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BlogsResults 361 - 370 of 485 for welfare. (0.03 seconds)

"Speaking of Gangster Government (video)
This one is NOT going away. JAP posted a YouTube video the censors apparently got, TigerAngel posted a link with a still good video. Yahoo has an article showing his sad little boy face issuing an (expected) apology. NC congressman apologizes for behavior on video
Jun 14, 2010, 10:29 pm - konane

Long-Term Unemployment: No Help For The 99ers
Long-Term Unemployment: No Help For The 99ers First Posted: 05-24-10 03:22 PM | Updated: 05-24-10 06:53 PM Huffington Post This week Congress will consider legislation to reauthorize extended unemploymen...
May 24, 2010, 10:47 pm - truesee

"Our federal government does not have the authority to force us to buy anything.
Someone sent this in email. ______ From Congressman Ted Poe, 2nd District, Texas Dear Neighbors, Tonight, in the last hour, politics trumped the people and the House passed the Senate bill by a vote of xxx-xxx. As promised, I voted NO. Over the last year, our country has been more engaged in our government than ever before and because of that we remain united to fight another day....
Mar 22, 2010, 10:34 pm - konane

Grandma drugged baby to keep parents from...
Posted: Saturday, Jan 30, 2010 - 08:40:44 am CST Grandma charged with drugging baby News Tribune staff and...
Jan 31, 2010, 8:28 pm - truesee

Fascism defined by Jonah Goldberg
As a means to inform myself about the ideology I did a bit of research and turned this up on Discover The Networks dot org which IMHO contains credible and well researched information. ________ This section of DiscoverTheNetworks examines fascism and Nazism -- their ideological premises, their worldviews, and their ultimate objectives. In his 2007 book Liberal Fascism, Jonah Goldberg offers the following working definition of fascism:...
Dec 30, 2009, 4:19 pm - konane

Police Use Fake Stimulus Checks To Trap Fugitives
Fort Lauderdale police lure suspects with fake stimulus cash offer DAVID SMILEY Miami Herald 8/26/09 They flocked by the dozens to the War Memorial Auditorium, lured by promises of fat stimulus checks. What they got was something else entirely. In total, more than 100 qualified recipients scheduled appointments last week to see offi...
Aug 29, 2009, 8:03 am - truesee

Leader faces new sex assault charge
Polygamist leader faces new sex assault charge Story Highlights Warren Jeffs indicted on second Texas sexual assault charge in four months Grand jury also indicts three other members of polygamous sect Charges stem from probe of sect's ranch outside Eldorado, Texas Jeffs convicted in Utah of accomplice to rape for role in member's marriage to teen (CNN) -- A grand jury has indicted polygamous...
Nov 13, 2008, 1:02 am - NBey6

"Treasury submits to Shariah
GAFFNEY: Treasury submits to Shariah Tuesday, November 4, 2008 Source The Washington Times COMMENTARY: The U.S. Treasury Department is submitting to Shariah - the seditious religio-political-legal code authoritative Islam seeks to impose worldwide under a global theocracy. As reported in this space last...
Nov 7, 2008, 12:39 pm - konane

A nudging reminder
There's a supreme law of the land in the US. It's called the US Constitution Section. 8. Clause 1: The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Exc...
Nov 19, 2005, 1:28 pm - Rip Snorter

PETA starts fish-have-feelings-too campaign
The hits, they keep on coming! PETA does it again with a new wacky campaign... PETA Campaign Pitches Fish As Smart Touting tofu chowder and vegetarian sushi as alternatives, animal-rights activists have launched a novel campaign arguing that fish - contrary to stereotype - are intelligent, sensitive animals no more deserving of being eaten than a pet dog or cat....
Nov 16, 2004, 8:23 pm - Todd