
UsernameResults 291 - 300 of 523 for Littleoldlady. (0.03 seconds)

Off topic: Please do NOT pump gas on May 15th!!
I do remember the oil crisis of the 60's though where gas was rationed and your day to fill up was determined by the last digit of your license plate. Americans need to wise up and really start putting the muscle and energy into finding alternative fuels. Also, instead of buying bigger cars, Many should try smaller v-6s, v-4's and any v that is less that that of an 8. I have always driven a 6 cylinder but this time I got a 4. I cringe at the lack of power but the gas milage is G-R-E-A-T!! I
May 11, 2007, 6:09 pm - Littleoldlady - Lottery Discussion Forum

Happy Birthday Bluegrass and all
Wishing you many more..
May 4, 2007, 5:33 pm - Littleoldlady - Lottery Discussion Forum

Online got me into this mess, Can it get me out?
I agree that gamblers do have a high suicide rate but in order for the person to start to try to control their addiction, money must be removed from their environment. They aren't gambling for the money but for the thrill so whether they win or lose, gambling is still detrimental to them. To allow them to have resources where they can get to money is like giving an alcoholic a little drink .
Apr 20, 2007, 11:47 pm - Littleoldlady - Lottery Discussion Forum

Online got me into this mess, Can it get me out?
If she was my wife, I would cut her off, period. No money for anything. She has to take responsibility for her actions and if she doesn't consider the harm she is doing to her children and to her husband then she should get what she deserves. Her name would be taken off everything financial, ie bank accounts, credit cards, house, car..everything until she got her act together. If she didn't..I would call my local police and turn her in.
Apr 20, 2007, 4:28 pm - Littleoldlady - Lottery Discussion Forum

Who has the worse of situations?
I think player A is very realistic and player B comes from La-la land ( a place in lottery player's minds where they win big jackpots very often and regular.) Who is worse off? Player B-he actually lives in La-la land!!
Apr 7, 2007, 7:50 am - Littleoldlady - Lottery Discussion Forum

Prayers for bubber58
My condolences go out to Bubber58 and his family.
Mar 20, 2007, 7:08 am - Littleoldlady - Lottery Discussion Forum

Some features will be turned off tonight
I say around 4,000
Mar 6, 2007, 10:03 pm - Littleoldlady - Lottery Discussion Forum

Prayers for my son
You have my prayers also. Sometimes, it takes Tough Love to raise a child. As long as he remembers that you love him, it may convince him to turn over a new leaf.
Mar 5, 2007, 6:54 am - Littleoldlady - Lottery Discussion Forum

Deepest sympathy for Bob (Bluegrass)
I am very sorry to hear this news. Bluegrass have faith in GOD and HE heals all wounds. I know you loved your wife very, very much. My sympathy to all of your family.
Mar 3, 2007, 7:53 pm - Littleoldlady - Lottery Discussion Forum

Why can teenagers play the lotto?
I feel like this..if they can join the military at 18, go to war, die, drive,vote, get married,enter into a legally binding contract, get a job... then they should be able to buy a lottery ticket if they so desire. I had never even thought about 18 year olds playing but much to my surprise, many of them do and WIN! (one of my classes of older students enlightened me) I was also surprised by how many parents actually buy lottery tickets for their children as play things (scratch-offs). Around he
Mar 3, 2007, 9:14 am - Littleoldlady - Lottery Discussion Forum