hypersoniq's Blog

Who wants to trade excel state P3/P4 data?

I have FULL histories in excel for the PA pick3/pick4 evening and daytime numbers

Date/Draw as a combo/first digit/2nd digit/3rd digit/ (for p4) 4th digit

looking to trade for ANY other state's FULL history in excel or open office (or text file) format. Let's get a "developer's exchenge" going for these numbers in excel format...

FULL history only.

drop a line to hypersoniq@comcast.net

or PM here.

maybe once I have the "full set" I can post them at my website (if it's still even there) so that developers can have access to histories better than what most state websites let you have

for example, Arizona only shows last 180 days and south carolina makes you search by month and year (going back to march 2002 would take forever AND it's not in an eays cut/paste format)

thanks in advance for anyone willing to participate.

P.S. I'll trade any new lists I get,but for now I only have PA.

Entry #183

Powerball Ideas

I am in the process of adapting LRS v3 to the powerball, this is going to take MONTHS! It works against the long range of p3/p4 games, so I hope it fits the bill for powerball.

While planning that major software overhaul... I got to thinking about an old idea I had for playing the powerball to cover all the white balls.

It would take 11 tickets to cover ALL 55 white balls, with your best guesses for the red ball... but that's not organized enough.

perhaps once I get done the lrsv3 transformation, I will look into a spreadsheet to generate these 11 lines based on the one line that lrs will spit out... definitely worth a paper test anyway.

I had a few good weeks recently with 2 consecutive 3+0 and 3 1+1 hits with the powerplay ranging from 3 to 5, adding the LRS win from april, I'm still just hanging on to a slight profit this year... first year in awhile...

by continuing my one ticket per game thru DEC-2007 I should end up $15 in the black,  ANY hit between now and then only helps the situation ;-)

therefore I will most likely NOT play any p3/p4 forthe rest of the year so I can have a shot at winning the year.

I might still throw 'em on the prediction board once in awhile just to watch in amazement and/or horror at how my pa picks like to hit everywhere BUT pa...

Entry #182

LRS v3 done for 3/4 of PA

got mid/eve p3 and eve p4... gotta get midp4 done... then look for predictions for p3 and p4 this week...

Entry #181

V3 of LRS just about done

Considering a pick4 (pa eve) test...


Got a new theory or 2 to try that makes v2 different from v3.

V1 on pick4 couldn't beat the game, v2 did (4 straight hits) but gaps too long (higher number of box hits, but that's not what I'm after)... hoping v3 makes p4 a better bet

Entry #180

When systems collide...

I finallyfigured out how to combine LRS and PROfile into one system that is fully backtestable and results in just one number to play.

Calling it LRS V2

OVerall comparison

LRS = 15 hits in 10,500+ games (straights) net result lost money over the entire history... 1 hit this year

LRSV2 = 51 hits in 10,500+ games (straights) net result is all your play money back PLUS 15,000 bux.... 3 hits this year!

What's next for LRSV2?

1) PA evening pick4

2) PA mid-day games

3)(once I have the templates down for PA) ALL STATES!

that's right, I want the ability to post to all states with different numbers for each individual game...

but for now just PA, test to come soon, once the massive undertaking in VB and excel is complete... this will give me the ability to look ahead for at least 1 month for any game...

4)FINALLY realize the power of wrapping LRSV2 around the big ticket games like PB (no test posted for that one however)

LRS seems good in all states BUT pa (I got decent pick3 prediction stats!)

LRSv2 seems good in PA!

going to drop the $1 bet in PA and change to .50 cent bets on lrs and lrsv2 side-by-side for this month.

oh the possibilities I see for LRSv2...

Entry #179

LRS Picks PA pick3 EVE for September...

Entry #178

Getting ready for the next LRS pick 3 test

Sept.1 to Sept.30 2007

I will re-run the LRS program using the results from fri. aug.30.

shortly thereafter (before 10pm 8/31/07) I will post my picks to this blog for the entire month of September.

Things to keep in mind.

1.) I re-run LRS every friday night, so the list MAY change, if it does, updates for remaining picks will be posted that night

2.) LRS has gone COLD since April's win, so don't expect much

3.) I will post them to the prediction board for "All-States" since they do better everywhere else but PA.

4.) Entertainment only,blah blah blah...

I'm generally the only fool that plays my picks

I am expecting this test to result in me donating $30 to older pennsylvanians, but the funding for this test is made possible by the fact that I put new restrictions on playing the Cash5 and Match6

Cash5 MUST equal or exceed 500,000 (means I may play 2 tickets tops the rest of the year) and Match6 MUST exceed 5,000,000 (means I may NEVER play M6 again!)

We're planning on moving to South Carolina by Next August regardless, so my personal goal is to win the powerball 5+0 or 5+1 by the end of may 2008... that's the only way we get beachfront, otherwise it's a double-wide at best... LRS tests on pick 3 are the best way I have to tweak the system... those tweaks filter DIRECTLY to powerball, so here's hoping!

I amposting pre-test numbers just for fun to all states

today (sun.8/26/2007) 0-9-2

mon. 5-1-5

tue. 8-1-7

wed. 6-9-8

thurs. 8-1-9

fri. 2-1-3

good luck, watch formy prediction stats to either soar or flatline by sept. 30  ;-)

Entry #177

The magic number...


that'show much you need in a CDARS to get 1,000,000 a year AFTER INTEREST TAXES.

THAT is the easiest income stream you can have.

My plan for if when I win the PB tonight and get that $91,000,000...

$50,000,000 CDARS account that never gets touched... will provide 1.3M a year to live off of.

$10,000,000 individual accounts for myself and the mrs. (that way I don't have to worry about the dreaded kybosh when I get my seaplane when my 10 yr old son turns 18)

$14,000,000 for each of 3 kids to be paid beginning at age 21

A) $1,000,000 "getting started" money

B)$700 a week disbursed to their checking accounts until age 60

C) A 100,000 IRA with an additional $100 a week contribution until they retire

will cost 4 mill and change for each child, but they will then be set for life, they can take a job they WANT. (wish I had that!)

the last 6M goes to pay off debts and buy that beach house!


Entry #176

LRS got me $15 on PB!

called 12 as PB, 12 came up... white balls not so good however.

I'll take it, bout time LRS got me some coin on powerball

testing the pick3 and cash5 and match 6, I saved bux dropping them for sure.

This win basically pays for my september pick3 LRS test! Those numbers will be posted to my blog (for the whole month of september, all at once) on aug 31. I will be continuing then, my experiment of posting the september LRS picks for "all states" to boost my prediction stats. Apparently the numbers work better in Illinois, Iowa and South Carolina than they do in PA.

IF september works in all states, I might look into getting an online acct... can you still get them? is Betslips still the best place?

WATCH my pick for tonight (and midday) in all states... 1-6-6, this is SUPPOSED to be for PA pick3 eve only, but you never know...

Entry #175

my prediction stats got better!

too bad it was for "All States" pick 3

I posted my LRS PA eve pick for all states.

gonna try a big test of that in september, posting my LRS picks for all states.

maybe I should have gotten an online account... we will see at the end of september, cool to have made it on 2 of the "top predictors" lists tho (lifetime and 30 day prize ratios)

Entry #174

LRS redone

Shifted from the "long range" to "short range" tie arbitration

it changed my PB red ball pick...

after exhaustive testing, the New Matrix data with LRS produced more "hits" than using the full range, so I can finally archive the full range version to the thumb drive.

new arbitration rule also changed the Match6 data, but the Cash5 and PA Pick3 eve. data remaqined the same.

I will be posting pick3 numbers here on the blog for the entire month of september on day of august (A friday night). Unless lady luck looks my way, I will NOT be actually playing them, but you never know... I think I might throw the LRS pick for tonight into the all-states mix just to see what happens.

for PA it's supposed to be 2-3-1 tonight...

I might try an interesting experiment by posting the LRS pick each day for all 50 states... just to see what happens to my dismal prediction stats...

BTW just informed by Todd that I hit "Veteran" status as a poster... Cool!


PB database is finished, next step is to create a sheet similar to the old PRO-File sheet that I got sick of updating...

that's it for now...

Entry #173

Finally figured out backtesting of PRO-File...

Going to "backtest" profile by making it a database in Access, then I can gather info by date-range and see if the stats available at the time before the next to the last draw indicated the winning number in any way... that will allow fine-tuning nad help point to the important metrics...


wonder if I can recall how to spit query outputs to an excel sheet for analysis...


Entry #172

pick 3 vertical pairs

experimenting with automation worked... still no backtesting, would probably need a VB routine or database for that.

The basic idea is to look at the numbers drawn last night (example 3-2-6) and the numbers drawn tonight (example 4-7-8). this yields the positional vertical pairs

P1 = 34

P2 = 27

P3 = 68

I created a chart that fills itself in when you add draws (using excel, also works in open office). the first row contains 00 thru 99, the columns are from 0-9 for each position... so, you would look in the first position in the row for "34" to see the highest count of the followers 0-9.

still devising a backtest, but it does yield an interesting chart AND was a great exercise in formula creation with creative cell-referencing.

more on this if I can develop a backtest...

Entry #171

prediction vs. guessing

PREDICTION: A statement foretelling the possible outcome(s) of an event, process, or experiment, based on observations, experience, and scientific reasoning.

GUESS: A statement foretelling the possible outcome(s) of an event, process, or experiment based on conjecture and intuition.

simple  enough

Entry #170

a tale of 3 systems... pick3 pix for tonight in PA

there are 3 systems I am paper-playing for tonight...

1 is the venerable LRS, my only winning system to date (and it only madememoney once)

2 is the newly added "Matrix" system

3 is a re-formulated vertical pair system

If I actually play one it will be #1, but here they go

(LRS) 2-3-9

(matrix) 3-4-0

(VP) 4-8-7

I am taking august "off" from all but the powerball, but whichever gets closest may be slated for a september test. IF it is the LRS that wins the little contest, then i will post the whole chart here august 31st. Time for an OPEN test.

gonna throw these in predictions for tonight (if it's working... cleared my cache...)

Entry #169