
UsernameResults 261 - 270 of 523 for Littleoldlady. (0.06 seconds)

I feel that when you post numbers or other information that you are helping a person make an intelligent decision about their plays. I don't feel as if someone has to share their winnings for such information because as you said the person has to make a decsion to play it or not. Yes Todd, that particular addition (upgrade) would make me more than happy.
Oct 14, 2007, 9:14 am - Littleoldlady - Lottery Discussion Forum

Help!! Need winning lottery advice
Whenever I go somewhere to buy tickets for others, I ALWAYS make sure I play their numbers, too. I remember when this guy worked in Nashville and one of his co workers was going to buy lottery tickets in Kentucky (TN did not have a lottery then). Well she bought him a 2 dollar quick pick and he won 100+ million dollars. I know she was sick. He said he was going to give her a million dollars but all of the information I have heard since then says he didn't. His mother packed him up so fast,
Oct 8, 2007, 7:05 pm - Littleoldlady - Lottery Discussion Forum

getting tennessee lottery to bring back the balls drawings!!
Hello Miss Bee..I have missed you. I hope you got that 119.
Sep 15, 2007, 6:17 pm - Littleoldlady - Lottery Discussion Forum

Help Please!
In my home page the bottom scroll bar will show but when I come to LP, it won't show and I need to be able to scroll across when I am reading posts .
Sep 2, 2007, 3:57 pm - Littleoldlady - Lottery Discussion Forum

Help Please!
How can I get the scroll bar to show across the bottom of my page. For the life of me I can't get it to show. I have tried resizing and everything..nothing seems to work. I have the one on the side but the bottom one just won't show.
Sep 2, 2007, 2:40 pm - Littleoldlady - Lottery Discussion Forum

Happy Birthday Tntea!
Happy birthday TNTea! Are they making u slave, too for your paltry raise?
Sep 1, 2007, 10:26 am - Littleoldlady - Lottery Discussion Forum

Prayers for calabs
Hope u get well soon Calabs..My prayers r with u.
Aug 28, 2007, 9:47 pm - Littleoldlady - Lottery Discussion Forum


Aug 13, 2007, 6:02 pm - Littleoldlady - Lottery Discussion Forum

Help Please!!
Sorry, I am not an asker, I am a giver. Must of hit a nerve....
Aug 12, 2007, 10:57 am - Littleoldlady - Lottery Discussion Forum

Help Please!!
Peronally, I don't think she is lying. People get themselves into situations and the domestic situation is always the most tragic because one act affects the whole family including the children. I personally would not ask lottery players for help because I feel that they are stingy and suspicious. Not all of them, just MOST of them. She should go to her local RED Cross and to her Church. Also, she can appeal her plight to the social welfare system. Sometimes they have things in place
Aug 12, 2007, 9:48 am - Littleoldlady - Lottery Discussion Forum