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Post your scratch ticket results
The age old question, how much do you spend to win so much? The usual answer is a stealthy None of Your Business! I won't speak for skeptic ( congrats on the awesome wins skeptic!) but I will guess that most folks who frequent these forums are not casual players. The folks posting up multiple pictures of big winners are most certainly putting lots of dough in the lotteries ovens in order to obtain those occasional treats! I resemble that last statement! But I am not gonna come on here and announ
Nov 28, 2015, 4:14 pm - Spincognito - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Do people who win a lot on the scratchers spend much to get those wins?
Anyone (id say 98%) of people that say they are ahead or break even are not being truthful. My first big win was a 5k ticket, thats great and all but it cost me about 7k to finally get it. Ive also won a 10k tickets dont know how much it cost me but it didnt put me ahead. Winnings have progressively gotten worse over the years, not just to win a $500 dollar ticket you will have to buy 4 or 5 thousand dollars worth of $20 (what i play) tickets. now different areas may be different but this is fac
Nov 15, 2015, 11:10 am - LONERANGER58 - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Do people who win a lot on the scratchers spend much to get those wins?
Thanks for responding. It's not about trying to shame anyone but wonder how some people continue to win consistently and people like myself rarely win on scratchers. Now it's been at least a year and a half or more when I started on my lottery budget so I rarely play scratch tickets but even when I do play them I just win nothing or break even. When people post their wins I am happy for them but it does make a difference if you spend hundreds or more to get that big win since you have more of a
Nov 15, 2015, 8:42 am - shyguitar - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Do people who win a lot on the scratchers spend much to get those wins?
It is a combination of both. I've had some good wins from purchasing just a few tickets. Other times, I've had to go through a lot of tickets to get a good win. People can and do get lucky in spurts. However, in the long run, you end up spending money to get frequent big wins. Sometimes when I post a win, I'll give the background on how many tickets I bought, etc. Other times, I won't. Ultimately it is not anyone else's business. The point of sharing the wins on this website is for other members
Nov 11, 2015, 11:15 pm - gatorsrok - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Post your scratch ticket results
My mother has a male friend in her life now and the guy buys scratch-its from the oregon lottery and just lets them pile up if they are not big winners. So today mom comes home with a hand full of tickets and I took them to the store to get his money. He had let a couple of winners go past the time limit of a year. I guess I do not understand how some people can let winners expire because they do not check them. It was a $2 win but still it was money he could of spent on more tickets or pocketed
Jul 13, 2015, 11:25 pm - weshar75 - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Georgia Lottery Scratch Offs
Bought a few tickets today but no big wins then ended up being down $100. Left and went back and decided to play Caesars that had been sitting there for awhile untouched new pack. Bought one and lost then decided to get one from the machine and lost. Decided to get one more from the counter and walk away. Scratched it on my way to the car and got to the third line and saw the Gold Bar win all symbol! I was praying for more than $5 under it! Thank goodness it was $40! Ended up being 10 $40 matche
Jul 9, 2015, 5:53 pm - goherd14 - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Georgia Lottery Scratch Offs
Man this thread is dead! I have nothing huge to report. I don't play as much anymore. I got the urge yesterday and played about 5 $30 cash spectacular and a few various $5 games. I hit $200 on the 2nd cash spectacular from the counter. Played a couple out of the machine and hit $50. I started to get excited on the cash spectacular because I got the 5x symbol. Everytime I have gotten that symbol it was a $500 win. I was ticked to see $40 under it. I have won $200 on a ticket almost everytime I pl
Jul 8, 2015, 10:38 am - goherd14 - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Post your scratch ticket results
I won on #056 also with only a $20 match for me though. Really mad at the PA Lottery after today's 8 losers in a row with no big win after, so best to stop for a long while. Just frustrating again. This tendency of mine to chase wins after enough losers must stop also.
Apr 10, 2015, 12:17 am - MattfromPA - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

What's your strategy?
My strategy is to buy more winners than losers. I try to buy two consecutive $20 tickets at a time. If I win, I stop. If I lose, I stop. This has prevented me from chasing. Every one of by big wins ($500 or $1000) have come from just buying one ticket or two and being at the right place at the right time. However, I have kind of broken my rule recently and its been costly.
Feb 18, 2015, 9:16 pm - gatorsrok - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Florida Scratch Offs - Post Pictures if posible
I have been buying the 100X the Cash and some of the older tickets here and there. I got this one last week. Nothing huge but a win is a win. Good luck to everyone. Hopefully 2015 will land some of us a few big winners.
Feb 1, 2015, 11:29 pm - gatorsrok - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum