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Lottery a Sport?
Last night i was looking on CNN international how golf has propelled around the world and specially in south east asia...I have a very creative mind so i think different...And i thought how a sport that isn't a sport could capture everyones' attention and energy to those who like it...What caught my attention the most is the technology companies strive to introduce to the golf clubs...How they make the tip of the golf club have a special metal or design to that when the golfer strikes the ball,
Feb 5, 2007, 4:37 pm - pumpi76 - Lottery Discussion Forum

Picking numbers. Would you rather be Good or Lucky and why?
It's like they say in golf, I'd rather be lucky than good. Although good at golf is good.
Jan 22, 2016, 8:17 pm - Dreaming Gemini - Lottery Discussion Forum

So what kinda house would you buy??
Gated, Golf Course, Gazebo, With a Gallon Of Jack D..
Jan 30, 2014, 4:06 pm - Mr-Smith - Lottery Discussion Forum

First major purchase after winning it all?
I already have several vehicles so perhaps a new golf cart would suffice
Sep 16, 2013, 4:24 pm - Jill34786 - Lottery Discussion Forum

Playing the Lottery as a Business
But dont tell the golf club lady...... She will beat you with her golf club.
May 26, 2013, 2:01 pm - Ronnie316 - Lottery Discussion Forum

Free Premium Membership...
Good point, kind of like getting a hole-in-one in golf.
Mar 28, 2006, 8:24 pm - Todd - Lottery Discussion Forum

Do you know anyone that has won a big amount
How many of you know someone that has won a fairly big amount of money playing the lottery? Im talking about a minimum of say 25 thousand. I know 2 people that have hit cash 25 here in WV for 25k. One of tham had 2 tickets with same combo so he hit for 50 k. 2 people that hit the first 5 on the powerball for 100 k. Both of tham were a few years back whan it paid 100 k for 5 numbers instead of 200 k or 1million as it is now. Also a member at the golf course im employed at his wife hit the old Lot
Feb 17, 2012, 1:47 am - alexnt55 - Lottery Discussion Forum

our chances are NIL
Thank you guys for your replies, wishing you all Merry X - mas and happy new year . I just red the odds of wining it is even worst than I thought 1- 135,000,000 , guys do you know what that means from a mathmatical point of view ?????? Mr. Bernard your chances 50/ 50 when you when you have two options 1or 2 but not 1to 135,000,000 so imagine ??Mr. Doug it is so easy to get struck by lightening ,get in a car wreck, or get a ball in golf in one shot , Doug I have seen guys get a ball in one shot
Dec 24, 2002, 2:09 am - Harley boy - Lottery Discussion Forum

Do any of you personally know any lottery winners?
A man that played golf at the golf course i work at by the name of Carl Coffman hit it big back around 1990 when powerball was called lotto america i think it was. His wife bought a $2 ticket at a Krogers here. This was back when your winnings were paid over a 20 year period. Her win was 17250000.
Jul 21, 2016, 2:17 am - alexnt55 - Lottery Discussion Forum

If you won either the MM/PB: Would you tell your friends, especially close ones?
I'll bet lots of friendships ended when jackpot winners failed to do what their former friends expected them to do. On the other hand a few years ago, a co-worker won a nice jackpot and gave 11 of his golf buddies an all-expenses-paid 5 day golf trip to Mesquite, NV and 4 nights in Vegas.
Oct 6, 2015, 7:14 pm - Stack47 - Lottery Discussion Forum

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