fluffy9999's Blog

Fluffy9999's SYSTEMS UPDATE...

     Hey, fluffy here! OK so fluff was going to make a change to one of his systems and he forgot to implement and forgot to tell you. Now in NY on the fifth 055 came out. So then we USE THE OSD TECHNIQUE, OR THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DOUBLE. Well, what fluff has been seeing the last several times or so is that the original number comes out again! So when 055 came out in NY on 5-05 May fifth(?) we should have been playing 505 and 500. THAT IS THE CHANGE WE ARE MAKING. WE WILL PLAY THE ORIGINAL DOUBLE AND THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DOUBLE ALSO! Well fluff has a ticket for 500 but did not put the 055 back in and it just came in midday TODAY! So let us make this mental note. Fluff does have 500-228-011 in so you may want to pick out one to keep your spending down. None of them may come in but YOU WILL HIT MORE NUMBERS WITH THIS THAN ANYTHING YOU WILL EVER USE! I may go 3 or 4 times and not hit and then hit two times in a row. But you will make some money. A good play technique for pick-3 that REQUIRES YOU TO PLAY ONLY ONE NUMBER, OR TWO IF YOU PUT THE NEW RULE INTO PLAY. Fluff like 1166 and 116 for NY also for a while. 1166 and 1155 are actually wed DAYS SYSTEM NUMBERS but you can play them now for a while. A always keepup to date on fluffys Predictions and blog Predictions,

     Best wishes always from fluffy9999, Cubby, Tanner, Lady Gray and the B-Crew!

Entry #617

Fluffy9999's OSD technique hits 559 str 2x NY and Days System 623 and more!!

     Hey, fluff here!  OK so fluff was playing the other side of the double with 559 for NY and it hit sat evening in NY Straight! What is even better is that he had it listed in His PREDICTIONS 2 TIMES FOR NY!  OK way to go fluff-dog! Also fluff did hit 623, animal spirit inspired DAYS SYSTEM NUMBER ON SUNDAY MIDDAY IN NY! This number is a must play for NY especially on the midday along with animal number 2280 which you can play from sat through tuesday! Fluff is having a good month and has been hitting numbers like crazy this month! Also for NY fluff has another system running and likes 1010,1067 and 1167! If you can play only one then play 1010! This is a DAYS SYSTEM PLAY FOR TUESDAY! fluff has 228-500-011 enganged for the next 5 days or so to allow us to collect more bucks soon! Do not drop these OSD numbers as they pay GOOD MONEY!  As always KEEP UP TO DATE ON FLUFFY9999'S PREDICTIONS AND BLOG PREDICTIONS!

     So back to UKRAINE.  Well this is the way Don looks at it. First let me say I think we should help Ukraine and have to protect our interests by helping them. Now we are running down our stockpiles of weapons and this could be a problem. If we go to replenish and cannot get the commodities or raw materials we may not be able to replace them. Somebody is going to run out of something. And consider the billions we are putting into this war. Can it go on forever? WE have a lot of money but it takes a lot of money to run a war. Now how much stuff could Russia have? They cannot fire missiles forever. And when the winter comes over there in Ukraine it gets really cold and with the infrastructure down power and heating may be a problem. And what about getting the grain harvest out of Ukraine? How long can we let Russia inflict damage on the world's food supply? Another consideration is what if another problem starts with another country and we need to use resources to fight against them? We will need a lot of everything including more fresh young troops. In the past they have been putting 45 year old guys on blood pressure meds in the Middle East. Why can't we get some fresh blood in the military! It may seem farfetched but a draft may have to be an option at some point. Yeah our older solders are great and really tough but you cannot do the same things day after day like when you were 20. You can't run full out for weeks like a younger person can for a long period of time. So as you see there are a lot of things to consider. There was a lot of easy money around for the last couple of years and most people do not understand enough about economics to see a bubble developing in the real estate market. If you get stuck paying a lot for a home then you may be upside down when the prices come tumbling down. I have always found real estate is worth about 60% of what is being asked for it and that is all. Don't get suckered by people trading and a frothy market. The same for the stock market. When stocks get expensive they become a hot potato. The person left holding them is going to get burned. When you do not know a lot about something you think everything is easy. It is not. If you are a small business you need enough cash on hand to weather 2 to 4 years of bad business times. Even if you were in really strong shape the covid debacle did a lot of damage to your business to say the least and put a lot of folks under. Covid was made more important than it should have been. A lot of folks scare too easy and got frightened and did not want to go to work and much more. Covid affects a small amount of people in a serious way or even fatal but scientists cannot tell who. I have talked to a healthy 24 year old woman and she said she almost died in the hospital and was going into kidney failure. I myself was never frightened for me. Some doctors I think know by the blood profile who will make it out of the hospital but if science knew how to screen to see who would be affected why would they the gov do this. They have more control when everyone thinks they can get it. I myself have worked next to people who have covid and have had people coughing all over me for the past several years and have never been vaccinated myself. Never had a problem. I never had any fear. However if some disease come along in the future that is many times stronger and affects EVERYONE THEN not being afraid will not work. Zoonatic diseases are crossing over from the animal kingdom because people will not stop bothering them. Cutting down forests, using animals for food are all ways mankind has disrespected the animal kingdom and it will have consequences. The Bible itself says a portion of the world's population will die from diseases of beasts of the field. Meat production is inhumane, unhealthy and not a good use of our resources. The economic cost is too high. We can make better use of our resources by redeploying our resources to fruits, vegetables, soy for humans, etc. Wasting resources with 8 billion people in the world and possible food shortages coming makes no sense.

     BEST WISHES ALWAYS TO ALL FROM FLUFFY9999, Cubby, Tanner, Lady Gray and the B=Crew!

Entry #616

fluffY9999'S HERE!!

     Hey, fluffys here!  OK on sunday fluffy9999 HIT DAYS SYSTEM PICK 623 8 TIMES!  Good job there fluff thinks so and for tonight fluff likes NY 4774-5775-5588-4765-5678 and 286,628,128,284,285 like that! Also 1118-1119-2022 for NY! So fluff's numbers are up already and HOPES YOU FOLKS OUT THERE ARE COLLECTING THOSE CARROTS AT THE COUNTER! As always keep up to date on fluff's Predictions and BLOG PREDICTIONS!

     Ok so back to Ukraine. AS fluff posted weeks ago about keeping those evacuation corridors open the UN decided to hold Russia to this and got a bunch of children out. Good job! So Putin has to have cancer surgery which means they should be burying him soon which is good. Any nation that will kill the helpless is headed for extinction for sure. We should release out AIR SUPERIORITY over the Ukraine and Russia and let OUR FLYBOYS show those Rooskeys how it is done! Yeah and when they are defeated walk all those ground troops from Russian back to their country and have them sing I'm back in the USSR. I think we should stock up on pink clothes for the Russians so they look nice when they walk home. And to be really cruel we should make them listen to JOURNEY and watch BRADY BUNCH RERUNS. We'll see how they like that.  We should block all internet and intercept sattelite broadcastsso that all RUSSIANS HAVE TO watch old reruns like the BRADY BUNCH AND DAVID CASSIDY. Nothing is too good for our friends. 


     the B-Crew!

Entry #615

Fluffy9999's Days System Scores 2288 Pa Straight And More!!


     OK so back to the war in Ukraine. The people that run our country most likely have decided the Russia is making way too much trouble and is going to disrupt global markets for energy, food and is going to keep making trouble. So we are putting people back in the Embassy in Kiev with personnel and security(?) people to go with it. This is a bold step but it just has to be done. There is too much on the line for too many people and countries and large scale humanitarian crisis possible never seen on this scale. It has to be curtailled at any cost. So we are pretty much at war with Russia and it is a question of them running out of supplies and crippling their own economy. The US may be worried about the people of Russian in the long run also. You know Stalin caused the deaths of 25 million Russians and did not blink an eye. Patton wanted to go into Russia and invade at the end of the Second World War which seemed ridiculous at the time but he may have sensed what was going to happen. It would have been a cruel thing to do as Russian was already starving at that point and needed to get back on its feet along with the rest of Europe that lay in ruins. The US does definately needs more soldiers in the Armed Forces so conscription may be an option at some point. Every nation has this and Israel drafts men and women. If you want to join there is a lot of things they help you with as a Veteran like housing, tax breaks, the PX and all that along with the pride in knowing you made a difference. And you are first up for federal jobs as a Veteran which you will never get as a civilian. So something to think about. It would be nice if we did not have to think about all of this. Putin should be using his personal money to help disadvantaged people all over that area instead of causing death and hardship. Fluff believes at this point they may be scheduled for a regime change and a move to a more peaceful Russia. The nuke thing is not a worry as he knows what will happen if he pushes it too far. As fluff said Putin is going to be part of a regime change because it has to be like that. Peace will return but lets us hope it will not take a major occurrence to make this happen. Peace will come and goodness will be restored.

     BEST WISHES ALWAYS from fluffy9999, Cubby, Tanner, Lady Gray and the B-Crew!

Entry #614

Fluffy9999's DAYS SYSTEM 1027 HITS NY and more!

     Hey, fluffy9999 here!  OK, so this last week has been crazy with the lottery but fluff can assure you he is not going crazy with it! So first let us talk about friday and saturday. Well, here in NY an All States 1924 is in play along with 357 and 586 as the companion numbers. Fluff did his angle workout and spotted 9820 which should be a regular play on saturday and we are looking for the virgin straight here in NY! So at that point fluff stopped and said we will go with that. Now, if he had gone further we would have seen the 1027. 1027 is his pool number so that is the way we play it. fluff is suppose to put 1024 and 1027 in for friday and sat ALL STATES and 1024 had a boxed hit here in NY a good while back on sat. So on thurs fluff listed 1024 TWO TIMES ON HIS ALL STATES PICKS! So here we can see a cascade of failures. OK so fluff forgot to put in 1024 and 1027(1027 was in the angles in NY from friday if you follow) and on we went to the sat drawing in NY. OK so fluff put in 357 and 586(companion number) in for sat evening here in NY! Why would you play only one play like this? Well in a way 357 and the related number 586 which is a model of 357 kind of do not belong on a sunday you see. So first we go to saturday night drawing here in NY and what do you think happened?  Well the pick 4 straight was 1027. You know this goes down as fluffs BIG MISSES WHICH COULD HAVE BEEN 100,000 WITH A 20 DOLLAR PLAY AND 25 THOUSAND WITH A FIVE DOLLAR PLAY! Now please understand the fluff would have seen the 1027 in the angles as this is easy for him to do. However 1027 was his pool number and it just happen to come out straight. fluff did not calculate digit position on this one and would not have even if he had seen it in the angles. He missed this as he stopped before doing a complete angle workout. So 1027 goes down in FLUFF"S BIG MISS COLLECTION WITH 1230,1954,4444 WHICH ALL OCCURRED ON A FRIDAY, 1027 ON SATURDAY WITH 5588, AND 2280 ON SUNDAY. FLUFF KIDS YOU NOT AND YOU CAN LOOK BACK AND CHECK HIS PREDICTIONS AND BLOGS TO SEE HE PLAYS 1027 AND 1024 IN NY on fri and sat and ALL STATES ON TUESDAY. Ok, so sunday midday comes and 586 hits NY and fluff did not have a ticket. OK, so he put 224 back in, THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DOUBLE AND COLLECTED WHEN THIS HIT ON SUNDAY EVENING. Then fluff recalculated and came up with a list of numbers in which 100 and 101 was put in his PREDICTIONS FOR MONDAY. Well, fluff thought I will get to the lottery terminal for the monday evening drawing. Well guess what happened? Yeah, 010 hit midday and fluff got credit here on Lottery Post but did not get to the lottery terminal on time. So it takes a focus and time and when you get to this point it is not a game and becomes a job. But you cannot ride too tight and let it cause you problems either psychologically or financially. It is the lottery and it does not take a lot to throw you off course. They can be well placed bets and sometimes they will come in. Do your homework and work the angles VIGILANTLY. Nobody can keep this up. Just when you get distracted with life or get a little burned out and need to take a break you will take it at the worst possible time. Yeah it would be nice to collect that 50k or 100k or even 500k with a 100 dollar straight bet. fluff still believes 8888 will show on a friday in NY and some lottery person will take this one to DA BANK for 25,50 and 100K! It was like that for Marc Walker's 4071 which had a string of signals and people picked up on them. Marc was a lottery forecaster in the Lotto Stats companion publication. He passed on a few years ago.

     Best wishes to ALL from fluffy9999, Cubby,Tanner, Lady Gray and the B-Crew!

Entry #613

Fluffy9999 Hits Midday And Evening North Carolina!!

     Hey, fluffy here!  OK, so yesterday fluffy9999 DID HIT 461 MIDDAY AND 711 EVENING IN NORTH CAROLINA AND ALSO HIT 451 MIDDAY IN SOUTH CAROLINA! Yes, fluffy does hit both the midday and evening drawing in the same day and in the same state nearly every month! So there you have it and fluffy hopes the NICE FOLKS OUT THERE IN NORTH CAROLINA took dat one TO DA BANK! These numbers are DAYS SYSTEM PLAYS SO IT PAYS TO STICK TO THE DAYS SYSTEM NUMBERS! Now JUST TO REVIEW THE DAYS SYSTEM PLAY TABLES ARE THE TWO BLOGS LISTED - 11/24/2018 AND AUGUST 2, 2020. Fluff has revised them and changed some of the numbers and moved some things around a bit and has to do an UPDATED DAYS SYSTEM PLAY TABLE. Please do not think these tables are all inclusive as fluff tweaks them and suggest the appropriate numbers as there are a lot of them for just one day. Fluff tells your which ones are MUST PLAYS FOR THE DAY. This is just the nature of the game. Keep up to date on fluff's Predictions and Blog Predictions.

     Right now fluff likes 2280 for NY and 224 looks good for the pick 3 along with 1924. Fluff looked at the number quick and said that 2800 was the companion number for 2280. That is not right. The companion is 2880. fluff started them early because of the angles that were showing up. He also liked 224 for thursday night and if he played 224 and the other side of the double 442 he would have had the HIT 442! This is the truth folks as fluff saw the 224 in the angles and did play 222 for friday NY midday and evening. It is a good idea to play the other side of the double to cover your bet and also play a companion number, but you have to keep your plays down and you can't play everything. You do not want to as this will NOT BE PRODUCTIVE. If you wanted to play one dollar a night and played the Pick 10 or Keno for NY you would be playing for 500,000 dollars for a one dollar bet. For one dollar on the NY Lotto you get TWO CHANCES TO WIN MILLIONS! It this worth it? Heck ya! Fluff is suggesting to buy a Powerball if you can in your state as the pot is around 400 million! Your TWO FAVORITE SETS OF NUMBERS AND A COUPLE OF TICKETS FOR YOUR CHANCE AT A TICKET TO RIDE!

     As far as the world situation and all the problems well stuff is still available. Although eggs now cast 3 dollars for a dozen you can still get them. THE BEST THING TO DO IS TO BECOME A GOOD STEWARD OF YOUR MONEY. It is expected of us. If you can only play the lotto a couple of times a week for a few dollars a day then that will do fine. Money is not going very far these days with inflation so pinching pennies is the way to go. Sometimes when fluff turns in his cans he gets a dollar or two and buys a lottery ticket with the money. Maybe those old cans will turn to GOLD!

     Best Wishes ALWAYS from fluffy9999, Cubby, Tanner, Lady Gray and the B-Crew!

Entry #612

fluffy9999's Lottery Vibe...

     Hey, Fluffy here!  OK, so fluff is doing well on here month to date and has been doing a great job with Pick 3!  A day or two ago on Tuesday fluffy hit 222 TWO TIMES IN TEXAS! WOW! Fluffy certainly hopes ALL THOSE NICE FOLKS AND LOVELY TEXAS LADIES COLLECTED ON THIS ONE! With Fluff putting the number in TWO TIMES HE IS INCLINED TO BELIEVE SOME FOLKS PLAYED IT TWICE AND COLLECTD A BUNCH OF FRANKLINS ON THIS ONE! Now fluff has been on the other side of the double and struck out here in NY! It seems the only time this works is when fluff does not have a ticket for the number! Sound familiar?  Well do not loose hope as the lottery is tough for everyone to play and win. So for tomorrow fluff likes 461.451,441,431,421,411,1924,2280 like that! fluff did see 2280 in the angles so he jumped in ahead of time and put this one into play starting thursday evening. AS ALWAYS KEEP UP TO DATE ON FLUFF'S PREDICTIONS AND BLOG PREDICTIONS!

     Now when fluff looked out the window tuesday morning at 2 am he noticed it snowed here in Schenectady, NY! Just a coating and maybe an inch or so but WINTER was back for TUESDAY! Quite a few branches were down and fluff saw a branch off of a Cherry tree and there were huge blossoms on it. Well the tree did what it was suppose to not know it was going to loose a branch. Sad. Now over there in Ukraine fluff realized 30 to 40 percent of the world's grain comes from Russia and Ukraine. fluff heard a man speaking of this on Coast to Coast and said they are going to have to get their crop planted. fluff cannot see this happening in Ukraine and in Russia with so much emphasis on the war who know how this will work out. Well then Russia will have to explain to their friend China their people will have to starve this year because they are busy expanding their kingdom. Sad also. Fluff has a friend and pretty much lost her over the covid ordeal. She got vaccinated and so did her family and she would not let fluff visit her because he did not get the shots. Now she is moving to Georgia and that is about it. Fluff lost his friend over covid. He does feel sad over this but as always be thankful for at least having known someone and had a friend for quite a while. We must not let our hearts be heavy over anything and must strive to work for HAPPINESS AND TO SHOW OTHERS THAT THERE IS A JOY THAT WE KNOW AND OTHERS CAN ALSO. We are enjoying our glorious time on this earth and having this remarkable experience that is uniquely ours! We can enjoy those summer days and look up at the sun and feel it's warmth. THERE WE WILL BE INNOCENT, CAREFREE, YOUTHFUL CHILDREN IN THE SUN ENJOYING THIS INTOXICATING, AMAZING, UNFORGETABLE EXPERIENCE KNOWN AS THE SUMMER!

     BEST OF WISHES TO ALL from fluffy9999, Cubby, Tanner, Lady Gray and the B-Crew!

Entry #611

Fluffy9999's Easter Sunday Lottery Vibe...

     Hey, fluff here!  OK so fluff hopes everyone enjoyed their Easter Sunday! For fluff it is a religious observation. So right now fluffy9999 is over 100% Prize Ratio in 11 STATES! fluff has had some good days and racked up quite a few pick-3 straight hits! Right now in NY fluff likes, 254, 717, 222,441 like that and 1974 for the Pick-4 NY! The Powerball in NY is around 350 million and it would be a good idea to get in on the monday drawing for a ticket or two with your favorite pool numbers! Also right now fluff is #1 on the TOP PREDICTORS ALL STATES ALL GAMES, PICK 3, 4, 5, 6, AND OTHER GAMES for LAST 30 DAYS PRIZE RATIO! And fluff is having a pretty good month on his Prize Ratio overall of 53%! fluff is also on the TOP 50 PREDICTORS HIT RATIO in OHIO TO BOOT! So fluff hopes ALL YOU FOLKS OUT THERE ARE CASHING IN ON THESE HOT PICKS!

     So back to Ukraine. Don thinks one thing that should have been done all along IS TO GET NATO IN THERE TO OPEN UP EVACUATION ROUTES FOR CIVILIAN WOMEN AND CHILDREN TO GET OUT OF THESE CITIES LIKE MARIUPOL THAT ARE BEING SHELLED. i CANNOT UNDERSTAND HOW THE WORLD CAN STAND BY WHEN THOUSANDS OF CIVILIANS ARE BEING KILLED AND ALL THEY WANT TO DO IS GET OUT OF THERE. I UNDERSTAND THEY DO NOT WANT TO ANTAGONIZE RUSSIA but a lot of countries should not care. I can see the US being drawn into this and for good reason. A massive humanitarian crisis in happenning and Russia cannot go unchecked and must answer to the world. Apparently to Russia the war makes sense to them and they do not care how many cars full of families they kill as long as they get their way and win the land. The Russians are going to have to answer for this sooner or later. If I was in charge I would clear the airspace over Ukraine, get the battleships to stop shelling the coast and clear the Evacuation Corridors to civilians can get out. The US will have to deal with them sooner or later. Sometime down the road they will need help and food and we should make sure they don't get it. At the end of WWII the US was sending in food to Germany and Russia was blocking it so it would not get through. Well we fixed that and made sure the food got to hungry people. What goes around comes around. And when it does Russia will certainly not like it.

     BEST WISHES TO ALL for PEACE AND HAPPINESS from fluffy9999, Cubby, Tanner, Lady Gray and the B-Crew!

Entry #610

Fluffy9999's says HEY OHIO PLAYERS...

     Hey, fluff here!  OK, so if you had used the other side of the double play for OHIO when 400 came out on 3-26-22 evening Ohio pick 3 lottery YOU WOULD HAVE COLLECTED ON THE 440 COMING OUT TODAY MIDDAY IN OHIO! Yes these OTHER SIDE OF THE DOUBLE PLAYS are taking 10-12 days in OHIO AND NEW YORK so you may want to condsider that for ALL STATES PLAYING THIS TECHNIQUE! fluff started his OHIO CHART LAST NIGHT AND IF HE HAD IT COMPETEDE HE WOULD HAVE HAD THE 440 IN PLAY FOR THIS MORNING IN OHIO! Other picks FOR OHIO PICK 3 ARE 116 AND 505 WHICH ARE TIMELY AND 200 AND 909 UP NEXT! fluff has these in play for OHIO WITH A HEAVIER BET FOR 116 AND 505 RIGHT NOW as he has them in his PREDICTIONS FOR OHIO! fluff likes OHIO AND WANTS TO VISIT SOON! fluff will be an OHIO PLAYER as the state has a lot of colleges and all those nice lonely college ladies up late studying! fluff can work his daygame and his nightgame for picking up dates but what makes it easier to play is to have some nice ladies to ask out! Where fluff lives this is a problem. Doing the talking and playing the game is easy but finding somebody nice to ask out is the big problem. So right now fluff has 448,323 and 566 in play for NY OTHER SIDE OF THE DOUBLE TECHNIQUE! If fluff had been awake he would have had the 225 and 262 for NY! He was thinking 2-3 days after the double hits BUT THAT HAS NOT BEEN THE CASE LATELY SO WE ADJUST AND COLLECT ACCORDINGLY! As always keep up to date on fluff's Predictions and Blog Predictions!

     Ok so for right now Ukraine is a battleground and very bad things are occurring there. It is bad enough when opposing armies are fighting each other but when civilians, pets, orphans and sick people are being affected it becomes even worse. The damage to their infrastructure is substantial and fluff is sure there will have to be a MODERN DAY MARSHALL PLAN FOR UKRAINE TO REBUILD IT AFTER PEACE IS ESTABLISHED TO HELP THE UKRANIAN PEOPLE.Of course it depends on what the property lines look like when it is settled. And of course Poland is doing a lot of work to help them as well as Germany and of course the United States and so they should. We are always a leader to help out a struggling democracy. So here in the US we have problems like inflation which seem like a big problem to us but pale in comparison the what Ukraine has. We really do not need to buy a lot of the things we buy especially when it comes to food. Eating good quality food that is fresh is about as good as it can get. Fluff is a vegetarian so he does not have to deal with that issue of buying those items. You will live longer being a vegetarian especially after 40 or fifty years of age. It is easier on your system. And we should all strive to be carefree and happy and bring this joy to others. fluffy does want ALL THE GOOD PEOPLE TO BE HAPPY AND JOYFUL AND FOR ALL OF US TO BE YOUTHFUL, CAREFREE INNOCENT CHILDREN IN THE SUN ENJOYING OUR LIVES TOGETHER AND LOVING AND HELPING EACH OTHER!

     Best WISHES TO ALL from fluffy9999, Cubby, Tanner, Lady Grey and the B-Crew!

Entry #609

fluffy9999's Thursday Lottery Vibe...

     Hey, fluff here!  Ok so fluff's angles system has been picking up a lot of hits on here! Actually fluff did not post and did not even look at the play that day but if the system was employed it would have hit! Let us look at march 28 NY evening with 6800 coming out. There are TWO ANGLE PLAYS THAT ARE BIG DOLLAR PLAYS HERE! 7711 and 7799! Was it worth a play knowing this? Yes and the result was 1177 coming out next draw here in NY!  So if you looked at 1913 from wed evening the big dollar play would have been 2202! Result 600 dollar number! Ok, so right now fluff likes for NY 1111 and maybe a small bet on 5000,6000,7000! But the 1111 bet could mean a big return! Fluff likes DAYS SYSTEM 1924 AND TODAY IS 628 / 257 FOR NY AND ALL STATES! Remember folks to put in LIGHT BETS! Do not get carried away and make sure you have a couple of tickets for the big lotteries in YOUR STATE USING YOUR FAVORITE POOL NUMBERS!

     BEST WISHES TO ALL from fluffy9999, Cubby, Tanner, Lady Grey and the B-Crew!

Entry #608

fluffy9999's System Hits 2280 Staight Two Times!!

     Hey, fluff here!  OK, so monday fluff did hit 2280 Straight in Indiana and Illinois for a 5400 dollar hit! Hats Off to the folks who had some dough on this one and took this TO DA BANK! This hit blew up fluff's pick 4 performance and pushed him past the 100 percent prize ratio for pick 4 for the month! Now in NY fluff had 357 and 586 picked according to the angles. So at the register fluff played 357 and not 586. Does fluff have to tell you what happened next! So 586 did come in monday evening and fluff missed collecting on this one. fluff did not have time to post on this however 357 did show on tues before so we are adding ANOTHER DAY FOR THESE TWO NUMBERS ESPECIALLY FOR NY! So saturday and tuesday would be the DAY for the Day's System for these two numbers. AS ALWAYS KEEP UP TO DATE ON FLUFF'S PREDICTIONS AND BLOG PREDICTIONS! You can keep tract of the results yourself and do a workout on the angles daily to see what you like for a play! This works for the pick 3 and pick 4!

     Ok so on to Ukraine. This is a Humanitarian Crisis of epic proportions and is not going away soon. The city of Mariupol is about 80 percent destroyed. The infrastructure of Ukraine is heavily damaged and almost all or all of the hospitals are down. You know doing this is against the rules of war. So what fluff heard is that the world wants Putin out so he will not be there for a long time. That is that. Guys like him end up like Saddam with a necktie that fits too tight. So the US is beefing up NATO with troops and the US is ready for anything. We can handle it. But we have to watch over Europe and Poland and that area. We will not back down to anyone and won't be bullied. When a country goes past the point of diplomatic dealing then things happen. The people of Ukraine are good people and should be helped. Putin has put a burden on a lot of countries but they can shoulder it. You know the song - he ain't heavy, he's my brother. So we all with carry them and care for them. It will make everyone stronger. Ukraine may end up being a buffer zone with ongoing war for a long time and no place for anyone to live. But let us hope for the best. As a civilization we have to think in terms of furthering medical cures, healing the sick, creating peace in the world and making the world a happy place for all to live in and enjoy our lives together. There are also Russians leaving Russia as they are sick of the place. You know a lot of people come to the United States because they are afraid if where they live antognizes the US they will be bombed or something like that. So they feel they are safer here. So what does that tell you about the rational, logical Russion person leaving Russia? Well I think you know the answer. Of course like any evacuation the person with a lot of resources can move more easily. If you have a lot in a Swiss bank account and you are mobile then you get away from trouble and move on to a better life. For the rest the world will help them and they will be fine and maybe end up better. OH YES we must never forget about being carefree, innocent and happy and enjoying our lives and looking up at the sun and feeling it's warmth AND BEING YOUTHFUL, INNOCENT. CAREFREE CHILDREN IN THE SUN!

     BLESSINGS TO UKRAINE AND ALL WHO HELP THEM AND EVERYONE from fluffy9999, Cubby, Tanner, Lady Grey and the B-Crew!

Entry #607

fluffy9999's System HITS 242 NY!!

     Hey, fluffy9999 here!  OK, so fluff put the Other Side of Doble into Play a while ago and it did take a long time but it did come it! 242 came in NY yesterday midday and fluff did put this into play on 3-1-22! So if you did not want to carry it for two weeks you could have put it back into play in the HOT SPOT FOR 22 numbers Pick 3 wednesday to friday spot! This would have done it and captured a boxed hit. Even if you spent a dollar a day on this one you still made a profit! Sometimes people dismiss the obvious but money could have been made on this one with some PATIENCE! The downside was not too bad if it did not come in. As always do not get involved with chasing too many numbers. Now in NY 2227 came in TWO TIMES so we are going with the fluffy rule if it shows 2 it will show three! This one pays 600 dollars on fifty cents box so this is a NICE LOW BUCK PLAY THAT COULD PAY OFF!

     We continue to HOPE AND PRAY AND HELP THE GOOD PEOPLE FOR UKRAINE. The focus is on ODESSA and it is a quaint town that inspires artists, romance and like that. There is an orphanage in that city with 90 children that need breathing assistance and also a Zoo. The folks manning these places are staying and taking care of the children and animals and GOD BLESS THEM for doing so. fluff himself could not turn his back on these children and animals. Also many people have dropped off pets at the zoo when they left so they have more animals to take care of. fluff hopes some organizations will send help and people in to help this cause. You may get some brave doctors who will make the trek as they hear the call for help. What a terrible situation. fluff and the world certainly hopes this area is not damaged and these two important areas are not affected. Stay in prayer for the GOOD PEOPLE AND COUNTRY OF UKRAINE.

     Blessings to THE PEOPLE OF UKRAINE AND ALL from fliuffy9999, Cubby, Tanner, Lady Grey and the B-Crew!

Entry #606

fluffy9999's Sunday lottery vibe...

     Hey, fluffy here! OK, so right now for NY 128, 228,445.555 look like a decent play, as well as DAYS SYSTEM NUMBERS 2280,623,254 and for tomorrow, as fluff has said several times the 22 pairs, triple, and any 22x number for this day! YES FLUFF DID ADD 222,22 FRONT AND BACK PAIR AND ANY 22X NUMBER FOR  FRIDAY, MONDAY, AND OUR OLD STANDBY WEDNESDAY! DAYS SYSTEM NUMBERS ARE GOOD FOR ALL STATES AND THIS IS A UNIQUE SYSTEM DEVELOPED BY FLUFFY9999! It PRODUCES RESULTS! As always STAY UP TO DATE OF FLUFF'S PREDICTIONS AND BLOG PREDICTIONS!

     Well back to the Ukraine Crisis. Many times in this section of fluff's blog fluff has described THE SPIRIT OF AMERICA! Well, it is the SPIRIT OF FREEDOM and this is how our nation came to be. The Ukranian people have the fighting spirit and have the home field advantage. The US should not worry about antagonizing Russia as their actions have to be addressed. Anyone can see if they are having problems taking Ukraine how would they do against the United States? Well they can talk a lot but I think they know what they are up against. Sure they could bring China in on their side and other countries but we should do what we have to do. It will not get any better if you back down. You know what fluff means. We have to support the Humanitarian cause and work to provide food, shelter, medical and support to Ukraine and not falter. If Don was running the show or had some major input he would be pressing hard against Russia. Sure most of the Russian people do not want problems like they have and would sit down with us and have a meal and a drink and talk about life and we would both be happy. Russia needs a new government that can take it into the future. A Russia that wants to be friends with all and to help forward the human cause in the world. The government should reflect the will of the people, not a few wealthy people and military leaders who want trouble. Maybe we will see an improvement that will be welcomed by all. We will see how this situation unfolds and what it looks like when the dust settles. Until then continue to pray, hope and help the people of Ukraine. Let us all STAND WITH UKRAINE.

     BLESSINGS and Best Wishes to Ukraine and supporting nations and to ALL from fluffy9999, Cubby, Tanner, Lady Grey and the B-Crew!

Entry #605


     Hey, fluff here!  OK so today in NY 228 and 128 are looking good for the midday and evening draws for sat and then some! REGULAR DAYS SYSTEM NUMBERS ARE BEING REINFORCED and are good plays for right now! We have been playing a lot of the OTHER SIDE OF THE DOUBLE and we are overdue as they haven't been showing in NY. We had 757 in play amongst a few others. Tough going here. Regular DAYS SYSTEM NUMBERS IN PLAY and fluff has 3366,5588,2280, and 1924 for sat and sunday here in NY and you can play for ALL STATES! As always keep up to date of fluff's PREDICTIONS AND BLOG PREDICTIONS!

     Well the war in Ukraine goes on and the people of Ukraine are fighting a guerilla war and doing pretty well. The face of the was comes down to the woman and here children on the cover of the New York Post. The next day pictures of her, Tatania and her family were shown and she was beautiful and seemed like a happy person. Two of their dogs were lost in the tragedy also. So the world is putting a lot of pressure on Russia and Don feels it is just. Who is going to fix all that damage the Russians have done to the infrastructure besides the loss of life and suffering? It would already take years to repair all the damage done. We the United States could fix the damage a lot faster than anyone but over their it may never be right again. We are an industrialized nation with a lot of machinery and can do stuff nobody else can. So continue to support and pray for the people of Ukraine for the very best outcome possible. It is hard to go to sleep every night knowing what is going on over there. We must stay in prayer and show out support for Ukraine. It is the right thing to do.

     Prayers and Blessings to the People of Ukraine Always from fluffy9999, Cubby, Tanner, Lady Grey, and the B=Crew!

Entry #604

fluffy9999's DAYS SYSTEM UPDATE...

     Hey, fluff here! Ok so fluff is adding 22's, 22x and 222 for friday and monday to the DAYS SYSTEM, IN ADDITION TO WEDNESDAY! We do not want to miss opportunities to hit the 2's and are recommending the 22 pair front and back on these days also. Also for the days system for thurs to sunday is 441 and 411 especially for saturday! Let us not forget the DAYS SYSTEM DAY FOR 11'S PICK 3 FOR SATURDAY ALL STATES AND ESPECIALLY NY! Right now fluff's picks are up and MUST PLAY DAYS SYSTEM NUMBERS ARE 461-451-441-431-421-411 for friday and sat! fluff likes the 461 straight up to sunday! As always keep up to date on fluffy9999's PREDICTIONS AND BLOG PREDICTIONS!

     Best wishes always from fluffy9999, Cubby, Tanner, Lady Grey and the B-Crew!

Entry #603