jarasan's Blog

Tennessee Whiskey w/ Dovydas.

His symbol is the 45 record insert, but I believe that is before his time. He plays outside and has millions of views because he very talented, gets the audiences involved, and  chooses music everybody loves.

Entry #2,250

Faux news is gaslighting they didn't push the jabs!!

That GD Marc Seigal, Hannity, Cavuto, John Roberts, Stu Varney, the whole lot of them were pushing that crap for almost 2 years.  They must be seeing projection stats like GR Ridge and myself have been posting, the sh1t is going to get very ugly, very quickly, again, I hope you haven't been jabbed. That Marc Seigal doctor is a shill for pharma, f him.


This guy's eyes have been opened, and he was a proponent, the numbers are real,I hope you haven't been jabbed. Gotta hand it to Kilmead, he went against the management.

They are walking this back because of liabilities.

Entry #2,247

James O'Keefe doing some 'splaining to CSpan interviewer

Excellent video, Mr. O'Keefe is a bringer of transparency and truth, it is absolutely merited what he does. He has put himself on the front line of enlightenment, at the same time sacrificing his freedom to bring light to darkness.

7 minutes worth the watch:

Entry #2,246

5000% wrap that around your head.

By years end 5000% increase in mortality, now it is at 1100%+ aren't you glad you got the jabs??? He compares it to be given aids. He is a lawyer with an insurance company.

Entry #2,240