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Store owners sell themselves $25.5 million Powerball lottery ticket
Their day started with a phone call that they had won $25,000.And it only got better from there.Twenty-five million dollars better, in fact, for the Hubbard family Richie, Bobbi, Brent, Brian, Angel and Stacey, the first people to buy a ticket in Tennessee and win the Powerball lottery jackpot.''That sure is a lot of zeroes,'' Richie Hubbard said as he and his family posed with an oversized cardboard check at the Tennessee Lottery's MetroCenter headquarters in Nashville yesterday afternoon.When
Apr 1, 2005, 8:36 am - Lottery News

N.C. Lottery Foes Gather Strength
A group of high-profile lottery opponents vowed Wednesday to fight efforts to bring scratch-off tickets and numbers games to North Carolina.As opponents gathered in the Legislative Building in Raleigh to voice opposition, members of a special House committee on the lottery filed the bill that they will use to craft a state lottery.The work on that bill, which does not yet include details of how a lottery would be set up, is set to be finished by April 11.The opponents said they were working one
Mar 31, 2005, 9:28 am - Lottery News

Opinion: Time has come for a lottery in North Carolina
Charlotte Observer EditorialBy Jim Black, N.C. House SpeakerNorth Carolina must make the education of our children our number one priority and find the needed revenue to fund it. The future of our state and its people depend upon it.Unfortunately, the North Carolina legislature is facing a budget shortfall of more than $1.2 billion in the upcoming year. In order to continue improving education, legislators will either have to increase taxes or find new revenue sources to help fund education.Rais
Mar 28, 2005, 11:30 am - Lottery News

Money woes push some to reconsider N.C. lottery
For years, North Carolina has held out against the nation's lottery boom, making it the largest of just 10 states in the nation without government-run gambling.Now, though, the numbers may finally be coming up in favor of a numbers game in the only East Coast state without one.The speaker of the state House of Representatives has said he now favors a lottery, joining second-term Gov. Mike Easley, a longtime proponent. Speaker Jim Black, D-Mecklenburg, says he intends to bring a lottery bill to t
Mar 28, 2005, 10:51 am - Lottery News

Showdown over N.C. lottery coming within 2 weeks
If North Carolina House Speaker Jim Black has his way, the General Assembly will be plunged next month into a short, intense drama over whether state government should start a lottery.Last week, before the assembled capital press corps, Mr. Black, a Democrat from Mecklenburg County, repeated that he expects a vote on a lottery bill in the House within two weeks.Tonight, he will announce his appointments to a special committee that will work up the proposal, presumably during the next week. If th
Mar 28, 2005, 10:18 am - Lottery News

N.C. Speaker pushing for lottery vote within 2 weeks
House Speaker Jim Black said he wants lawmakers to vote on a state lottery in the next two weeks, and he virtually guaranteed Wednesday that the proposal would reach his chamber's floor.A state numbers game, a regular winner in the Senate that typically dies in the House, could fail in a House committee -- in theory. But Black, D-Mecklenburg, said the education lottery plan he and Gov. Mike Easley are pushing would be heard by a special committee.Black, a lottery supporter, will appoint the comm
Mar 24, 2005, 8:49 am - Lottery News

Missouri Lottery faces downturn in sales
The Missouri Lottery faces a $3.5 million budget cut that could force layoffs of a fourth of the agency's workers plus another General Assembly-ordered retreat from advertising.This will be the fourth year in a row we're taking a significant budget cut, director Jim Scroggins told Lottery Commission members last week.We are struggling to understand that and to understand how we are expected to grow business and increase sales.Despite more than $6 million in advertising cuts the past three years,
Mar 22, 2005, 8:42 am - Lottery News

Oklahoma lottery funds still tied up
Legislators are still working on details of a plan to give the new Oklahoma Education Lottery Commission an emergency appropriation of $500,000, a Senate leader said Wednesday. We're trying to get all the legal problems worked out, said Sen. Mike Morgan, D-Stillwater, Senate appropriations chairman.He said getting startup money to the commission presents a legal quagmire because the state question adopted by voters last fall prohibits the use of General Revenue Fund money for lottery purposes a
Mar 18, 2005, 7:54 am - Lottery News

N.C. Gov. may get 2nd try with lottery
When North Carolina Governor Mike Easley leaves office, assessments of his tenure undoubtedly will touch on whether he brought North Carolina into the lottery fold.He wants a game. He says this a lot.Lawmakers from both major parties denied Easley's wish during his first term.Easley, who won re-election last fall, has another four years to get a lotto.But his window of opportunity could be much smaller since he cannot run for a third consecutive term and arguably right now is at the peak of his
Mar 14, 2005, 9:03 am - Lottery News

N.C. lawmakers push for quick vote on lottery
Leaders in the N.C. House hope to hold an up-or-down vote on a state lottery within the next several weeks and not put the issue to a vote of the people, House Speaker Jim Black said yesterday. I'm serious about going on and voting it. I want to get it over with, up or down, and move on, Black said.Though lottery supporters have argued for years that voters should decide on a lottery, opponents say that a referendum itself would be unconstitutional because North Carolina's constitution doesn't
Mar 10, 2005, 9:00 am - Lottery News