
ForumsResults 21 - 30 of 30 for Illegal Activities. (0.02 seconds)

Where's rdgrnr ?
Evidently Ambelamba is against legal immigration and for illegal immigration. I wonder what other illegal activities he/she is for or against? Bank robbery? Probably for unless his/her bank is the one being robbed. Rape? Probably for unless the rapist hits close to home. Murder? Probably for unless the murderer lives on his/her same block. Capital punishment? Probably against unless the victim is a member of his/her family. But this thread is about Tennessee Ridge Runner and wher
Jan 26, 2011, 10:25 am - GASMETERGUY - Lottery Discussion Forum

Something that Concerns me...Illegal Lotto System = Terrorrist Act...
The thing is that it simply displaces investment from other sources of income. These are all things that the government is expected to do, all that raising the money from lotteries does is reduce the amount the needs to be contributed from general funds and hence repurposed to something else. They may be saying that the lotto is for the education system but in fact it just allows them to divert money that would otherwise have been used for the education system for something else, some of which
Dec 22, 2009, 5:03 pm - jwhou - Lottery Discussion Forum

Why the US is turing into a facist country
I just don't understand simple minded people! Heck, I think it's as plain as the nose on your face! If someone has illegal gains/money from an illegal operation (of any kind), of course all money, property and other assets will be seized. The government has no way to distinguish what had been acquired legally or illegally, that burden falls on the accused! So, with that said, the government has no other choice but to seize everything until said accused provides proof that some of those assets th
Nov 16, 2006, 11:30 am - BaristaExpress - Lottery Discussion Forum

Bitcoin lotto shopping -Yes or no ?
A few other things I've read about with regard to Bitcoin and then I'll stop. The amount of $$ being traded in Bitcoins is extremely small in comparison to the amount U.S. Dollars in circulation. That's why the United States Federal Reserve Bank (as of today) pays no attention to it. The US dollar is backed by the full faith and credit of The US government and gold stored at Fort Knox. Bitcoin is backed by no government anywhere, but that's what the guy who created Bitcoin wanted. Nobody know
Dec 17, 2017, 8:32 am - GiveFive - Lottery Discussion Forum

777 and dolphins
Why shouldn't people be allowed to feed dolphins? Because, marine biologists say, giving dolphins free food addicts them to handouts. People are turning dolphins into welfare bums. The federal government's fish police see the threat. Handouts destroy the ability of dolphins, who are very smart fish (mammals), to survive on their own. Mothers do not teach survival skills to their offspring. They teach them to live off welfare. Tourists are creating inter-generational welfare dependence. In
Apr 13, 2012, 6:48 pm - LottoBoner - Lottery Discussion Forum

Take part in the Oxford University Gambling Survey
Posting from a college computer is pretty meaningless by itself, but it at least suggests that it's not from a Nigerian who's actually in Nigeria. The domain registration (info below) adds a bit more legitimacy. Global Initiative appears to be a web design and hosting service. I went ahead and had a look. I thought Oxford was a good school, but I'm not impressed with the survey. Many are vague or unclear. My favorite was have you engaged in illegal activities to obtain drugs? Gee, no, I'v
Aug 9, 2007, 4:13 pm - KY Floyd - Lottery Discussion Forum

Online lotteries legal/ fair?
Bill is pending or in committee , probably meaning they haven't decided on the final language yet. Problem with it is it won't be targeted at the individual user, but the credit card companies who, according to the preliminary draft, would be illegally transferring funds outside the US in order that their customers can avoid paying federal taxes on any income and/or to enable their customers to engage in activities that would be classified as illegal if the activities themselves were cond
Apr 24, 2004, 2:02 pm - johnph77 - Lottery Discussion Forum

What if someone interferes ??
Fwup-You are so right. What we need are some more lottery rules regulations. I think everyone who wins a major jackpot must take a IQ test. People with below average intelligence should not be eligible to receive their money.I also think these winners need to be checked out by the FBI to make sure they aren't sleeper agents for some terrorist regime. We wouldn't want them using the winnings for terrorist activities and such.We also need to run a criminal background check on all the winners to
Dec 5, 2005, 3:52 pm - DirtyWrat - Lottery Discussion Forum

BEWARE: Lottery Scams and Frauds
Beware of the following Lottery Scams and Frauds:Castor Pollux Publishing (frequent digit analysis). The operator of this site has posts in various forums i.e. A.L. Armand, etc.Lottery Theory-Dave Todd. Individual is operating illegaly in the state of New Jersey. He has been reported to federal investigative authorities for criminal activities.XYZ System-Certain postings indicate that the operator of this site is using various aliases to promote this site. Individuals have sent funds in the form
Feb 22, 2002, 12:54 pm - glenn - Lottery Discussion Forum

online gambling law
Legal Landscape of Online Gaming Has Not Changed Misleading news stories abound both online and in print regarding the passage of the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act. The completely incorrect interpretation states that the new bill essentially outlaws most forms of Internet gambling. The new bill absolutely does no such thing. I have been analyzing legal issues for 25 years. I have gone to court thousands of times interpreting statutes and I have taught new lawyers the correct m
Oct 7, 2006, 12:21 pm - tungsten chef - Lottery Discussion Forum

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