Soldier wins $1 million lottery jackpot, will return to Iraq

Feb 29, 2008, 1:36 pm (15 comments)

Washington Lottery

Definition of patriot: though he hit the jackpot, sergeant volunteers to return to Iraq for a 3rd tour

After completing two tours in Iraq, Sgt. Wayne Leyde won $1 million from a scratch-and-win lotto ticket on Tuesday.

Now that he's won, Leyde, a 26-year-old member of the Washington National Guard, says he's still going to volunteer to go back to Iraq for a third tour and won't spend any of the money in the meantime.

Leyde was driving near his home in Mead, Washington when he stopped at a store on the side of the road and bought a ticket.

"I decided to walk into a local Zip Trip. I got a Coke and beef jerky and walked up to the counter and thought I'd pick up a few scratch tickets and try my luck. I was on my way out when the lady said, 'Do you have a lucky scratch coin?'

"I said 'no, you gave me a dime and nickel back.'"

"She said 'no, try this,'" handing Leyde a penny. "On my way home I started scratching tickets. They were losers. I'm thinking, boy, that lady didn't know what she was talking about."

Leyde couldn't believe it when he scratched a winning ticket, but he still plans to return to Iraq.

"It was a commitment I made about three months ago. I'm going to stick to it," Leyde said about his decision.

The sergeant says rents have gone sky high where he and his parents live in the Mount Spokane area of Washington and that, for now, he's not going to spend any of the money.

"For right now, I'm going to hold off [spending] and let reality sink back to earth. This is a true blessing. I'm going to turn it around and see if I can bless other people with this," Leyde said.

After completing two tours in Iraq, Sgt. Wayne Leyde won $1 million from a scratch-and-win lotto ticket on Tuesday.

ABC News

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Todd's avatarTodd

Quote: Originally posted by on Jun 3, 2024

Actually, you should watch the linked video report.  He seems like a fine young man who is honoring a commitment that he made before he won.  To me, he sound like what is best about Americans.

Edit: This is a response to a post that was deleted.  (The author deleted it.)

KyMystikal's avatarKyMystikal

Congrads to him.  I wish him a safe return from his tour in Iraq

ThatScaryChick's avatarThatScaryChick

Congrats to him on his win! Hyper

mken32's avatarmken32

A Man that Keeps his word... Politicians should take note....

tntea's avatartntea

Wish he were running for president.


I sure hope he makes it back safe and sound with all the other guys / ladies over there.


What a fine young man this is.  Courage, commitment, and honor.  I believe that exemplifies many of our fine young men and women who have served our country. God bless him and keep him safe.  We need more like him at home, too.

MADDOG10's avatarMADDOG10

This young man exemplifies what duty and honor stand for, I wish him well.

This young mans ideals are the backbone of Americans, not greed nor fame...!

dumars798's avatardumars798

I Agree!

eddessaknight's avatareddessaknight


Right on Sargent, a man can die witout honor but he can't live without it!

US Flag

EddessaKnight Sun Smiley

mylollipop's avatarmylollipop

Quote: Originally posted by Piaceri on Feb 29, 2008

What a fine young man this is.  Courage, commitment, and honor.  I believe that exemplifies many of our fine young men and women who have served our country. God bless him and keep him safe.  We need more like him at home, too.

Absolutely.  I commend him and others like him.  Praying for his safe return too.  It seems like the good ones die young.

LottoAce's avatarLottoAce

this makes me sick...

you would never see a Sailor do something that stupid. I was watching a show about lottery winners the other day. a guy in the Navy and his GF won the jackpot...HE DID THE RIGHT THING!!!...JUMPED SHIP!!! (legally of course)






There is NO Dishonor in a discharge under his circumstances. as a matter of fact the Armed Services would prefer that you discontinue your active duty service! (for reasons that some people could and would use that money to munipulate their chain of command)

Now before you begin raising cain, I was in the Navy for 7 years. and after it was all over, I realized something. that the Navy was a job, an erra in my life that I grew tremendously from, but it is also an erra in my life that is over!! I have moved on.

Thats what this guy needs to move on with his life...did he consider what his family would have to go through having him gone?

A million doesn't sound like much, but he could have opened up a small buisiness and stayed home with his family....

I'm sorry, I don't love my Country, the Navy, or Honor more than I love my Wife, and Family!!!

you want honor?...then start thinking about those close to you and how your decisions effect them!!!

Don't give me that mumbo jumbo about fighting for "Iraqi Freedom"...there fighting for Corporational Economical Profit

I think the guy is brainwashed into believing that he is doing the right thing... and eventually he'll look back and realize how damn stupid he was...

"Semper or Die!!....OHH..RAH!!!"

I work with that mentality every day...and it makes me freakin sick!!!!

You don't have to wear a uniform to have Honor!!


Quote: Originally posted by LottoAce on Mar 9, 2008

this makes me sick...

you would never see a Sailor do something that stupid. I was watching a show about lottery winners the other day. a guy in the Navy and his GF won the jackpot...HE DID THE RIGHT THING!!!...JUMPED SHIP!!! (legally of course)






There is NO Dishonor in a discharge under his circumstances. as a matter of fact the Armed Services would prefer that you discontinue your active duty service! (for reasons that some people could and would use that money to munipulate their chain of command)

Now before you begin raising cain, I was in the Navy for 7 years. and after it was all over, I realized something. that the Navy was a job, an erra in my life that I grew tremendously from, but it is also an erra in my life that is over!! I have moved on.

Thats what this guy needs to move on with his life...did he consider what his family would have to go through having him gone?

A million doesn't sound like much, but he could have opened up a small buisiness and stayed home with his family....

I'm sorry, I don't love my Country, the Navy, or Honor more than I love my Wife, and Family!!!

you want honor?...then start thinking about those close to you and how your decisions effect them!!!

Don't give me that mumbo jumbo about fighting for "Iraqi Freedom"...there fighting for Corporational Economical Profit

I think the guy is brainwashed into believing that he is doing the right thing... and eventually he'll look back and realize how damn stupid he was...

"Semper or Die!!....OHH..RAH!!!"

I work with that mentality every day...and it makes me freakin sick!!!!

You don't have to wear a uniform to have Honor!!

Ahh, being a patriot is "STUIPD" - what a true human being you are.  Your grandparents must be proud of the creature they created.  I am sure the founders of this country would also be proud of you.   You are proof, abortions are not exercised to there fullest extent!

LottoAce's avatarLottoAce

Quote: Originally posted by MeFirstYouLast on Mar 9, 2008

Ahh, being a patriot is "STUIPD" - what a true human being you are.  Your grandparents must be proud of the creature they created.  I am sure the founders of this country would also be proud of you.   You are proof, abortions are not exercised to there fullest extent!

I never said Patriotism was stupid...I Love my Country, and I excercise my Patriotism every day by supporting and peacefully defending the US constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. I believe in the freedom of Speech, freedom of the Press, and I promote "Free Thinking" these very American Ideals are what founded this Country.

the difference between you and me, is that I love this country and the ideals it represents, you use them as a punchline when its convienant.

This is not China, or Russia this is America!

My Grandparants, (God rest thier souls) were proud as would be the founding fathers of this country, that I support and defend ones rights to thier own belief systems wether or not I agree with them or not.

My family comes before my country now, period. to me there is no higher Honor than being a loving husband/father, mother, daughter, etc...and a productive member of the community.

I personally believe that there was no need for him to go back to Iraq...he did his time, he should move on with his life.

I wasn't bashing the soldier, I was critizing the very belief systems that the RIGHT WING Minded Military teaches. whats ironic is that I used to think like him!

He believes he's making the best decision....I don't think he is...

you may not agree with my opinion, but I am still entitled to it. further more, that does not give you the right to bash my family or the way I was brought up! that was way out of line.

my question to you, is did you ever serve your country?

"to those who fought for it, Freedom has a specific flavor that the protected will never know" 


Quote: Originally posted by LottoAce on Mar 9, 2008

I never said Patriotism was stupid...I Love my Country, and I excercise my Patriotism every day by supporting and peacefully defending the US constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. I believe in the freedom of Speech, freedom of the Press, and I promote "Free Thinking" these very American Ideals are what founded this Country.

the difference between you and me, is that I love this country and the ideals it represents, you use them as a punchline when its convienant.

This is not China, or Russia this is America!

My Grandparants, (God rest thier souls) were proud as would be the founding fathers of this country, that I support and defend ones rights to thier own belief systems wether or not I agree with them or not.

My family comes before my country now, period. to me there is no higher Honor than being a loving husband/father, mother, daughter, etc...and a productive member of the community.

I personally believe that there was no need for him to go back to Iraq...he did his time, he should move on with his life.

I wasn't bashing the soldier, I was critizing the very belief systems that the RIGHT WING Minded Military teaches. whats ironic is that I used to think like him!

He believes he's making the best decision....I don't think he is...

you may not agree with my opinion, but I am still entitled to it. further more, that does not give you the right to bash my family or the way I was brought up! that was way out of line.

my question to you, is did you ever serve your country?

"to those who fought for it, Freedom has a specific flavor that the protected will never know" 

Hypocrite personofide.  You want to exercise you believe in the first amendment, but get your fur up when I exercise mine.  You can have you opinion, that is your right. But like a typical coward, you shudder at the thought that I disagree.  What is not you right it to motor mouth about some one who wants to defend America as stupid and think you are exempt from being torn down. You have a right to say, over and over, "FTUSA". However, that just proves my earlier theory that you are a slug.

Whether I served my country or not, has no bearing.  But for the record, I have a triple purple heart from Vietnam. I spent three combat tours, and retired honorably. Just like many members of this lottery group.  Being in the military is not a right, it is an honor.  As long as there as those who serve and keep the enemy on their soil, they won't be killing and raping on our soil.  It matters not whether you agree with the war, only that you accept the fact that an enemy is trying to destroy us.  You can hide behind your New York Times editiorials, but DO NOT repeatidly use the term "FTUSA" and say you are an American.  America deserves better then you.  Americans die every day to prove that!  Just so cowards, like you, can say they exercise their rights.

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