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Hawaii blasts sirens for tsunami after earthquake in Chile 8.8 Earthquake hits Chile
Feb 27, 2010, 11:36 am - truesee

President Obamas' Winter Vacation House $4,000 per Night
Dec 24, 2009, 6:15 am - truesee

Traits that billionaires have in common
Oct 11, 2009, 5:05 pm - truesee

News Article
Poll: Obama struggling to win over Clinton voters By ALAN FRAM and TREVOR TOMPSON, Associated Press Writers WASHINGTON (AP) Barack Obama's support from backers of Hillary Rodham Clinton is stuck smack where it was in June, a poll showed Tuesday, a stunning lack of progress that is weakening him with members of the Democratic Party in the close presidential race. An Associated Press-Yahoo! News poll s...
Sep 23, 2008, 7:19 am - tntea

We already voted. Over a million votes...more than several other states combined. I knew this was all a game just like the 2000 election that the Republicans manipulated. Charlie Crist is a strong McCain supporter and possibly will be his running mate. The political plot keeps thickeni...
Mar 2, 2008, 4:50 pm - justxploring

FL and MI Dem. Primary Re-vote?;_ylt=AoGBEK7RaddqWHt5qBGbUlGyFz4D We should be able to do better in our primary voting procedures in the U.S....
Feb 18, 2008, 10:30 am - Rick G

Think I'll Vote Democrat!
I thought this was so funny that I wanted to post it in case it was missed. They should have used the body of a jackass!...
Jan 21, 2008, 2:49 am - justxploring

Sexism and Racism in Politics
This is a good article. I really don't think I have to add anything to it.;_ylt=AlA1Wiqh4X6h7zK4D5dcTsAb.3QA...
Jan 14, 2008, 7:44 pm - justxploring

Global Warming?
Everyone has their beliefs about global warming. I don't know if what the world is experiencing is man-made or not. I don't care to get into an agruement about it. We should try to take care of this earth and that is important. Here is an interesting article. Blame it on man (global warming) or just the weather cycles we have, but so many records were broken in 2007....
Dec 30, 2007, 10:22 am - Britney

Time travel theory
Time travel possibilities for the future generation great stuff. I wish this could happen in my lifetime.
Aug 21, 2007, 2:54 am - four4me