
UsernameResults 231 - 240 of 523 for Littleoldlady. (0.05 seconds)

Tn RNG Drawing 077 multiple times.
I just looked at the news and they had a college professor compute the odds of having the number 077 hit. I couldn't belive that the odds for that number to hit 3 times in a row was 1 billion to 1. I was too through!! No player should have to try to overcome those odds..that is ridiculous! Of course, Rebbeca is defending her computers saying that they are certified . I just read the back of a ticket and there are NO odds. On the website, it says 1 in a thousand..they are sucking people dry and t
Apr 8, 2008, 6:19 pm - Littleoldlady - Lottery Discussion Forum

I won the Little lotto
You should cash it yourself whether u owe child support or anything because if u have your grandparents or anyone else cash it, you can mess up their money. Social Security has limits of earned income and so does disability pay. If you aren't planning on taking care of whomever cashes your ticket in..then you need to do it yourself. Also, if they are on welfare, you can really mess them up. If you don't owe anything, the taxes are about (Federal-6,000 on 25,000). If your state has income tax, th
Apr 8, 2008, 5:34 pm - Littleoldlady - Lottery Discussion Forum

I am so sad, my friend is moving
Yeah, put it in a blog but I DO UNDERSTAND how you feel. Be thankful that your friend is just moving. I lost all three of mine to death. I won't ever see them again.
Mar 30, 2008, 12:35 pm - Littleoldlady - Lottery Discussion Forum

Running an office Powerball pool is discouraging
If they are concerned about winning, then maybe they need to play a game with lower odds. As in the previous posts, 50.00 on PB is not much. I know there are some pools here where people buy literally hundreds of dollars worth of tickets and still they don't win. The main thing is is that you have to play to be IN IT! Maybe instead of quickpicks, come up with your own set of numbers to play. wheel them and play the same thing every draw. that way if they fall, you will win something..
Mar 21, 2008, 4:43 pm - Littleoldlady - Lottery Discussion Forum

Happy Birthday LottoMike !!
Happy Birthday LottoMike! I hope you get a straight Pick 4!!
Mar 8, 2008, 10:24 pm - Littleoldlady - Lottery Discussion Forum

Not all Retailers Pay Out to $599
Report Them to the lottery commission ASAP!! If they don't fulfill the agreements in the contract they signed to sell lottery tickets, they can be suspended from selling tickets or just plain revoked.
Feb 24, 2008, 5:49 pm - Littleoldlady - Lottery Discussion Forum

Deepest Condolences to Lucky
My prayers go out to you and your family..May Jesus COMFORT you...
Feb 24, 2008, 5:41 pm - Littleoldlady - Lottery Discussion Forum

Can My Comapny Sue us For the Winnings?
It is easier just to go to a copy store and make your copies. don't fool around with work email, copy machine,etc. Say you do form a pool and distribute tickets (copies) on COMPANY time? Say you lose..then it all comes back to bite you on the butt when you get your pink slip for using company resources without authorization..
Feb 22, 2008, 4:56 pm - Littleoldlady - Lottery Discussion Forum

Deepest Condolences to LottoVantage
My deepest condolences and prayers.
Feb 9, 2008, 11:01 am - Littleoldlady - Lottery Discussion Forum

Will you play lotto with your Tax Rebate check?
I figure I gotta see it first..can never plan to spend what I don't have.
Feb 3, 2008, 1:14 pm - Littleoldlady - Lottery Discussion Forum