
ForumsResults 41 - 50 of 228 for golf. (0.01 seconds)

neural networks and lotteries
Oh, Dude, I have been shaking..........never stop moving, doll.My other daughter came over last weekend and she is have a baby also...........2 grandkids both due in the 3rd week in August....Automatically, I go from none to 2 grandkids....<shaking head>. My youngest is 28 so that is how long they waited to have kids. On top of that, if they deliver on the same day, they will be at 2 different hospitals. Life just isn't easy but I am eternally grateful to have a little Hannah or Zak run
Jan 13, 2004, 8:01 pm - Sandy K - Lottery Discussion Forum

Everett E-Business
Quote: Originally posted by Sandy K on June 15, 2003By the way, honey, happy Father's day!!!!!!!! Just don't golfing and wreck your i had to get psychological help from the last time i played with my son. that triple bogey on the first hole made me more mad than i had ever been on a golf course.might have lost my salvation right there (jk-lol). i was so mad thinking hey, it's my birthday and i am going to play a lousy round of golf. what a waste . lost sight of m
Jun 15, 2003, 8:41 am - visiondude - Lottery Discussion Forum

George Sedertree Where are you?
pick, now we are talking. i know alot about golf, played it many years. even though i could afford pro-line clubs i make my own.just so we are clear about the sedertree and me thing, he intiated it, i didn't. i knew who he was and what he did and did not say a word to him. he made a derogitory comment to me that evolved into the challenge. so don't make it sound like i came after him because of what he does. what you are accusing me of is not true (headhunting). there are plenty of people in he
Oct 16, 2002, 8:31 pm - visiondude - Lottery Discussion Forum

Wit and Wisdom of old lottery players...
I Started from the beginning of this Topic this morning because I read eddesanight s latest thread and remembered some of the Conflicts that burst forth from the Assembly. Luckily, I realized that there was probably not much point in knowing that old Carp, rather than looking for the things that I think are good. Wit and Wisdom of Old Lottery Players. Can this knowledge make you a Winner in a Lottery? Forget the Wit, It s Wisdom we are searching for. Eddessaknight certainly provides wi
Dec 9, 2022, 12:51 pm - AllenB - Lottery Discussion Forum

LP Chat Transcripts Saved Here
Ms Althea Gibson ; Was first top American black tennis player. She won 11 grand slam titles before becoming a golf professional, says: I always wanted to be someone, If I made it, it's half was because I was game enough to take a lot of punishment along the way and half because there was a lost of people who cared enough to help me Ms Althea Gibson ; Was first top American black tennis player. She won 11 grand slam titles before becoming a golf professional. Brava The Right Stu
Dec 11, 2018, 6:35 pm - eddessaknight - Lottery Discussion Forum

The Lottery Changed My Life TLCML
Perhaps his lawsuit turned his parents a bit squirrely.In biblical times this kid would have been stoned to death.Their mistake was giving this punk that much money to begin with.A minute of golf ball size stoning on the back, avoiding vital organs would have done the trick.
May 22, 2017, 9:56 pm - noise-gate - Lottery Discussion Forum

Car Question?
A $40,000 2016 or 2017 VW Golf R hatchback would work for me. Lambos and Ferraris are sweet, but I don't wanna go broke.
Jul 17, 2016, 6:51 pm - jjtheprince - Lottery Discussion Forum

Robinson's buy 6.2 Million $ home on 320 acrea in TN
Why? Not everyone plays golf, basketball or tennis. That's valuable space that could be used for a larger garage.
Jul 9, 2016, 3:46 pm - Rexer90 - Lottery Discussion Forum

Winning ticket
I'd give ticket to my two kids and let them deal with all the BS that comes with winning. For a price of course! Lease me a new car every year, buy me a condo on a golf course, and say $4,000 a month. But that's if win is ten million or more. Right now I'd settle for a couple nice pick-4 hits.
Mar 8, 2016, 1:53 pm - woody4591 - Lottery Discussion Forum

If you won the MM/PB big jackpot will you post it here at LP?
I might show up at the press conference wearing my LP cap and golf shirt if I could find them. I brought them years ago thinking I surely would have won a jackpot by now but I've about worn them out wearing them around the house. Maybe it's time to buy some new ones just in case.
Apr 24, 2014, 11:54 pm - RJOh - Lottery Discussion Forum