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Anti-lottery group sues to end Mega Millions in California
The California Coalition Against Gambling Expansion filed a lawsuit Wednesday seeking an injunction to shut down the state's two-week-old Mega Millions multistate lotto.The coalition will formally notified the California State Lottery of the action Wednesday, and then publicly announced it in a press release [see below], the group's attorneys from the Sacramento and Woodland Hills areas told Lottery Post.The coalition, represented by Sacramento-area attorney Fred Jones and Woodland Hills busines
Jul 8, 2005, 10:09 am - Lottery News

Loan For Oklahoma’s Lottery Operation Delayed
Oklahoma Lottery Commission officials said Monday instant lottery tickets should still go on sale in October, despite an unexpected delay in obtaining loan funds for the state's new lottery operation.The commission is negotiating with lenders for a line of credit of up to $10 million to get the lottery off the ground.Gary Bush, bond attorney, told the panel that after the loan is approved by the state Council on Bond Oversight, it goes to the attorney general for approval and then a 30-day cool
Jun 29, 2005, 6:12 pm - Lottery News

Anti-lottery group will file lawsuit against Mega Millions in Calif.
The California Coalition Against Gambling Expansion will file a lawsuit in Sacramento Superior Court within two weeks seeking an injunction to shut down the state's Mega Millions multistate lotto as unconstitutional, it said Thursday.If successful in the lawsuit, it could cost the California Lottery plenty. Possible lawsuits by the other 11 states in the game, lost startup costs, a dent in the lottery's sales-fostering integrity and other fallout could total tens of millions of dollars.Adopting
Jun 24, 2005, 10:33 am - Lottery News

Mega Millions fuels California lottery sales record
Californians jumped on the chance to join a multistate lottery by purchasing a record $2.4 million on the first day of sales for the Mega Millions game, state lottery officials said Thursday.The statewide sales Wednesday surpassed the $1.7 million sold on New York s first day in 2002, officials said in a statement.California is the 12th state to join the Mega Millions game, which had a U.S. record $363 million jackpot in May 2000. It also had a $331 million jackpot in April 2002.Players pay $1 f
Jun 24, 2005, 8:57 am - Lottery News

Californians snap up tickets for new Mega Millions lottery game
Californians dished out their first dollars Wednesday on a multistate lottery that has paid record jackpots as high as $363 million.The California debut of Mega Millions had people lining up at many stores as tickets were offered for the first time.The potential payoff seemed irresistible for players who ranged from parking attendants to sharp-dressed businesswomen.Computer administrator Eduardo Cartagena, 25, bought his ticket at a convenience store in downtown Los Angeles. I rarely buy tickets
Jun 23, 2005, 12:29 am - Lottery News

CA Lottery spars with legislator over Mega Millions legality
California lottery officials told a Senate committee Tuesday that they had the power to join the multistate Mega Millions lotto game even though the authorization wasn't spelled out in the 1984 initiative that set up the lottery.The Legislature's attorneys disagreed, and a key lawmaker said he would introduce legislation that would allow California to participate in Mega Millions but require the other 11 states to pay the bulk of administrative costs.Sen. Dean Florez, D-Shafter, said the legisla
Jun 22, 2005, 7:54 pm - Lottery News

Mega Millions lottery goes on sale in California
Today, 35 million Californians get their first chance to buy a ticket on what may become the biggest lottery jackpot ever offered -- but the odds of winning a fortune are the longest ever seen.California becomes the 12th state to join the Mega Millions lottery game, where a ticket that costs only a dollar could, in time, win $500 million. The odds for this happening, however, are an astronomical one in 175 million, apparently a world record for a lottery.Until today, the longest odds of winning
Jun 22, 2005, 6:15 pm - Lottery News

New Minnesota lottery director brings fresh start
Clint Harris often uses the words trauma year to describe what happened at the Minnesota State Lottery in the months before he took over as executive director.George Andersen, who had run the lottery since its inception, had committed suicide shortly after learning that a state audit would reveal an unflattering picture of his management.Harris, at the time director of South Dakota's lottery, had close professional ties with Andersen and considered him a friend. When I came aboard, the staff h
Jun 20, 2005, 1:30 pm - Lottery News

Democrats trying to ruin Calif. Mega Millions lottery participation
Democrat lawmakers in California will convene an emergency hearing on what their attorneys call Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's illegal linking of California with the multi-state Mega Millions lottery game.Republicans say this is the latest Democrat obstruction, as the Governor continues his bid to rescue California from its fiscal and electoral problems.National and state anti-gambling groups said they would delay filing a lawsuit against Schwarzenegger's deficit-easing entrance into Me
Jun 17, 2005, 11:09 am - Lottery News

$220M lottery winner wants to be billionaire
A man who won a $220.3 million Powerball lottery jackpot - the second-largest single-ticket Powerball winning - plans to invest the money and become a billionaire.Brad Duke, 33, a regional fitness director for a health-club chain, said he hopes to build a $1 billion portfolio within 15 years. What better opportunity to have than me at my age with this money to build a billion-dollar empire to take care of my family and to give opportunities to the people who have given me opportunities, he said
Jun 17, 2005, 9:30 am - Lottery News