
ForumsResults 331 - 340 of 342 for raffle. (0.02 seconds)

How you could make $5 Million to $15 Million dollars every year if youcan do it
i ll give you a hint...2/5 match in Pick5... here is my plan... There s got to be like: 15 Million people everyday in the USA or per state who get: 2/5....Some 2/5 in Pick5 pay: $2 30 million people x $2 = $30 Million dollars per day...most people throw away the, $2 tickets litterally... $30 Million dollars to buy: $5 scratchoffs = 6 Million Scratchoffs have to get like: 10,000 scratchoffs winners or more with 6 million scratchoffs won PER DAY.... take the: 10,000 or
Mar 4, 2011, 4:44 pm - pumpi76 - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Scratch Off Strategy
There's actually some possible fundamental reasons for what you are observing. The distribution of the larger prizes could be because most of the packs only contain smaller prizes and hence are mass printed on sheets. Each sheet is folded and cut to produce many packs so one die could print out several different packs. The larger prizes are printed in smaller production runs, with the largest prizes being single sheet prints. Once the sheets have been folded and cut into packs and wrapped so tha
Jul 31, 2010, 12:58 am - jwhou - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Post your scratch ticket results
I feel your pain.... While I haven't chased like that in a long time, I do get the itch and play more than usual every so often. I'm not really playing more often than usual right now, maybe a tad, but I'm doing terrible. I played two $10 Blowout tickets last night on 049 and 050 and they both lost. I think I already posted this, but last friday I went down to the local grocery store that just got one of the new instant ticket machines in and was going to play there.
Mar 14, 2016, 9:52 am - GetReal720 - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Post your scratch ticket results
You guys have been killing it! Kinda jealous of those $1K, $5K wins ect but good for those of you who have been hitting. It's about time someone from PA starts finding nice tickets, even if it isn't me! I really like that new store design omiller posted, I think it would help alleviate any hawking problems since there are so many rolls to choose from. A hawk couldn't possibly hit them all and your chances of playing a roll that was hawked is a lot smaller. I haven't
Jun 3, 2015, 11:28 am - GetReal720 - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Post your scratch ticket results
I know how you feel omiller, I just checked mine and they were all duds. This year I bought five tickets. Last few drawings I've had usually 2-3 tickets and haven't even won a $100 prize on any of them. I bought my dad two raffle tickets as a part of the stuff I got him for christmas, so I know my dad has six or seven of them and I know my brother has one or two.... hopefully one of them hit at least a $100 on one of them. Would be nice to get anything. As far as scratch
Jan 4, 2015, 1:32 am - GetReal720 - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Post your scratch ticket results
Well I certainly had some mixed results. I planned to play $100 today. I drafted a fantasy Team for a friend and we co owned all year. we won and I didnt want any money. he gave me $100, so I figured $200 was a good sample size to get a feel for things. Let me start by saying the store owner sold $500 on Black Tie. He said there was a $50 and $100 right before it(within 5 tix) My $50 free pack of tickets from the 2nd chance raffle won $35 All my tickets started with 000 $1-Golden Ha
Jan 7, 2013, 8:07 pm - omiller315 - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Post your scratch ticket results
Matt!! Great job on your hits on the C.E.'s!! 3 in a row mght mean a pick up on that game. I've seen some $25's and $50's and of course the *get what you put in* $20's That's a nice win on the Hot ticket too...I have been seeing matches - 3 times now in the bonus area for $10 big ones. I love (NOT!) how they tempt you with the $500 and $250 amounts in the bonus area. With the rise and fall of winnings and the absolute lag sometimes too - ticket price wins, $0 losses, misuse of symbo
Jun 13, 2011, 10:37 pm - dr65 - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Post your scratch ticket results
Some pretty decent winners in here since I've posted last! Congrats! I haven't played a single ticket since I've zipped on all those Fantastic 10's and I honestly for once really have no urge to play. I'm spending the money elsewhere on things that I will actually have and get to keep and use. I'm wanting to save up some cash to get another vehicle, without needing a loan and car detailing has always been somewhat of a hobby for me so I've decided to finally invest in s
Jun 1, 2016, 9:45 am - GetReal720 - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Post your scratch ticket results
They are bad, but really it's just a matter of how much worse it's gotten over two years here in PA. As far as the raffle goes, mathematically the odds are actually really good... especially on the million dollar prize level. They only sell 500K tickets max, this last time we estimate they probably were a good 100-125K short of that number. Normally the odds are 1 in 125,000 for a million dollars (4 top prizes of a million) and 1 in 125,000 for the $100,000 prize level (4 of
Mar 21, 2016, 10:06 am - GetReal720 - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

scratch card truth
First of all I'd like to state that none of this is meant in a negative or derogatory way to the OP, anyone who has already posted in this thread, or anyone that will after wards. There are two things being discussed here, and I feel it's important to separate them. The first being that lottery games are created with the notion that the game will be profitable to the state, and the second being how the winning tickets are being distributed. Lets start off with the idea
Oct 20, 2015, 10:14 am - GetReal720 - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum