reality. He nails it.

The "Pandemic"

Entry #2,194

The snowball effect, joepedo is illegitimate, Wisconsin county decertifies.

That grifter joepedo is illegitimate and everyone knows it.


This administration must be ejected and replaced with the legitimate one, all the treasonous SOB's that perpetrated this coup need visits to the gallows.

The world would rise like a Phoenix out of the ashes of this NWO crap and become prosperous and peaceful as it is was before these basturds stole the US 2020 election.

The left's greatest nightmare:


We need you more than ever!!!!!! Send up the GEOTUS signal!!!!!!

Entry #2,191

Undeniable proof joepedo and crackhead are partners in grifting.

This is beyond hearsay anymore, these pieces of human excrement need to go.  Anybody that supports a government that allows joepedo to run this country is criminal and are guilty of treason. The doj and the rest of these partisan hack agencies are un American and should be ashamed.



Entry #2,190

joepedo's notes.

For God's sake, please God in heaven above please strike down upon these evil leftists destroying our country and give us the courage to defeat them so they never return.

This is mind numbing that we still have a functioning republic....


We are in a bad place. Stolen elections have consequences.

He is a sock puppet talking dummy.

Entry #2,189

My neighbor.

She is young, early 30's, two young kids and a husband....in the hospital with shingles outbreak on the side of her face and eyes, and has lymphoma. Praying and hoping she gets better.

Those 'vaccinations' are destroying lives.

Sad Wavey

Entry #2,185