Dropping out of lottery pool costs teacher millions

Nov 25, 2011, 3:10 am (59 comments)

Canada 6/49

RED DEER, Alta. — Dave Johnston is kicking himself for pulling out of a lottery pool that's about to cash in a lucky ticket for $30 million.

The steam-fitting instructor at Red Deer College in central Alberta, Canada, used to play regularly with plumbing teachers he sat with in the school's lunchroom every day.

But he pulled out over a year ago.

"It's hard to stay in," said Johnston, who added he kept putting in his cash but the pool wasn't winning big. He eventually decided it just wasn't going to happen.

"And then it does."

Seven of the plumbers won last week's Lotto 6-49 jackpot. The men, each set to pocket about $4.3 million, are to be officially introduced at a Western Canada Lottery Corp. news conference today.

Johnston said he found the plumbers hugging each other and dancing around soon after they realized they had the winning numbers.
"I walked over and said, 'What did you do? Win a hundred bucks?' "

Johnston said he was happy to learn his co-workers were new millionaires. And he offered them a quick proposal.

"I said, 'Well, if each of you give me a $100,000 then I can retire too.' I thought I'd throw it out there," Johnston said. "I didn't have any bites."

A retired instructor who sometimes put money in the pool when he popped in for coffee also phoned to offer congratulations. But he also gave the group grief for not keeping him in the pool when he wasn't around.

Johnston said he's not upset and his family isn't blaming him, either. "It's just one of those things. If it was meant to be, it would be. That's all."

Canadian Press


TigerAngel's avatarTigerAngel

Well, he should contact the lawyer of that other guy that dropped out 3 years previous and the court just awarded  him his cut. That was unreal!

jackpotismine's avatarjackpotismine

Unbelievable! Some people are just sore losers. He said: "I said, 'Well, if each of you give me a $100,000 then I can retire too.' I thought I'd throw it out there," Johnston said. "I didn't have any bites."

You are entitle to NOTHING! ZERO! ZILTCH! NADA! Why should any of the winners give him anything? You don't pay you don't play!

temptustoo's avatartemptustoo

WOW,, who would have thunked it... Well I guess he thought it would have been better to save a few bucks... LOL... Some people are not meant to have millions .

OldSchoolPa's avatarOldSchoolPa

You know how educators and mentors are always exhorting kids to stay in school?  Well, I guess this can be adapted for this guy, and he is a teacher no less.  STAY IN THE (LOTTERY) POOL!!!  You lottery pool dropout!

I guess this illustrates an important point:  Don't alter your lottery buying pattern.  If he would have stayed in the pool, he would be some millions richer and retired.  But if you are not playing a pool, don't start...too much headache.  Also, I am reminded of the many folks who say they only play the lottery when it reaches a certain amount, like $100 million.  Well if these people would have done that, they would not have won.  And how many people pick their own numbers but exercise this scheme only to discover that their numbers rolled when the jackpot was MERELY $25 million?!!!  I think one quarter of $25 million is more than many people have in investment/bank accounts today!!!  I play regardless of the jackpot amount as it is irrelevant UNTIL your numbers hit.

Slick Nick's avatarSlick Nick

The guy pulled out over a year ago, no court would honor any claim. You have to stick with it.  Oh well, it wasn't meant to be.Lurking

jump6702's avatarjump6702

Quote: Originally posted by OldSchoolPa on Nov 25, 2011

You know how educators and mentors are always exhorting kids to stay in school?  Well, I guess this can be adapted for this guy, and he is a teacher no less.  STAY IN THE (LOTTERY) POOL!!!  You lottery pool dropout!

I guess this illustrates an important point:  Don't alter your lottery buying pattern.  If he would have stayed in the pool, he would be some millions richer and retired.  But if you are not playing a pool, don't start...too much headache.  Also, I am reminded of the many folks who say they only play the lottery when it reaches a certain amount, like $100 million.  Well if these people would have done that, they would not have won.  And how many people pick their own numbers but exercise this scheme only to discover that their numbers rolled when the jackpot was MERELY $25 million?!!!  I think one quarter of $25 million is more than many people have in investment/bank accounts today!!!  I play regardless of the jackpot amount as it is irrelevant UNTIL your numbers hit.

if it is meant to happen it will happen if not it won't. it was not for him. life,must keep trying when it your time it will happen

hearsetrax's avatarhearsetrax

Skepticalwonders if he was the jinx in thar respective lotto pool Stooges

fja's avatarfja

Can't hurt to ask...The worst they can say is no.  He wasn't claiming anything...he just told the world he pulled out a year ago.  Oh We'll...It now becomes a story that sticks with you to the end....

Slick Nick's avatarSlick Nick

LOL, I know he's losing sleep over it. You have to stick with it.Bash


Stay in those lottery pools if you're in one.

Otherwise play soloThumbs Up

Slick Nick's avatarSlick Nick

Good advice Rightprice, I just sent a text to a few of my group players about this article..Razz

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Whoa, bummer.

He may have been what was holding them back. I believe the old saying that "scared money never wins" and cheapskates are always scared about risking their money. I wouldn't want to be in a pool unless everyone in it was upbeat and positive.

He thought he was never gonna win.

And of course he was right.

That's how it works.


tough toenails for him. this will teach you to either never join one of those pools or if you do stay in it no matter what. everyone should take turns buying him an item out of the vending machine one time each just for laughs if they still are working there, which they shouldn't be.

s5thomps's avatars5thomps

Quote: Originally posted by rdgrnr on Nov 25, 2011

Whoa, bummer.

He may have been what was holding them back. I believe the old saying that "scared money never wins" and cheapskates are always scared about risking their money. I wouldn't want to be in a pool unless everyone in it was upbeat and positive.

He thought he was never gonna win.

And of course he was right.

That's how it works.

                       CONCUR I Agree!

                 "SCARED MONEY DON'T MAKE MONEY!"

                                   "GOT TO BE IN IT TO WIN IT!"

dpoly1's avatardpoly1

Wow ........................

I keep playing by myself .......... if only $1 per draw (Mega or Powerball)...............

If you want to be green ......... win money ! Big Grin Santa

JAP69's avatarJAP69

One advantage of playing only for yourself and not in a pool is if you drop playing for awhile you will never know if you won or lost.
Now this person here may need to go to a therapist to be treated for "lottery pool dropout trauma" now that he knows he could have been a winner. Unhappy


Yep, prime example for a lawsuit waiting to happen. I'm sure he's already been contacted by % lawyers.


Ya gotta play for it to pay.

psykomo's avatarpsykomo

Quote: Originally posted by rdgrnr on Nov 25, 2011

Whoa, bummer.

He may have been what was holding them back. I believe the old saying that "scared money never wins" and cheapskates are always scared about risking their money. I wouldn't want to be in a pool unless everyone in it was upbeat and positive.

He thought he was never gonna win.

And of course he was right.

That's how it works.

      I Agree!RIGHT ON BROTHER from another MOTHER Jester Laugh

                                        "TODAY's the DAY"

                Quote: MEL FISHER Flordia treasure hunter

           Big Grin Santa     Jack-in-the-Box       Big Grin Santa

cbr$'s avatarcbr$

Cheerscongrat's to the seven plumbers , who win Lotto 6/49. too the retired instructor  and Mr Johnston gentleman it called gambling. so you had a loss think postive if not this time next time  somebody has to win it why not  you . When you win enjoy it  to high heaven. better luck next time.

LottoGuyBC's avatarLottoGuyBC

if it wasn't meant to be, then it wasn't meant to be

Congratz to the Lucky 7 Cheers

TheGameGrl's avatarTheGameGrl

I'm sure he is a bit peeved at his "potential" loss, yet I have little advocacy for Lottery pools. Between Taxes and the govt, one just does not gain what they could if they went it alone.

Play alone, claim alone is my motto!!


Quote: Originally posted by rdgrnr on Nov 25, 2011

Whoa, bummer.

He may have been what was holding them back. I believe the old saying that "scared money never wins" and cheapskates are always scared about risking their money. I wouldn't want to be in a pool unless everyone in it was upbeat and positive.

He thought he was never gonna win.

And of course he was right.

That's how it works.

It is possible that they might not have been winning because of him, the bible says that you need to have faith for things to happen and maybe he didn't, if he had faith he would have kept on playing, maybe it was a good thing for the group that he pulled out of the pool.


Quote: Originally posted by TheGameGrl on Nov 25, 2011

I'm sure he is a bit peeved at his "potential" loss, yet I have little advocacy for Lottery pools. Between Taxes and the govt, one just does not gain what they could if they went it alone.

Play alone, claim alone is my motto!!

The esoteric thought is that there is more power in the union of many than in one alone, if that is right and I don't know if it is then those who play together have a higher chance of winning, they might anyway as they should be able to play more lines-combinations than one person.

weshar75's avatarweshar75

I guess it was not his time to win and that he has bad karma.  He was bringing the group down so they gave him the boot.  Now they are winners good luck to them.  It is a nice win for the seven.  They can relax and not work so hard.-weshar75

TheGameGrl's avatarTheGameGrl

Quote: Originally posted by LANTERN on Nov 25, 2011

The esoteric thought is that there is more power in the union of many than in one alone, if that is right and I don't know if it is then those who play together have a higher chance of winning, they might anyway as they should be able to play more lines-combinations than one person.

Thank you for this concept. In lottery play it is irrelavant. One line wins plain and simple, so having ten tickets with variable combos may all be losers, where as one ticket can have them all. True fact , Now if its asked if you buy 50$ worth of tickets is your chance any better? Nope, the odds stay the same. One line with all winning numbers. I prove this succesfully every week as our work place has a "pool" for players. Accumilatively the group contributes 60$ per week for playing with wins of 2-8$ maybe once a month. I can pull in 12$ and 150$ sometimes on my $1 play. Yet they must split the 8$ win amongst 15 people.  Hopefully this example makes sense. Point being I gain more on my own then a group that has to split a win no matter how meager it is.

Lottery pools when won may seem like a big win, and sometimes it is. TO that I have no disagreement, yet we rarely hear of all the lottery pools that lose more consistently and longer. After awhile a good investor would realize that there money is better served in other ways then to squander it with a group that is losing consistently. Moral being: KNow when to cut your loss's and know when to go it alone. The Guy made the right decision for his budget.

JAP69's avatarJAP69

Yep, good point.

You are right about playing a lot of lines and the odds are still the same where it takes only one line to win.

In the case of this person dropping out the rest of the players did not need his pool portion to buy more lines. They won on what they purchased.

savagegoose's avatarsavagegoose

these court cases are hardly ever  decided by the judge.  they are setled out of court. ie the winners decide to hand over the cash rather than wait around for the  case to settle.


funny this is here; becasue the syndicate im in,  for over 8 years, has just been told 1 guy is pulling out. and when told another guy had pulled out a 2nd guy decided to leave. From 5 to 3.  One of the guys is my second, and was named and titled to  be syndicate manager if i ever couldnt do the job. so all the paper work we did is now useless.


i guess it was a good run. of course there was no problems it never won  anything of consequense.

funy over the years $8k was spent and $4k was won back,  they state at lotto that the return on avg is %50 of  wagers!


"you got to be in it to win it" simple as that!

dpoly1's avatardpoly1

I am hoping to go Green tonite .................... with MONEY !

US Flag


he should still get half the jackpot.

jeffrey's avatarjeffrey

Quote: Originally posted by on Nov 25, 2011

he should still get half the jackpot.

sorry, he is a loser. i want to win with my co-workers. i still have a few by myself. photostatic copies with a list and a note these are the only players.

rdgrnr's avatarrdgrnr

Quote: Originally posted by on Nov 25, 2011

he should still get half the jackpot.

No, two thirds.

And all the other seven guys have to take turns buying him a new car every year for the rest of his life. And if somebody in the seven dies, his family has to keep buying the guy a new car every year until he dies. A nice car too, not some cheap, crappy Rambler or anything like that either.

dpoly1's avatardpoly1

If you want the jackpot, you must pay to play !!!!!!!!!!  Sad


i think his friends though no way obligated should give him a gift..


If i was one who won $4M I would give him and other coworkers some cash for sure. I always said, should I win anything $20M or more, I would write checks and go to work and hand them out to everyone, maybe only $10k each but why not? He should not have said $100,000 because you know he is thinking they should give him something, but that's up to the winners themselves.

butch2030's avatarbutch2030

To view/download combos and patterns found in the Canada 6-49 Game - Go To -   http://www.box.com/shared/3bgkoodl44

Please advise of any questions and/or problems.

Good Luck & Best Wishes To ALL........

Personal Note: If I was in Canada, I would wheel Group 99.  See Below.   Have 6 people play as a group and split the pot equally. (My Opinion Only).

Input:  7, 13, 18, 23, 24, 26, 27, 32

1. 07-13-18-23-24-26
2. 07-13-18-23-24-27
3. 07-13-18-23-24-32
4. 07-13-18-23-26-27
5. 07-13-18-23-26-32
6. 07-13-18-23-27-32
7. 07-13-18-24-26-27
8. 07-13-18-24-26-32
9. 07-13-18-24-27-32
10. 07-13-18-26-27-32
11. 07-13-23-24-26-27
12. 07-13-23-24-26-32
13. 07-13-23-24-27-32
14. 07-13-23-26-27-32
15. 07-13-24-26-27-32
16. 07-18-23-24-26-27
17. 07-18-23-24-26-32
18. 07-18-23-24-27-32
19. 07-18-23-26-27-32
20. 07-18-24-26-27-32
21. 07-23-24-26-27-32
22. 13-18-23-24-26-27
23. 13-18-23-24-26-32
24. 13-18-23-24-27-32
25. 13-18-23-26-27-32
26. 13-18-24-26-27-32
27. 13-23-24-26-27-32
28. 18-23-24-26-27-32

RJOh's avatarRJOh

Quote: Originally posted by malie10 on Nov 26, 2011

If i was one who won $4M I would give him and other coworkers some cash for sure. I always said, should I win anything $20M or more, I would write checks and go to work and hand them out to everyone, maybe only $10k each but why not? He should not have said $100,000 because you know he is thinking they should give him something, but that's up to the winners themselves.

Would you expect the same from your co-workers if it ever happens to them?  If so, do they know?

larry3100's avatarlarry3100

Again,it reminds me of the "Albany 7" in New York that won $319 million dollars. Someone asked this potential 8th lottery player if he wanted to get in and he said "I don't feel lucky". There is something about that number "7". I think I'll buy 7 quick picks for the next MegaMillions game. Congrats to the "Plumbers 7".


savagegoose's avatarsavagegoose


Dollar419's avatarDollar419

He probably felt as I do tonight, that you eventually think you will never win after playing over and over and over and not winning anything significant after a long period of time. Of course, this is bad lottery karma and they won the minute he decides not to contribute anymore.  I guess story this just answered my question...keep on playing because it can happen at any timeSmile!!!

OldSchoolPa's avatarOldSchoolPa

I want a lottery jackpot for my 41st birthday present this Christmas.  I think I will buy me another line of numbers by subscription for Mega Millions Big Grin Santa


Whatever I win, I will be happy with it!

savagegoose's avatarsavagegoose

there is no desription on how much they paid , maybe it was $100 a draw ea, maybe the 7 guys thought they could afford the   loss, but the 8th  couldnt.

maybe he hoped to win big early, and  decided he could no longer   run at a losss of $400 a month?


i know if it was $100 down a week myself i would NEVER join,. and  even tho i would still kick myself  when the  group won in a years time, I would know i couldnt operate at $5200 a year lossses if it didnt win.


this is just hypothetical, but we dont know all the details.

hearsetrax's avatarhearsetrax

Quote: Originally posted by savagegoose on Nov 27, 2011

there is no desription on how much they paid , maybe it was $100 a draw ea, maybe the 7 guys thought they could afford the   loss, but the 8th  couldnt.

maybe he hoped to win big early, and  decided he could no longer   run at a losss of $400 a month?


i know if it was $100 down a week myself i would NEVER join,. and  even tho i would still kick myself  when the  group won in a years time, I would know i couldnt operate at $5200 a year lossses if it didnt win.


this is just hypothetical, but we dont know all the details.

well put .... but just the same U've got to stay in it to win it

surimaribo24's avatarsurimaribo24

Quote: Originally posted by rdgrnr on Nov 26, 2011

No, two thirds.

And all the other seven guys have to take turns buying him a new car every year for the rest of his life. And if somebody in the seven dies, his family has to keep buying the guy a new car every year until he dies. A nice car too, not some cheap, crappy Rambler or anything like that either.


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