
ForumsResults 11 - 20 of 30 for Illegal Activities. (0.00 seconds)

Why Not Converge PB and MM Into a Super Lotto For All States??
Where is it written that the states have a guaranteed monopoly on these games? Some where in most state laws because anyone starting their own game is usually arrested, taken to jail and the courts sentence them to some prison time for illegal activities..
Dec 3, 2012, 10:34 am - RJOh - Lottery Discussion Forum

Lottery Taxation
why should they pay any less than a well-paid middle management executive who makes $ 200,000 and pays nearly a third of his income in taxes?Why, indeed. If there's a tax on 'earnings', how can winning a lottery be considered as somehow different than, say, selling a lot of some illicit recreational drug, which is taxable if they catch a person at it. Or getting paid some astronomical amount for prancing around a stage shouting into a microphone and waving an electric guitar? Or throwing and
Aug 14, 2005, 9:35 am - Rip Snorter - Lottery Discussion Forum

Should illegal immigrants be able to claim lottery prizes?
I don't think they are separate issues. They're participating in an activity reserved for folks who have the proper documentation. The two are inextricably linked. That's like saying it's OK for them to have a driver's license, as long as they pay for the fees. They're too smart to cash in a ticket, so they'll find a legal friend to do it for them. Had they not played, a legal person may have won instead. What worries me, is since they are doing something illegal like staying in this count
Jul 29, 2010, 2:01 pm - joker17 - Lottery Discussion Forum

Mailing lottery tickets ?
Title 18 of the U. S. Postal Code was adopted in 1956 as a measure against organized crime and certain money-laundering schemes they used to legitimize the money they earned in illegal activities. With the conviction of Al Capone in 1931, the IRS began taking a very active part in lobbying for this type of federal legislation. Following the repeal of the Prohibition Act in 1933, illegal gambling quickly emerged as the Mob's primary source of income. Lottery tickets are included in Title 18 b
Mar 23, 2006, 10:03 am - jim695 - Lottery Discussion Forum

Predicting winning numbers? Fact or fiction?
You should notify the authorities if you have evidence of the lottery's illegal activities. You even told us they hacked into your computer to steal your math! How brazen they are! Anyway, you are the one who constantly brings up the idea that the lottery officials change the numbers after the drawing to prevent you, specifically, from winning, so you should not get so testy when people ask you simple questions about these nefarious deeds. It's a public forum. If you don't want people to ask
Oct 6, 2020, 7:40 pm - cottoneyedjoe - Lottery Discussion Forum

Jack Whittaker does it again.
To see this man in the news for stupid decisions is soooo irritating. I remember back when he won a few people at my job were upset because he won and was already a millionaire. They felt that he shouldn't have been playing at all. I came to his defense and let them know that anybody that has a dollar has the opportunity and a chance to win, regardless if its Donald Trump or the guy on the corner that begs for spare change. Then to see him in the news making what we think are foolish decisi
Dec 4, 2004, 1:24 pm - urbossmanpimpin - Lottery Discussion Forum

Wal-Mart Warning - If you play lotto . . .
It's interesting how you can shop at a store like Wal-Mart without getting any idea what the owners are thinking.Recently Wal-Mart has put up a website to promote and sell merchandise and have begun searching for approporiate web sites to host their banners advertising the new web site.I don't know about you, but I've shopped at Wal-Mart for years and was rather surprised to learn some of the kinds of web sites Wal-Mart finds unacceptable including those that 'Promote alcohol, tobacco, gambling/
Jun 18, 2002, 12:58 pm - BobP - Lottery Discussion Forum

online lottery
How many websites do you think I give free advertising too just by having BONER as my screenname? I tried to limit my opinion on free advertisement of specific gambling sites with the potential of involving illegal activities. I have no opinion on advertising competitor sites or any other site because this site has the option to edit parts of the posts pertaining to those site. If I was told not to post those types of links, I wouldn't argue why. It's a fine line on what's legal and what
Sep 17, 2013, 3:06 pm - Stack47 - Lottery Discussion Forum

Lottery Cheater
If it's cheat the lottery then don't even think about it. I lost 60 bucks because of this guy, if infact it's the same person. I can't believe I still see his ads on the net. It's totally illegal and not doable by an arms length. He wants people to hack into the main server of the lottery computer and alter the your losing ticket's serial numbers into a winning one, which is not possible at all. In his sales letter he claimed that it was legal, but after you purchase it, near the end he ha
Aug 24, 2007, 6:18 pm - pacattack05 - Lottery Discussion Forum

You Won 50 Million Playing PowerBall Decided to Become an Investor. Is Your Adviser Honest?
Imagine you hit a $50 million jackpot and you've decided to become an investor. Therefore you'll need to hire an investment adviser. You're told the adviser you've just been introduced to is honest, but how can you be certain he or she truly is honest? The short answer is you cant be absolutely sure your newly found financial wizard is honest. For the record, the vast majority of financial advisers are completely honest. But then, some aren't. Also, your new adviser might be honest these day
Aug 29, 2020, 9:18 am - GiveFive - Lottery Discussion Forum

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