hypersoniq's Blog

June picks off to a no start

LRS gave me almost everything I wanted in a system...

one pick

used draw history

backtested well (better than any other system I have tried) without being a system where "hindsight" can adversely color the data

the ONLY thing missing is a win!

Now, Pick3 had 1 $500 win... but to play until the next backtested hit average I would have to spend over $450 of it to "maybe" hit again... I quit that game and I can say I beat one!

Pick4 had zero straight hits and only one box, I dropped that one too mostly because the backtest was poor compared to others.

Which leaves me with June's rag-tag collection of Cash5, Match6 and Powerball. Not even a single $1 hit on cash5 this month so far. Unlike the smaller games, the jackpot system only needs to work once...

July's test is finalized already... it's

Powerball every draw

Cash5 only on a roll-over (should save at least $15 or more next month)

Match6 ONLY when the after-tax prize is about $1,000,000 ($1,550,000 advertised)... this means if it's hit I may not play at all, and if it rolls thru june I could be in all month because it's almost that now.

In august I look at the cash5 and match 6... I will tally the money spent vs. the money won (if any) and the highest one stays for august... if they both go cold for june and july,they BOTH go... then it's back to just the powerball for me.

Entry #153

A Sunday of programming/data analysis

I am re-running each LRS chain program for C5, M6 and PB... just to make sure I have the latest data.

I have removed the p3/p4 LRS sheets to the thumb drive archive and I am quite pleased with the $60 I will save by not playing pick3/pick4 this month.

with Chain Reaction, I ran the million seed test for the first number, took only 2 minutes  to complete on this old PC (ran comparison on the "family pc"- the good one everyone else uses...that took only 21 seconds and gave the exact same results, so I guess the game is on...) now I have to find a uniform count increment to try and find the best match. I will run each seed through a 2000 count loop to generate a list of picks, this will be compared to the draw results... There are 973 integer seeds from 1 to 1,000,000 that generate the first number drawn on the mid-day pick3... NONE of them correspond to a date or system time variable, so it's a blind hunt from here on in. I am going to load them into an array and prequalify which ones match the second number, then run each of those (if any) for the 2000 draw test.

looks to be a looong day

No positive results from the june test yet.

Entry #152

June... gearing up for LRS round 2

May was a bust... $101 spent (from april's $500 fluke win) $4 won (all on PA cash5)

June gets cheaper... Tonight 1/5 on cash5, 0/6 on match 6... cost to play $3

tomorrow is another $3 day... then sun. and mon. only $1 ;-)

June cost will be $66 (again, from april's $500). Then for July I will be back to spending my own money, so more cutbacks will be made.

"paper" testing of scenarios on the Chain Reaction program are ongoing, again... no live tests planned unless I get AmAzInG backtest results (like 1 hit a month). This program is constantly changing... The first full run is testing the first 3 combos drawn in the PA mid-day daily number (pick3).... finding ALL integer seeds from one to a Million that produce that number... then they will be compared in excel to look for similarities.

If that produces desireable results, the program will be set to generate a year beyond the most recent draw. IF this works I will keep the output (a.k.a. "the List") as guarded as a winning powerball ticket. I want to beat them at their own game... I do not know if it can even be done, but if it can, I WILL do it, and most likely by summer's end. The actual live test criteria would be EVERY draw matches, but I might play around if it backtests 1 hit a month (rather than the 1 hit every 1.5 years of LRS). Think of the possibilities...

If the list works on a monthly basis, it would pay for month-long tests of ALL the games

If the list works on a weekly basis, it would fund "Jack"ing every powerball draw (like Jack Whittaker... play 100 QP's to win the PB)

Let's not even dare to imagine the list would exactly match... I would have to play musical retailers to keep making tax-free bucks


Seriously, it is keeping me sharp with VB AND excel, more so than LRS even.

I can't wait to see how LRS handles South Carolina pick3/4/palmettoC5 numbers.

Dusted off an old idea from back in the heyday... According to some, wishing is accomplished thru lucid visualization. So I saved a copy of the powerball numbers results page and tweaked the code so that my numbers appear with the date I will play them... Even made the scrolling marquee read "One winner in the state of Pennsylvania..." and reset the jackpot amounts to $15 Million Annuity and $7.1 Million Cash

Now before I update sheets or go online to "window shop" for Myrtle Beach direct oceanfront beach "palaces" that I could never afford... I point the browser to my local copy of the "dream results" page.

It's as lucid a visualization as I can muster. Glad my HTML skillz aren't going to waste :-(

I might try this with the palottery page to "wish" those Cash5 and Match6 numbers. And that is about as Mystical as I get... Sounds stupid,I know... but there are no negative effects to channeling positive energy... right?

oh well... back to my spreadsheets...

Entry #151

Last day for the Pick3/4 LRS experiment...

no hits... st. or box (on big 4) and no P3 hits.

Cash5 won a total of $4 (unless tonight adds more, and I doubt it)

Powerball won zip, but has the dream prize, so that's in for June

June test will be Cash5, Match6 and Powerball

July test will be Cash5 on at least one rollover, Match6 on at least 1,000,000 and powerball

and august it's back to just the PB.

Was fun to play all the games, glad I don't do it all the time tho.

Entry #150

LRS benefit list (psyching myself up)

Contemplating LRS, waiting for another win... Here is what I see as the benefits of this particular system...

A) Auto-ranging. Because it comes directly from past draws IN POSITION you don't have to filter out numbers that have never been drawn in that position. It will never call 01 as the second number or 54 as the third number.

B) Built-In Randomness. It uses the history, therefore the same source of observed /entropy as the game itself.

C) One Line. It only picks one line to play, very economical.

D) Already Optimized. No error-correction or delta needed.

E) It embraces Coincidence. That's what it counts! How many times has X happened.

F) It is back-testable. I can see how it did already, a key indicator in when NOT to play as much as what to play and when to play it.

G) I created it from a clean sheet. Leverages both VB6 and Excel skills, so I don't get too rusty in either one. NOT based on someone else's idea or commercial software.

H) It already worked! $503 to date won, $185 spent since adopting LRS... that's positive gain! AND it will get cheaper as I Eliminate games like the pick3/4 next month.

I spent $8 today... $1 on pick3, $1 on pick4, $2 on Cash5 (Phase1 vs. Phase2), and $4 on Powerball (Phase1 vs. Phase2)...I used to drop $10 on each PB drawing. I have made progress in cost-to-play!

the phases will be decided tonight, then I will be back down to $5 on a powerball or match6 day... After cutting the pick3/4, I will be down to $15 a week total! (7*Cash5($7), 2*Match6($4),2*Powerball/powerplay($4))

AND come july, it's the next phase of cuts... Cash5 only on jackpots of 200,000, match 6 only on draws of 1,000,000... I'll always have one ticket in the powerball. I am glad to be done with the QPs.

Maybe that will psych me up! 


Entry #149

the "idea well" is running low...

trying to come up with new systems or variations on existing systems is a mentally draining experience... some days or weeks you are just FULL of ideas, then times like right now, zip..zero...nada.

I work with chain reaction but not whole-heartedly because I have no intention of playing the mid-day games. Seed Hunting is BORING.

LRS test will need to wait until the draw results for tonight (Phase1 vs. Phase2). Next month I will be down to Cash5/Match6/Powerball and the following month, since I will be using my own cash again, I'm back to just the powerball.

I have nothing else... I tried to optimize and error correct LRS, but that's basically built-into the system, it's already as good as it gets (and it hasn'tbeen that good lately).

I am contemplating a cheap wheel system, 5 lines (one PB betslip) using the LRS pick as the DN source... I might call it a "Training Wheel", but I don't really do wheels (the whole "one ticket per game" thing).

I don't know what to do next for system development... LRS was my magnum opus because it actually worked once (just once). I have been thru filters, statistics, skips, pairs, v-tracs, LRS, PRO-file, someof Ian Saliu's stuff, WINhunter, Neural Networks, Angles(using Auto-CAD), The Chief's "Bell Curve", A wacky system that never got anywhere based on the Periodic table of elements, tons of workout systems (such as 111), and a few others I have already forgotten (like the goofy MIDI based "numbers to notes" program I wrote to try and "Hear" the next sequence)...

I need new ideas, new stones to turn over, new places to look...

Anyone have any ideas? From the above list, NOTHING is too "out there"...

My only criteria is

A) must result in one playable ticket only

B) must be back-testable

but if it's not, it can be modified, so olet the ideas flow...

Entry #148

parallel test of LRS Phase1 and Phase2

running the highest hits vs. most previous draws eliminated...

this weekend on PB and cash5.

percentage increases were not as high as I had hoped... another test tomorrow perhaps, but I'm tested out for tonight.

LRS phase 1 seems to indicate 06 will re-emerge as PB (back-to-back)...

LRS phase 2 gives the nod to PB of 02 (indicating a possible palindrome 02-06-02...)

BOTH are in agreement that 08 will be among the white balls (the ONLY thing they can seem to agree on)

Thumb drive has backup of BOTH phases.

I will begin working on the refinements for "Chain Reaction" for mid-day P3 tomorrow... no live tests are planned...

P3/P4 eve will not make it onto the June Test schedule... that will most likely be confined to Cash5/Match6/Powerball with a grand total cost-to-play of $66 for the month. (running out of that lucky pick3 win money... may be back to just PB for July)

Oh well, it was fun while it lasted...

on the bright side, no systems retirement for me in dec.


Entry #147

"Back in the Saddle"... next system under development...

"Chain Reaction"... this will replace my "coincidizer" from years back...

The Goal: find the RNG seeding scenario that matches the MOST hits in PA's computer drawn mid-day pick3

The Challenges: picking a 3 digit number with =999*rnd() or a series of 3 digits with =9*rnd()

Done so far... using the numeric value of the excel draw date as a seed, the first scenario (999*rnd()) has already been run through a VB6 Seed-controlled RNG and compared in excel... there are 1500 draws... 4 hits were produced... this beats the game for backtesting, but I'm NOT satisfied with just 4... Seed Controlling means you call RANDOMIZE(<your number>) rather than RANDOMIZE(TIMER)... this will repeat the sequence on subsequent runs.

To do... seed hunting. THIS is what that whole "lotto synch" was SUPPOSED to accomplish. They used 3 draws, I will use the entire draw history (could take DAYS to run but if it works...) I am optimizing the code to run as clean and fast as possible. Coincidizer only used 5 past draws when seed hunting. I want to blend the individual programs so I can sweep seeds and generate test results from the same UI.

My early prediction is that it can't be done, but remember I like to try EVERYTHING.

Entry #146

Phase 2 of LRS... Data Analysis

LRS started as a simple way to get the most bang for a buck, one shot-done.

I finally figured out what to ask the computer and how to interpret the answer... but in this case, maybe the biggest number isn't the best.

LRS is fully optimized to deliver the highest occurrence of a repeating sequence OVER THE ENTIRE DRAW HISTORY... what If I start eliminating the top of the history list? The further back I go, draws must come off of the top because you would not have had that info when the game started.

I need to set a baseline and perhaps come within maybe 90% of the "Highest" number and get farther back. If 200 draws back matches 1000 times and eliminates 200 of 10000 draws, that leaves a 10.2% hit rate... wow, an RNG can match that with no problem... now, if 1500 draws back, 900 matches occur... we go up by .2% what about 4200 draws back catching 900 hits? (this is per position, not paying hits) that's 15.5% and better than the base RNG...

I MUST run this tomorrow night... going to try with all the games and shoot for the highest PERCENT of hits, but staying within 90% of that position's current hit count.

Also, only a few days to go before dropping the pick3/4 from june's scheduled test. Will run cash5 (so far the only producer in the may test), Match6 and Powerball.

Entry #145

LRS system picks for PA pick3/4 eve till may 31st!!!

Dumping the system for pick3/4 next month unless a hit is produced...

I'm sharing what I have for the rest of the month starting right now...

These are the "rules"

1. pick3 Straight Only (I play $1 st.)

2. pick4 straight or boxed (I play one 50 cent ticket each way)

3. EVENING draws only.


5. For Entertainment only...blah blah blah

6. Each number good for just one draw,the date listed...

have fun and good luck. No hits from this list means I am "retiring" fromthe daily games while I still have some of that $500 left from last month.


Entry #144

P3/P4 was fun, but...

May proving to be a tough month. Only hits so far are for $1 on Cash5 twice.

June is shaping up to just include Cash5/Match6/Powerball only... Drops total test cost to $66 (Down from $186 to include the P3/P4 Mid/Eve)...

But may is not over yet...

TONS of testing done tonight... Definitely ruling out LoopRS in favor of LRS for ALL games. Next tests up for P3 will be the classic 111 workout, but only one number results and it's added to LRS pix, not straight draw history.

Only reason I'm adding the Match6 is because of very promising backtesting, loads of 3/6 hits.

I need to study up on the "Offset" function in excel before implementing a "row shift" test on P3 to try and backtest for better hit frequency... AND I need to construct just the right "IF" statement for testing the 111 theory.

Can't believe I met my entire weekend's programming/testing goals inone night! That VB took what would have been months down to mere minutes.

I have been kicking around the idea of dusting off my old "Coincidizer" seed-hunting program and unleashing it on the mid-day data now that it's over 1500 draws in PA... Time will tell.

B.T.W. ZERO advantage to entering DRAW ORDER powerball data... each position tests higher using SORT ORDER data.

Off to run one more test tonight... to see how many times the powerball could have been called from the white balls... will take >34 times to make me take notice...

Good Luck all "weekend warriors" :-)

Entry #143

Next Steps with LRS

Time to Plan my weekend in advance.

1) Try applying LoopRS to Pick3/Pick4. An EASY program modification

2) Try Running LRS on PB DRAW ORDER data... hmm...

I figured out the particular ranges in sort order jackpot games make LRS data fit better than LoopRS data. My prediction was higher event counts in WB1/WB5 for Cash5 and WB1/WB6 in PB and it held true.

I am now seeking Higher Percentages of matches...

Example, Pick3 eve. each position's LRS skip produced individual position hits 10% to 11% of the time, yet the lining up of 3 for a win only happened less than .01%  I hope to improve that. Given the miss on that pick4 BOX, I am going to explore the coincidence and check OOP matches. Shouldn't take too long, maybe all done by fri. night...

My source of entropy is the draw history itself, hits collectively don't match hits positionally (They don't line up). After the OOP maybe a "shift" up or down is in order, I need to search consecutive matches and align there... that portion I'll dub "Chain Reaction".

This whole series of events leading me back into the pick3 has been good for my excel/vb skills. Already,things went right to the powerball system and I'm hoping to see some better results tomorrow night with that.

Entry #142

LoopRS out, LRS in

After saving MONTHS of handwork in excel with a new LRS VB6 engine, I can say without doubt that out-of-position repeats are definitely NOT a factor.

Testing over 4000 draws on cash5 and almost 1000 in powerball, LoopRS produces much lower counts than the strictly positional LRS.

I am finishing up May with the new numbers for P3/P4/C5/PB straight off the LRS sheets, and will be working towards the next phase for June... Error Correction!

This one is lifted directly off an old powerball sheet I had, basically it will grab the difference between the drawn numbers and the LRS numbers and fiind the most common one (for each position). June's test will be strictly on paper (except for the powerball) unless the may test makes me some more playing money...

LRS with the enhanced VB6 test for Sunday May 13th 2007

Pick3 for tonight in PA... 1-0-3

pick4 for tonight in PA...  0-4-0-8

Side note, based on backtest results I am still playing the pick 3 straight only, but I'm upping the ante by 50 cents and boxing the pick4 as well as straight... already missed $100 this test by not boxing the pick4 :-(

new Synch-O de May-O test will cost $105.00 (pro-rating the fact that I did NOT box p4 for the first 12 draws)

I am growing weary of P3 "one hit wonder" systems, and wish I could stumble on a PB "one hit"... onward and upward!

Entry #141

Happy Mothers Day!

To All those Brave souls who took on the hardest job in the world (Without pay, no less!)

I Salute You!

Entry #140

LRS pix for PA eve 3/4 5/6/07

well, testing a theory about posted picks being WAY off

tonight pick3 in PA (st. only) 6-2-2

tonight pick4 in PA (st. only) 2-0-8-4

I am in the middle of a test for the month of may. so far not even 2/5 in cash5 yet...

I am off to the store soon to play these. I also added them to the prediction board. (double whammy for me, maybe the double bad karma will cancel ;-)  )

my prediction stats are really bad, hoping the new VB6 helper app will speed things up with LRS, but it's gonna take some time to figure it all out. I have the VB6 pick3 project started, just gotta figure out the code to make the buttons do what I want...

Entry #139