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String Theory and the Lottery
All I know is that for some uncanny reason groups of numbers have a way of falling in clusters and several ones lead and certain numbers seem to follow each other and travel together. I don't try to figure out why. I just say thank you.
Jun 19, 2006, 1:37 am - Tenaj - Mathematics Forum

Every number averages 20 hits per yr.
No readable text
Jan 27, 2006, 7:08 pm - Tenaj - Mathematics Forum

A Better Method for Pick3
That's exactly what I thought when I first came to LP and people where fighting with Tntea about the excessive posting of V-Tracs. My reply was when I came to LP I didn't know I would be entertained as well. But it ain't funny now.
Jan 25, 2006, 3:34 pm - Tenaj - Mathematics Forum

A Better Method for Pick3
Laverne certainly was crushed and called Tntea out on the new pick3 system thread and asked Tntea to take it back. I know you are not picking on me because I can take constructive criticism and hold accountability for my actions. You have been most helpful in many endeavors I've had here on LP and I'm grateful. I have more respect for you to suck up to you, so you can talk my words as sincere.Tntea repeatedly mentioned Laverne's system as a losing system. It was construed as insulting, not
Jan 25, 2006, 2:00 pm - Tenaj - Mathematics Forum

A Better Method for Pick3
You are right, she doesn't result to name calling, it's passive agressive. Did you read What observation will do in her blog? It's not naming calling, but it's trashing another member's system who has never uttered a word againist her or V-Tracs. That's what a lot of this is about. I say, if you can dish it out you should be able to take it.
Jan 25, 2006, 1:09 pm - Tenaj - Mathematics Forum

A Better Method for Pick3
tntea,I got a nice fat hit on 717 tonight and I'm not going to let this crap spoil my win!!!!!If there were a moon emoticon I would give it to you. But take this
Jan 25, 2006, 1:08 am - Tenaj - Mathematics Forum

A Better Method for Pick3
Thanks Paruths, and just to think I did it with pencil and paper for 11 years.
Jan 13, 2006, 11:38 am - Tenaj - Mathematics Forum

A Better Method for Pick3
We have to find our own niche. What works for some does not work for others. I hope that everyone find that niche and win.
Jan 13, 2006, 11:01 am - Tenaj - Mathematics Forum

A Better Method for Pick3
Oh please. This is about constanting shoving a system down people throats and saying don't use this LP member's system because you will lose. I hit for $1,800 tonight on 142 in SC tonight. One of my pet states. Read the Gems Alert thread. Two $1 straight hits and it's because I've seen what travels with 967 over and over and over and that's why I can take it to the Bank. Many other numbers I know with the same vibrations. You wanna hit 555, play it after 322 falls exactly in any state.
Jan 12, 2006, 9:29 pm - Tenaj - Mathematics Forum

A Better Method for Pick3
Vtrac does not work for everybody, just like other systems don't work for everybody. I've heard people say it over and over, Vtracs did not work for me. But I congratulate those who have been successful with it.We are all individuals and have the right to find our own niche without someone campaigning one system. Swearing that it is the best and you will lose if you use other systems. So quit shoving it down everybody's throats. What is this a forum or a campaign to convert everybody to Vtra
Jan 12, 2006, 8:29 pm - Tenaj - Mathematics Forum

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