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Texas Lottery May Eliminate Lotto Bonus Number
'5 + Bonus' format was a flop with playersLotto Texas players might be saying bye-bye to the bonus ball.One of the proposals being floated by the Texas Lottery Commission is to eliminate the new five numbers and bonus ball matrix and return to a 'pick six of fifty' (6/50) format for the Lotto game, which is the flagship of the Texas Lottery. I don't think that has been discussed specifically, but I think we're discussing all formats for the matrix, to determine what would be the best, to make it
Aug 17, 2005, 7:48 pm - Lottery News

Texas Lottery considering guaranteed jackpots
Texas Lottery officials are considering guaranteed jackpots to help avoid inflated estimates like the one in June that prompted a consumer complaint to the state attorney general and cost the agency director his job.New jackpot prize guidelines proposed Monday include a guarantee the winner collect either the advertised amount or the amount calculated by sales, whichever is greater. The guarantees would apply to jackpots paid with the 25-year annuity, not to winners who choose the immediate cash
Aug 16, 2005, 6:53 am - Lottery News

N.C. lottery's fate could come down to one key vote
The proposal for a North Carolina lottery which seemed headed for passage a month ago is in jeopardy.Senate leader Marc Basnight said Tuesday that supporters did not yet have enough votes to pass the lottery in the Senate and that it was unclear whether they could get those votes before the legislature adjourns for the year. It's a flip of the coin, Basnight said in an interview.Although the Democratic leadership supports a lottery, five Democratic senators are staked out in opposition. Tha
Aug 12, 2005, 10:30 am - Lottery News

N.C. lottery bill limits commercials
North Carolina lawmakers are slapping limits on how much a proposed lottery can spend on advertising and what the commercials can say, but they may have underestimated both.The General Assembly is scheduled to vote this week on a state budget that includes a lottery. The lottery would be limited to spending 1 percent of its revenue on advertising. That figure, while in line with many lotteries, may not be enough for a lottery's first year. When we started out, we spent 3.1 percent, said Virgini
Aug 9, 2005, 12:35 pm - Lottery News

Indiana Lottery banking on fairness, cuts
The Hoosier Lottery has run into some rough times lately whether it is sagging profits or employees leaking the location of a winning ticket.But the new head of the quasi-governmental agency is focused on running things more efficiently with an emphasis on integrity. It is our absolute focus, said Esther Schneider a 40-year-old native of Las Vegas. We have a moral obligation to make sure our games are fair. When she arrived, Schneider said there was a lot of loosey-goosey activity, inclu
Aug 9, 2005, 9:27 am - Lottery News

Even with revenue deal, start of N.C. lottery no sure bet
House and Senate Democrats have agreed how to distribute lottery proceeds, but it's hardly a sure bet that North Carolina will become the last state on the East Coast to run a numbers game this year.The agreement, details of which were released late Monday with the final proposed $17.2 billion state budget for the coming year, includes a looser advertising policy than one approved by the House in April.Even if both chambers approve the budget later this week, the lottery language won't enact the
Aug 9, 2005, 8:37 am - Lottery News

North Carolina Lottery is a Go
Residents of the Tar Heel state will finally get a lottery, under terms worked out by the state's House and Senate Friday.The final budget plan allows North Carolina to start a lottery, advertise it, and spend the profits on teachers, school buildings, and scholarships for the needy.The compromise between House and Senate plans for a lottery virtually ensures that North Carolina will start a state numbers game during the next year. The lottery was the last disputed issue between the House and Se
Aug 6, 2005, 10:45 am - Lottery News

N.C. Democrats feel heat on lottery
In North Carolina, legislative leaders trying to break a logjam on the state's budget are pressing reluctant House Democrats to support a much more aggressively advertised lottery than the version that squeaked through the House in April.Several House members have opposed a lottery that would attract ticket buyers through billboard, TV and radio campaigns that promote big-dollar jackpots. They fear such a lottery would prey on people who could least afford to play it.In exchange for supporting a
Aug 3, 2005, 8:09 am - Lottery News

Still no consensus in N.C. lottery talks
Differences over a proposed North Carolina lottery surfaced from the budget negotiations Monday, as time dwindled before an end-of-the-week deadline to approve a spending plan for state government.North Carolina is the only East Coast state without a numbers game, but House and Senate leaders and Gov. Mike Easley all Democrats are trying to create one before the Legislature adjourns for the year.The House passed a lottery game in April by a two-vote margin. But the Senate approved a budget p
Aug 2, 2005, 8:42 am - Lottery News

Texas Lottery has history of frequent firings
Current and former Texas Lottery employees believe the threat of being fired was used to intimidate anyone who raised questions about lottery operations.Texas Lottery Commission C-F-O Lee Deviney was fired after he questioned the agency's practice of advertising inflated Lotto Texas jackpots.His managers say his termination was unrelated to that.Deviney was among five lottery employees fired in June under the at-will provision, bringing the total to eight so far for 2005.Documents attained by Th
Aug 1, 2005, 9:39 am - Lottery News