
ForumsResults 1 - 8 of 8 for golf. (0.01 seconds)

I cracked Pick6...But to do it i first need the answer to these 2 questions..
I did do it, i wrote to the Singapore golf courses...I wanted to contact all the golf courses in Asia and around the world but i could not because i have a very old computer and the websites that lists all the golf courses in the world is kind of loaded so it took me 3 hours to send them a message... What i am saying is: Have you been to a golf course? The people in there act like they are rich and sophisticated and they act like only the rich and famous goes there...Not only that but golf is
Jul 26, 2009, 2:38 pm - pumpi76 - Mathematics Forum

I cracked Pick6...But to do it i first need the answer to these 2 questions..
have you noticed that there is more golf courses than free lottos...Every country has like 50 golf courses only for the rich, how much does a golf course cost? 40 million? maybe more...wouldn't it be nice if they placed 40 million in the bank at 5% is 2 million each year and let it go towards a free lotto every month....And if they want only rich people or certain people to join it they can do it like each member have a secret password to log in to the free lotto website and play and at the same
Jul 25, 2009, 11:09 pm - pumpi76 - Mathematics Forum

I cracked Pick6...But to do it i first need the answer to these 2 questions..
I've noticed there are free poker and bingo sites where players can win play money and if you win enough play money some will let you spend it on prizes contributed by sponsors. I know of a poker site where you can play for free with a chance of winning an entry into a real money money tournament where the prize fund comes from promotion. But we're talking about winning a couple hundred dollars not millions. The reason people build golf courses is because if you build it, they will come to
Jul 26, 2009, 9:53 am - Stack47 - Mathematics Forum

Can math and logic improve chances of winning a jackpot?
state lotteries are poor wagers and that I don't play them. I don't recall anyone on this thread asking if betting $1 win $9 million or $2 to win $97.1 million is a good wager. And even if someone asks, asking someone like Catlin is like asking someone who doesn't play golf what is best golf ball and clubs or asking a vegetarian the best steak house. By definition any losing bet is a poor wager even if the odds were 100 to 1 in your favor. Are we suppose to be in shock and awe every time
Jul 23, 2013, 1:49 pm - Stack47 - Mathematics Forum

Need help with Conditional Formatting for Consecutive numbers
You are welcome. This would work for anything with consecutive numbers, but I can understand you wanting to do it without macros. I am working on something for a guy who runs my golf league. I put a button in a field that goes through all scores, finds the most recent 6(even if they miss weeks), drops high and low and then averages out the remaining 4 for the handicap. Like I said, VBA makes working with Excel data simple. He clicks the button and all the work is done for him..
Apr 24, 2011, 6:44 pm - omiller315 - Mathematics Forum

I cracked Pick6...But to do it i first need the answer to these 2 questions..
I'm gonna write letters to the owners of those Golf courses and ask them if they'd consider tearing down the courses and use their money's interest in banks to fund free lotteries. Great Idea Pumpi. I never knew you had it in you....
Jul 26, 2009, 8:54 am - joker17 - Mathematics Forum

Tinkermen Lotto Report - General Explanation of Mathematical Discovery needed
bobby, come on now, my feelings are not hurt. At 64 years of age, it takes a lot more than words entered from a keyboard to hurt my feelings. You can't believe I would do what I do just for fun? Well you don't know me, so no way for you to believe otherwise. I'm not here to convince you of anything. Hobbies are my way of relaxing, exercising or just plain having fun. I like to play golf for fun and physical exercise (I walk 18 holes), and I write computer code for brain exercise and relaxatio
May 12, 2019, 7:12 pm - Mr-B 216 - Mathematics Forum

Amazing old man cracks math code
Fantastic story of what's yet to come ..... EddessaKnight Math whiz hopes method will multiply BY JOSH SHAFFER, Staff Writer FUQUAY-VARINA - On a yellow scratch pad, Albert Clay works out a math problem that can stump a calculator -- and all of the ciphering occurs inside his white-haired head. In seconds, Clay multiplies a pair of five-digit numbers and writes down the answer in a single line. There's none of the sloppy rows of zig-zagging numbers that would normally clutter a pa
Aug 10, 2009, 4:35 pm - eddessaknight - Mathematics Forum

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