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Tennesse lottery markets tickets as Christmas gifts
Buying lottery tickets as Christmas gifts hasn't caught on at east Nashville's Community Market, one of the city's most popular convenience stores for players to buy games.The idea never dawned on Seneca Bradley, 28, who plays there occasionally.But a $1 or $5 lottery game just may be the perfect alternative to a Christmas card, which would cost about the same, he said.Holiday-themed TV and radio commercials encourage people to buy lottery items everything from scratch-off games to Powerball tic
Dec 21, 2004, 9:56 am - Lottery News

Georgia lottery chief keeps education in the forefront
Margaret DeFrancisco's mind, like that of many corporate chieftains, is always in marketing mode. Focus groups, retail outlets, promotional buzz and creating new products occupy her thoughts.But DeFrancisco shoulders a responsibility that transcends that of the typical CEO. How she performs as president and CEO of the Georgia Lottery Corp. impacts how many college-bound teens will be able to afford higher learning and how many kids have access to pre-kindergarten.Parents, students and lawmaker
Dec 20, 2004, 8:37 am - Lottery News

GTECH to earn $85M from Missouri lottery contract
GTECH Holdings Corporation announced Thursday that its wholly-owned subsidiary, GTECH Corporation, was chosen by the State of Missouri to provide a new online lottery central system, terminals, and ongoing services under a proposed seven-year integrated services contract.The contract is expected to commence July 1, 2005 with the option to renew the contract for up to eight years beyond the expiration date of June 30, 2012.GTECH expects to generate approximately $85 million over the seven-year te
Dec 17, 2004, 3:10 pm - Lottery News

Global Pyramid Lottery Sceme Indicted Again
On the heels of several indictments and guilty pleadings worldwide, World Games Inc. (WGI) is once again the target of law enforcement.WGI offers different lottery and gaming products to its members on the Internet. Like a pyramid scheme, members join with the intention of registering as many new members as possible, in order to derive credit from those new members. In keeping with a pyramid scheme, the vast percentage of rewards go to the members highest up in the scheme.Pyramid schemes are i
Dec 17, 2004, 12:26 pm - Lottery News

Tennessee lottery surplus has state officials scrambling
Pre-K, increased scholarship amounts, other school programs are possibilitiesTennesseans are playing the lottery, but not as many students as expected are taking advantage of college scholarships and state officials have not decided what to do with the surplus.The scholarship program is projected to have $115 million in excess this year and another $79 million next budget year.State Sen. Steve Cohen, who sponsored the lottery, wants the money to pay for pre-kindergarten classes and to increase s
Dec 15, 2004, 9:33 am - Lottery News

Gaming executives guilty of operating illegal lottery, pyramid scheme
Six of the lead promoters of World Games Inc. (WGI) plead guilty to operating and promoting an Illegal Pyramid Scheme December 6, 2004 in Calgary, Alberta.The guilty plea was a result of a five month Joint Forces investigation including the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission (Gaming Investigation Team), Calgary Police Service, RCMP, and the Lethbridge Police Service.World Games Inc. CEO, Greg Kennedy was found guilty of pyramid selling offenses by the Australian Federal Court earlier this year
Dec 8, 2004, 8:53 am - Lottery News

Tenn. Lottery Director Gets Pay Cut
Tennessee Lottery director Rebecca Paul is getting a pay cut under a new plan adopted by the states lottery board Monday.Paul said she anticipated a drop in incentive pay because the $350,000 in bonuses she received for the first year was based on a very aggressive startup schedule.The recommendations of an approximately $85,000 independent study were approved by the Tennessee Education Lottery Corporation (TEL) board and would set Pauls salary at a total of $577,000. The salary assumes a $350,0
Nov 30, 2004, 7:18 am - Lottery News

Honest Virginia man rectifies $1.8 million bank error
Last week, Mike Kainrath opened his mail and found a notice from his bank: We credit your account $1,789,830.61.Some people might start jotting a wish list: pay off mortgage, start (and finish) taking care of the childrens college, buy a new car.Kainrath had only one thought: Oh, no!Not again.Kainrath, a Suffolk resident and marketing research manager at The Virginian-Pilot , got a similar notice two Novembers ago when his checking account was credited with $2,700. In April 2003 , it happened a
Nov 26, 2004, 12:29 pm - Lottery News

Colorado Lottery trims costs by nearly $1 million
A year after a state audit criticized spending at the Colorado Lottery, the agency has cut nearly $1 million from its budget by revamping its marketing, eliminating jobs and other measures.Lottery director Petty Gordon, who replaced Mark Zamarripa in January, said Monday she scrutinized all agency expenses to come up with $975,000 in cuts.The agency saved $454,00 by doing some of its own marketing, $287,000 by buying fewer scratch-off tickets and $164,000 by eliminating two redundant director jo
Nov 26, 2004, 12:18 pm - Lottery News

Colorado Lottery cuts $1 million from budget
When Margaret Peggy Gordon took over the troubled Colorado Lottery early this year, she examined every contract and questioned every expense.That effort allowed the agency to cut nearly $1 million from its $22.8 million 2005-06 budget request in an era when many agencies are looking for additional funding from the already tight state budget. We were looking at everything individually, Gordon said. The staff really stepped up and found ways we could spend less and not cut what we're doing in
Nov 19, 2004, 11:55 am - Lottery News