CBS publishes second hatchet job on lottery

Oct 8, 2007, 12:19 am (49 comments)

Insider Buzz

News outfit intent on slamming lotteries 

CBS News, currently the lowest-rated broadcast network of the "big three", today ran its second story in the past month attempting to dig dirt on lotteries in America.

In its latest diatribe, CBS News alleges one of the oldest, most widely-spread lottery myths — that lotteries prey on the poor and destitute.

The problem is, the myth has been disproved time and again by long-term studies, using scientific means.

(See Study proves lottery not 'regressive tax' played mostly by poor, Lottery Post, June 14, 2006)

The CBS News story relies on interviews with a few people, and offers no data to back up its allegations.

In fact, CBS News seems to be making a living off of propagating myths about the lottery.  Is it to exploit social divides in America, so they can resurrect abysmal ratings?

In addition to CBS's story in September about the lottery "short-changing schools" and accusing the state lotteries of "stunningly bad" contributions to education (see Is the lottery shortchanging schools?), their centerpiece news/entertainment show 60 Minutes also tried to slam the lottery in an Andy Rooney apoplectic rant (see Lotteries and lottery players are stupid).

Why is CBS News intent on spreading negative stories about the lottery?

As with most oddball tactics and stories produced by mainstream news outlets, their strange behavior can be linked directly to the size and direction of their ratings.

And with CBS News, things are not looking so rosy.

Katie Couric's evening news show has consistently been the lowest-rated on the main three, and viewership on the "CBS Evening News" has been in a downward spiral each week since her debut the day after Labor Day, 2006.

Last month, around the time when the first lottery hit piece was published, Couric's ratings were at their lowest point ever, despite the fact that it was her anniversary on the network, and she took a special trip to Iraq.

Ignoring the positive

The CBS News stories ignore any positive aspects to lotteries in their zeal to make them appear unsavory.

CBS News ignored that lotteries may improve the mental health of the elderly.  (See Study: Gambling May Help Keep Older Folks Healthy.)

CBS News also ignored the tremendous number of poor Americans who receive money and programs directly from lottery revenues (see Lottery pays off for poor kids.)

And, they ignored studies like the one mentioned above showing that the link between social status and lottery playing is a myth.

Will CBS News continue publishing negative myths about the lottery?  Will they continue stating opinions in their headlines, placing a question mark after the headline to make it appear legitimate?

If the CBS News ratings continue to plummet, the odds are good that we will see more of the same.

We now present the full text of the "news" story from CBS.

Lotteries: Preying On The Poor?

When we took a close look at state-run lotteries last month, we discovered that, when it comes to education funding, they are little more than a drop in the bucket and far from a bucketful.

We also learned that a disproportionate sum of the nation's $50+ billion in lottery comes from the pockets of the poor and minority groups. One place we saw this first hand was Texas, whose lottery rakes in $65 million every week.

Walk into any convenience store in Houston's lower-income 3rd Ward, and it's a good bet you'll see some of the Texas Lottery's best customers. Lottery sales in this legislative district top $50 million a year, the highest in the state, while the average family income is less than $15,000 a year, well below the poverty line. Folks here spend six times more of their income on the lottery than the wealthiest district.

"It's a shift of the cost of government onto people who can least afford it," says State Rep. Garnett Coleman, who has represented this neighborhood for 17 years. "Is a drug dealer responsible when they sell to the person?" Coleman asks. "If somebody says, 'yeah,' then the state is responsible for hooking the people on the gaming, on the lottery."

"You're selling hope," says Rob Kohler, who worked 12 years for the Texas Lottery and is now a private consultant in Austin. It was his analysis of lottery sales data that opened Coleman's eyes, revealing who the majority of heavy players are.

"It's coming from the folks, you know, high minority, low education, and low income," Kohler says. "That can least afford to play the game."

Texas lottery spokesman Bobby Heith does not dispute the data. "The data is what it is. We don't target groups of people," Heith says.

In Texas, Blacks and Hispanics outspend Whites nearly two to one on lottery tickets. According to a 2005 Texas Tech demographic survey commissioned by the lottery, blacks in Texas spend $109 a month on lottery tickets, Hispanics spend $102, and whites spend $55.

"We put out Hispanic ads mainly because for Spanish speaking people. I mean, it's good business," Heith says. "We don't want to prey on anybody. We're here to run a business for the state."

The Texas lottery spends $30 million dollars a year on advertising, pushing 70 kinds of instant tickets, and none more popular or pricey than the new $50 scratch off, the costliest in the nation.

"Lottery products in convenience stores here in Texas have gone from competing with candy bars - a dollar - to now the lottery product is the most expensive product in the entire store," Kohler says.

Nationwide, according to the last National Gambling Impact Commission study, in 1999, 5% of lottery players are responsible for 50% of sales. Families making $50-to-100,000 a year spend, on average $200 a year on lottery tickets, while families making less than $25-thousand dollars spend $600, or three times as much.

But lottery officials, like Tennessee Lottery President Rebecca Hargrove, who has run lotteries in four states, resist the idea that their games prey on the poor.

"If you spend a dollar and you make $20,000 a year, that's a bigger percentage of your disposable income, then if you spend a dollar and you make $50,000 a year," Hargrove says.

"So, if I'm making $20,000 a year," Armen asked her, "it's a wise choice for me to spend my disposable income on a lottery ticket rather than putting it in a bank in a savings account?"

"I didn't say it was a wise choice. I said it was an individual's choice," Hargrove replied.

As one regular player in Houston's third ward told us: "A lot of us can get rich with knowledge. Some of us have to get rich with luck."

Lottery Post Staff, CBS News

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dvdiva's avatardvdiva

If they want a hit piece that works maybe they can cover the problems in the Tennessee Lottery is having and the problems with comuter drawings.

MADDOG10's avatarMADDOG10

Wake up and smell the coffee CBS..! Lotteries don't target anyone one individual, where are you getting your information from? Christ, you can't even clean up your own backyard ( your stattion), and now you want to create something that is totally untrue again. Why are'nt you covering the Tenn cover-up in the lottery??? You don't become number three from reporting the truth, you become number three from reporting the trash.

Maybe Katie can become Ms.Hargroves press secretary, would'nt that clear up this situation.! 


whats wrong with giving people a dream?   After all thats probly the best part about hitting a lottery   they should investagate how these numbers are drawn if anything

Littleoldlady's avatarLittleoldlady

That interview is defintely slanted.  Rent in that area must not be anymore than 250.00 per month.  The utilities, gas and groceries must be free.  It takes more than $15,000.00 per year to live even if you are a single person.  Most of the people I know make at least 21+ thousand a year and most of the folks I know who play the lottery make almost $50,000.00 per year.  The lottery offers it's players a dream that many can't seem to find in their job's retirement plans...a guaranteed stream of income which will provide for them in their golden years.  This dream is not affected by greedy corporate types such as the owners and managers of the now defunct Enron corporation.  My investment in this dream is strictly under my own control.  I can choose to play or not.

computerhead723's avatarcomputerhead723

Quote: Originally posted by Littleoldlady on Oct 8, 2007

That interview is defintely slanted.  Rent in that area must not be anymore than 250.00 per month.  The utilities, gas and groceries must be free.  It takes more than $15,000.00 per year to live even if you are a single person.  Most of the people I know make at least 21+ thousand a year and most of the folks I know who play the lottery make almost $50,000.00 per year.  The lottery offers it's players a dream that many can't seem to find in their job's retirement plans...a guaranteed stream of income which will provide for them in their golden years.  This dream is not affected by greedy corporate types such as the owners and managers of the now defunct Enron corporation.  My investment in this dream is strictly under my own control.  I can choose to play or not.

The  interview  is  factual ....Black  individuals  are  manipulated  and  short changed  into   believing  the  lottery  is  fair  and  and  honest ,......they  are  not  and  the  corprorations  which  back and invest   and  sponser  state  lotterys  are   corupted;

I like  to  play  the  lottery everyday  but  do  the   sate   change  the  balls ...YES...does  that   help  them  or   the  players   helps  them :

instant  t ickets  ;  are   found  only   near  the Governors  residence for   big   winners  the   dollar   tickets   which  sell   in  the   millions  are  never  real big   1.00  -100  max ...thats   what  the   poor  get  back  the  millions   go  to   the  big  ticket   prizes  and  the  profit   from  their   ticket  sales  are   pocketed :

enron  wwas  part  of  the   9/11   cover-up  ;the   world  trade  building  housed  the   evidence  for   calf. eroen  7billion  corruption   scandal ...when   world   trad  center   went  down  so  did   the   evidence  to   put  the   gulity  people  away ;see  for   yourself:

and  this  one  which  shows  the  money  trail:
Todd's avatarTodd

Quote: Originally posted by computerhead723 on Oct 8, 2007

The  interview  is  factual ....Black  individuals  are  manipulated  and  short changed  into   believing  the  lottery  is  fair  and  and  honest ,......they  are  not  and  the  corprorations  which  back and invest   and  sponser  state  lotterys  are   corupted;

I like  to  play  the  lottery everyday  but  do  the   sate   change  the  balls ...YES...does  that   help  them  or   the  players   helps  them :

instant  t ickets  ;  are   found  only   near  the Governors  residence for   big   winners  the   dollar   tickets   which  sell   in  the   millions  are  never  real big   1.00  -100  max ...thats   what  the   poor  get  back  the  millions   go  to   the  big  ticket   prizes  and  the  profit   from  their   ticket  sales  are   pocketed :

enron  wwas  part  of  the   9/11   cover-up  ;the   world  trade  building  housed  the   evidence  for   calf. eroen  7billion  corruption   scandal ...when   world   trad  center   went  down  so  did   the   evidence  to   put  the   gulity  people  away ;see  for   yourself:

and  this  one  which  shows  the  money  trail:

Excuse me, but that is a statement that you need to clarify, because I can't for the life of me make sense of it.

You said, "Black  individuals  are  manipulated  and  short changed  into  believing  the  lottery  is  fair  and  and  honest".

Please explain how state lotteries are able to pick out the black folks and make them believe the lottery is "fair and honest", but somehow all the white folks and other races are informed that it is a crooked enterprise.

I thought this was a poor vs. rich thing anyway, not a black/white thing.

The odd thing is that according to the lottery, it IS a fair and honest activity.  So black people ... or ANYBODY for that matter ... would be correct in believing it is fair -- not "manupulated" as you say.

I just can't stand statements like yours that make everything a conspiracy against a certain race, or social status, or gender, or religion, or whatever.  Has it occured to you that MOST people don't win jackpots?

Now, if you want to be upset at computerized drawings as a means to manipulate, then I'm with you on that.  But that targets ALL players, not just the black players or the poor players, or whatever.  It's unfair for EVERYBODY.

If you stop thinking everything is a conspiracy, you'll live a happier life.


If CBS wanted to allege anyone they should have went after state and federal government for adopting the lottery in the first place, and the reasons why states took over the numbers racket from the bookies.

oops i know why because it's a cash cow and the state and federal government couldn't figure out how to make extra money for this country so the opted for a sideline affair gambling. Siteing many different reasons benefiting the old, schools, teachers, fire departments, police dept, library's, stadium authority and every other general service in state and federal government to help offset taxes.

Yet even with the lottery in place in many states taxes still go up almost on a yearly basis. Why states don't divide their scratch games into several groups and or sell scratch games to generate money for their specific deficits behooves me.

People play the lottery because it's their for them to play and they advertise the dream of possible independent wealth. Who in their right mind would pass up a chance for that

computerhead723's avatarcomputerhead723

Quote: Originally posted by Todd on Oct 8, 2007

Excuse me, but that is a statement that you need to clarify, because I can't for the life of me make sense of it.

You said, "Black  individuals  are  manipulated  and  short changed  into  believing  the  lottery  is  fair  and  and  honest".

Please explain how state lotteries are able to pick out the black folks and make them believe the lottery is "fair and honest", but somehow all the white folks and other races are informed that it is a crooked enterprise.

I thought this was a poor vs. rich thing anyway, not a black/white thing.

The odd thing is that according to the lottery, it IS a fair and honest activity.  So black people ... or ANYBODY for that matter ... would be correct in believing it is fair -- not "manupulated" as you say.

I just can't stand statements like yours that make everything a conspiracy against a certain race, or social status, or gender, or religion, or whatever.  Has it occured to you that MOST people don't win jackpots?

Now, if you want to be upset at computerized drawings as a means to manipulate, then I'm with you on that.  But that targets ALL players, not just the black players or the poor players, or whatever.  It's unfair for EVERYBODY.

If you stop thinking everything is a conspiracy, you'll live a happier life.

Todd  this   is   your   sand-box ..not  mine ;

.and  I  had  the  immpression   I  could   speaak  my  mind  since  I  have  read  articles  supporting  my  claims;

first  I  like  State  run  lotterys's    because  that  way  it   can  be  held  accountable  by  the   people  and  law  enforcement; I  want  the   state  to  continue  lottery  games  ..but  to  disconnect  them  selves   from   corporate  interest  and  insttutions  like  GETEC ;

I f  a  lottery  needs  a  ticket -machine  BUY  them *  dont  lease  80,000  of  them ;

have  all  draws  overseen   by  the   state  police  simular  to  Pennsy. lottery ; not  KGMB ;

this  way  the  lottery  is  fair  and  above  board ....then  disasters  like   Tenn.  lottery   would  never  happen;

report  the   amount  of   income  the  lottery  makes  from   sales  of   each  game  daily  not   yearly 

from  the   reports  I  see  the  largest  payout  in  NY  history  was 12 million  dollars   but that   was  no   where  near  the  proffit   made  that  day  on  the   pick3 and  4 sales  alone;

government  and  lottery's  need  to  be  more  transparent   in  their   operations !!!!

I  don't  expect  you   to  believe  Blacks  or  loww income  consumers  are  targeted  more  unfairly  than  middle  class  or  upperclass  citizens  ,but   its  true ;

the  mom  and  Pops   stores  in  low-income   neighborhood  are  selling   lottery  tickets  and 

the  amount  of  large  winners  who   purchace  lotto/instant  tickets  never  win or

 are  far  below  national  trends   VS    those  same  games   sold  in  higher  income  neighborhoods   or  near  the  Govenors  residence  and  Board  members   who  over see  the  state   run  lottery ;

I  hope  I  have  cleared  up   this   confusion  , but  my  beliefs  are  mine  and  are  not  the   same  as  everyone   eleses .....the  lottery   is  as  only   good  as  the   citizens   who  Administer  the  system: 

Todd's avatarTodd

It doesn't matter whose sand-box this is.  We both have equal abiltiy to speak our minds.  You said your opinion, and I said mine. 

Don't get upset and start implying you are being "silenced" or anything just because I put up a good argument.

I never said that there is no corruption at state lotteries.  That would be pretty dumb if I did, considering the number of corruption stories I've published here in the past.

I said that I think the statement that "blacks are being manipulated" is not only wrong, but insulting.  Also, the new article mentions POOR PEOPLE, NOT RACE.  The amount of money you have is not a race issue, and I'm not about to make it one.

I have no idea where you get your statistics from, because I don't think you're using any.  The actual statistics of winning ticket distribution consistently show that there is no bias against any particular geographic or socio-economic areas.  It is completely dependent upon the number of tickets bought in the area.

Look, I am just voicing my opinions and I am trying to give you the benefit of my experience.

I have been keeping abreast of the lottery industry every single day for the past 8 years, as a result of running this site.  Of course I have gained a lot of knowledge over that period.  It only makes sense!

You are 100% entitled to your own opinion, and you can voice it with the same enthusiasm that I voice mine.

I am posting my opinions because:

  1. I enjoy discussion lottery topics (why else would I have created this site?)
  2. I have experience and knowledge to share
  3. I like to make sure that all viewpoints are represented
  4. I like to give people such as yourself other opinions to consider

I do not post my opinions in order to censor people.  If I wanted to do that I'd erase your post.  I don't censor opinions, only spam ads.  If you agree or disagree, post away!

Lastly, when I readily spout facts and statistics, there is always a segment of people who start saying that I work for a lottery, or that I'm in cahoots with them.

So I will say proactively that nothing could be farther from the truth.  I have never worked for or with a lottery.  My opinions are my own.  My facts and statistics are based upon my own research. 

tnlotto1's avatartnlotto1

i didnt like State Rep. Garnett Coleman comparing the lottery to drug dealers. in my opinion there is no comparison between selling illegal drugs and lottery tickets.

computerhead723's avatarcomputerhead723

Quote: Originally posted by Todd on Oct 8, 2007

It doesn't matter whose sand-box this is.  We both have equal abiltiy to speak our minds.  You said your opinion, and I said mine. 

Don't get upset and start implying you are being "silenced" or anything just because I put up a good argument.

I never said that there is no corruption at state lotteries.  That would be pretty dumb if I did, considering the number of corruption stories I've published here in the past.

I said that I think the statement that "blacks are being manipulated" is not only wrong, but insulting.  Also, the new article mentions POOR PEOPLE, NOT RACE.  The amount of money you have is not a race issue, and I'm not about to make it one.

I have no idea where you get your statistics from, because I don't think you're using any.  The actual statistics of winning ticket distribution consistently show that there is no bias against any particular geographic or socio-economic areas.  It is completely dependent upon the number of tickets bought in the area.

Look, I am just voicing my opinions and I am trying to give you the benefit of my experience.

I have been keeping abreast of the lottery industry every single day for the past 8 years, as a result of running this site.  Of course I have gained a lot of knowledge over that period.  It only makes sense!

You are 100% entitled to your own opinion, and you can voice it with the same enthusiasm that I voice mine.

I am posting my opinions because:

  1. I enjoy discussion lottery topics (why else would I have created this site?)
  2. I have experience and knowledge to share
  3. I like to make sure that all viewpoints are represented
  4. I like to give people such as yourself other opinions to consider

I do not post my opinions in order to censor people.  If I wanted to do that I'd erase your post.  I don't censor opinions, only spam ads.  If you agree or disagree, post away!

Lastly, when I readily spout facts and statistics, there is always a segment of people who start saying that I work for a lottery, or that I'm in cahoots with them.

So I will say proactively that nothing could be farther from the truth.  I have never worked for or with a lottery.  My opinions are my own.  My facts and statistics are based upon my own research. 

said that I think the statement that "blacks are being manipulated" is not only wrong, but insulting.  Also, the new article mentions POOR PEOPLE, NOT RACE.  The amount of money you have is not a race issue, and I'm not about to make it one.

I have no idea where you get your statistics from, because I don't think you're using any.  The actual statistics of winning ticket distribution consistently show that there is no bias against any particular geographic or socio-economic areas.  It is completely dependent upon the number of tickets bought in the area.


WeLL   I  was  infering  that  large  chain  stores    and   spermarkets   with  multiple   locations   who  sell   lottery  tickets   have   larger  winners   with   bigger   payoffs   than  in   small  corner  stores: These  chain  stores  are  also  in  the  malls  and  plazzas  in  middle   class  america  quite  different   than   your  foriegn  nationals   who   own  the   vast  number  of  mom   and  pop  conner   markets; When  these   stores  sell  lottery  tickets  ,this   includes   lotto,cash5  and&&instant  tickets ,  their   winngs   are   no  where  near  the   huge  giveback  they  are  in  the  larger   chain  stores;

 welfare   recipients   play  lottery  in  hopes  of   buying   food   and  moving  to  a   better   life   after   a  small  windfall this   does  not   happen  so  they   keep  trying and  trying  ...(  how   can  the  lottery   target   blacks  and   hispanics  and  not  other   races  /

easy   use  .... corporate  Phsychlologcal   conditioning  : Heck  even  Freud   had  no  idea  what  can  be the    unconditioned  responce  of  people  with  the   right   advertisement  and  media  we  are  Blitzed  with  today ;



Sigmund Freud (born Sigismund Freud) May 6 1856 – September 23 1939; (IPA: ['zi?km?nt 'f???t]) was an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist who co-founded the psychoanalytic school of psychology. Freud is best known for his theories of the unconscious mind, especially involving ...
If  people  can  be  fooled   by   majic  on   national  TV   or  in  person,  who  is   to  say  we   cannot  be   fooled  by  the   lottery  , they   change  the   balls   they   work  behind  closed  doors   and  we  only  see  the  stage   set  after  the  manipulation of operations  during  the  draw  .....I  am  not   saying   dont   play  I  say  we  can   all  be   targeted  the  media   artical  only   pointed  out   the   poor  ....I  am   sure   we  are  all   targets  and  sheep  for  the   slaughter:   Look  at   9/11   and   then  look  at   the   evidence  they  have   compiled   against   the  9/11  even  though   people   looked   and    heard   explosions  and  all  the  evidence   pointing t o  a  cover  up  by  our   own   government  , yet   nothing  is   done;
People  feel   helpless   unless  their  told   what  to  do  @    We  often  only  see  what   we  want  to  see  or   expect , yet  the   truth  be  told  ,we  are   all   manipulated :
jarasan's avatarjarasan

Everybody I know that plays numbers are not poor, uneducated, or a so-called minority.  Remember what CBS stands for: Conspiratorial Broadcasting System.

They maybe #3  of the big three, but the big three are not what they used to be.  They are actually much smaller if you compare by viewer shares.  Hint: Look at Arbitron or Nielson.

psykomo's avatarpsykomo

Quote: Originally posted by dvdiva on Oct 8, 2007

If they want a hit piece that works maybe they can cover the problems in the Tennessee Lottery is having and the problems with comuter drawings.

U will never "C" an

uhahhhhduuah   an


on the great state of TN.........from abc, cbs, nbc or cnn for.....

improper management  ..........of the LOTTERY  .........."ITSELF"!!

because, they are not in the business to INFORM the PUBLIC !!

 the Lottery Post is about all the INFO

on the what's going on

 "NOW" new's

(U or most people gona "GET")

LOL>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some of U need a ....>>>JACKPOT!


Quote: Originally posted by computerhead723 on Oct 8, 2007

said that I think the statement that "blacks are being manipulated" is not only wrong, but insulting.  Also, the new article mentions POOR PEOPLE, NOT RACE.  The amount of money you have is not a race issue, and I'm not about to make it one.

I have no idea where you get your statistics from, because I don't think you're using any.  The actual statistics of winning ticket distribution consistently show that there is no bias against any particular geographic or socio-economic areas.  It is completely dependent upon the number of tickets bought in the area.


WeLL   I  was  infering  that  large  chain  stores    and   spermarkets   with  multiple   locations   who  sell   lottery  tickets   have   larger  winners   with   bigger   payoffs   than  in   small  corner  stores: These  chain  stores  are  also  in  the  malls  and  plazzas  in  middle   class  america  quite  different   than   your  foriegn  nationals   who   own  the   vast  number  of  mom   and  pop  conner   markets; When  these   stores  sell  lottery  tickets  ,this   includes   lotto,cash5  and&&instant  tickets ,  their   winngs   are   no  where  near  the   huge  giveback  they  are  in  the  larger   chain  stores;

 welfare   recipients   play  lottery  in  hopes  of   buying   food   and  moving  to  a   better   life   after   a  small  windfall this   does  not   happen  so  they   keep  trying and  trying  ...(  how   can  the  lottery   target   blacks  and   hispanics  and  not  other   races  /

easy   use  .... corporate  Phsychlologcal   conditioning  : Heck  even  Freud   had  no  idea  what  can  be the    unconditioned  responce  of  people  with  the   right   advertisement  and  media  we  are  Blitzed  with  today ;



Sigmund Freud (born Sigismund Freud) May 6 1856 – September 23 1939; (IPA: ['zi?km?nt 'f???t]) was an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist who co-founded the psychoanalytic school of psychology. Freud is best known for his theories of the unconscious mind, especially involving ...
If  people  can  be  fooled   by   majic  on   national  TV   or  in  person,  who  is   to  say  we   cannot  be   fooled  by  the   lottery  , they   change  the   balls   they   work  behind  closed  doors   and  we  only  see  the  stage   set  after  the  manipulation of operations  during  the  draw  .....I  am  not   saying   dont   play  I  say  we  can   all  be   targeted  the  media   artical  only   pointed  out   the   poor  ....I  am   sure   we  are  all   targets  and  sheep  for  the   slaughter:   Look  at   9/11   and   then  look  at   the   evidence  they  have   compiled   against   the  9/11  even  though   people   looked   and    heard   explosions  and  all  the  evidence   pointing t o  a  cover  up  by  our   own   government  , yet   nothing  is   done;
People  feel   helpless   unless  their  told   what  to  do  @    We  often  only  see  what   we  want  to  see  or   expect , yet  the   truth  be  told  ,we  are   all   manipulated :

It's not necessary to play the race card. People of all walks of life play the lottery and in every city and county where lotteries are sold. Winners come from many state areas also. A ticket holder no mater whom has the same chance of winning as every other ticket holder.

I have heard people say no one in Baltimore city has ever won the lottery. This is not a true statement there have been winners they just didn't go public about their win.    

SirMetro's avatarSirMetro

Sometimes, I am not sure which fascinates me the most; The belief that a completely random event can be controlled Or The belief that a completely random event targets a given segment of society and/or individual I do not know about other people and will not bother to post statistics I neither know nor understand. I do know I play based upon my personal interest and thoughts regarding the various games that are available. On occasions, on a gut feel that sometimes wins like the $500 scratch-off that I won last week which I used to put new tires on my vehicle. 

Now I need that gut feel again because I just wrecked my car and could definitely use a decent size win again.

Todd's avatarTodd

Quote: Originally posted by computerhead723 on Oct 8, 2007

said that I think the statement that "blacks are being manipulated" is not only wrong, but insulting.  Also, the new article mentions POOR PEOPLE, NOT RACE.  The amount of money you have is not a race issue, and I'm not about to make it one.

I have no idea where you get your statistics from, because I don't think you're using any.  The actual statistics of winning ticket distribution consistently show that there is no bias against any particular geographic or socio-economic areas.  It is completely dependent upon the number of tickets bought in the area.


WeLL   I  was  infering  that  large  chain  stores    and   spermarkets   with  multiple   locations   who  sell   lottery  tickets   have   larger  winners   with   bigger   payoffs   than  in   small  corner  stores: These  chain  stores  are  also  in  the  malls  and  plazzas  in  middle   class  america  quite  different   than   your  foriegn  nationals   who   own  the   vast  number  of  mom   and  pop  conner   markets; When  these   stores  sell  lottery  tickets  ,this   includes   lotto,cash5  and&&instant  tickets ,  their   winngs   are   no  where  near  the   huge  giveback  they  are  in  the  larger   chain  stores;

 welfare   recipients   play  lottery  in  hopes  of   buying   food   and  moving  to  a   better   life   after   a  small  windfall this   does  not   happen  so  they   keep  trying and  trying  ...(  how   can  the  lottery   target   blacks  and   hispanics  and  not  other   races  /

easy   use  .... corporate  Phsychlologcal   conditioning  : Heck  even  Freud   had  no  idea  what  can  be the    unconditioned  responce  of  people  with  the   right   advertisement  and  media  we  are  Blitzed  with  today ;



Sigmund Freud (born Sigismund Freud) May 6 1856 – September 23 1939; (IPA: ['zi?km?nt 'f???t]) was an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist who co-founded the psychoanalytic school of psychology. Freud is best known for his theories of the unconscious mind, especially involving ...
If  people  can  be  fooled   by   majic  on   national  TV   or  in  person,  who  is   to  say  we   cannot  be   fooled  by  the   lottery  , they   change  the   balls   they   work  behind  closed  doors   and  we  only  see  the  stage   set  after  the  manipulation of operations  during  the  draw  .....I  am  not   saying   dont   play  I  say  we  can   all  be   targeted  the  media   artical  only   pointed  out   the   poor  ....I  am   sure   we  are  all   targets  and  sheep  for  the   slaughter:   Look  at   9/11   and   then  look  at   the   evidence  they  have   compiled   against   the  9/11  even  though   people   looked   and    heard   explosions  and  all  the  evidence   pointing t o  a  cover  up  by  our   own   government  , yet   nothing  is   done;
People  feel   helpless   unless  their  told   what  to  do  @    We  often  only  see  what   we  want  to  see  or   expect , yet  the   truth  be  told  ,we  are   all   manipulated :

Oh my.... now you're saying that there is some deep-rooted psychology behind the lottery and that they "choose" the winning stores because middle-class people play there.

You're also making blanket statements that are just untrue.  Can you please show me a real statistic that shows supermarkets sell more winning tickets than mom & pop stores?  Not a statistic that you claim is real, but actually show the numbers and source.

The only way supermarkets would sell more winning tickets is if they SOLD more tickets than mom & pop stores.

So you tell me: if supermarkets happened to sell more lottery tickets than mom & pop stores, should they or should they not produce more winners?

It sounds to me like you are advocating that the lottery manipulate the winning tickets so that an unfair number of winning tickets are sold in mom & pop stores -- that they should do it because some people happen to "need" the money more than other people.

The lottery is entertainment, not an income source.  If the lottery did what you suggest it would not be in existence anymore because people would stop playing.  In fact, we already have a system in place like you're suggesting:  it's called "taxes".


Quote: Originally posted by computerhead723 on Oct 8, 2007

said that I think the statement that "blacks are being manipulated" is not only wrong, but insulting.  Also, the new article mentions POOR PEOPLE, NOT RACE.  The amount of money you have is not a race issue, and I'm not about to make it one.

I have no idea where you get your statistics from, because I don't think you're using any.  The actual statistics of winning ticket distribution consistently show that there is no bias against any particular geographic or socio-economic areas.  It is completely dependent upon the number of tickets bought in the area.


WeLL   I  was  infering  that  large  chain  stores    and   spermarkets   with  multiple   locations   who  sell   lottery  tickets   have   larger  winners   with   bigger   payoffs   than  in   small  corner  stores: These  chain  stores  are  also  in  the  malls  and  plazzas  in  middle   class  america  quite  different   than   your  foriegn  nationals   who   own  the   vast  number  of  mom   and  pop  conner   markets; When  these   stores  sell  lottery  tickets  ,this   includes   lotto,cash5  and&&instant  tickets ,  their   winngs   are   no  where  near  the   huge  giveback  they  are  in  the  larger   chain  stores;

 welfare   recipients   play  lottery  in  hopes  of   buying   food   and  moving  to  a   better   life   after   a  small  windfall this   does  not   happen  so  they   keep  trying and  trying  ...(  how   can  the  lottery   target   blacks  and   hispanics  and  not  other   races  /

easy   use  .... corporate  Phsychlologcal   conditioning  : Heck  even  Freud   had  no  idea  what  can  be the    unconditioned  responce  of  people  with  the   right   advertisement  and  media  we  are  Blitzed  with  today ;



Sigmund Freud (born Sigismund Freud) May 6 1856 – September 23 1939; (IPA: ['zi?km?nt 'f???t]) was an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist who co-founded the psychoanalytic school of psychology. Freud is best known for his theories of the unconscious mind, especially involving ...
If  people  can  be  fooled   by   majic  on   national  TV   or  in  person,  who  is   to  say  we   cannot  be   fooled  by  the   lottery  , they   change  the   balls   they   work  behind  closed  doors   and  we  only  see  the  stage   set  after  the  manipulation of operations  during  the  draw  .....I  am  not   saying   dont   play  I  say  we  can   all  be   targeted  the  media   artical  only   pointed  out   the   poor  ....I  am   sure   we  are  all   targets  and  sheep  for  the   slaughter:   Look  at   9/11   and   then  look  at   the   evidence  they  have   compiled   against   the  9/11  even  though   people   looked   and    heard   explosions  and  all  the  evidence   pointing t o  a  cover  up  by  our   own   government  , yet   nothing  is   done;
People  feel   helpless   unless  their  told   what  to  do  @    We  often  only  see  what   we  want  to  see  or   expect , yet  the   truth  be  told  ,we  are   all   manipulated :

"WeLL  I  was  infering  that  large  chain  stores    and  spermarkets  with  multiple  locations  who  sell  lottery  tickets  have  larger  winners  with  bigger  payoffs  than  in  small  corner  stores:"

I was in one of those large chain convenience type stores early this morning in a very small town and saw a sign above the lottery machine saying that a $232,000 Rolling Cash winner was sold at that store. There is also a competing large chain convenience type store on the other side of town and a Mega Million jackpot ticket was sold at one of the chains other stores in another city a couple of years ago. Is the state lottery commission taking turns distributing large winners among large chain convenience type stores and neglecting stores part of your conspiracy theory?

"These  chain  stores  are  also  in  the  malls  and  plazzas  in  middle  class  america  quite  different  than  your  foriegn  nationals  who   own  the  vast  number  of  mom  and  pop  conner  markets; When  these  stores  sell  lottery  tickets  ,this  includes  lotto,cash5  and&&instant  tickets ,  their  winngs  are  no  where  near  the  huge  giveback  they  are  in  the  larger  chain  stores;"

The large chains franchise their stores so it's a fact many of them become "mom and pop's" type stores. Do you have any documented proof these huge givebacks don't go to Smith's, Jones', or Brown's Food Mart or are you just guessing?

Unless you have the facts or statistic to prove "welfare  recipients  play  lottery  in  hopes  of  buying  food " or any other reason to play lottery games that is exclusive to only "welfare  recipients", you ought to add "in my opinion" to blanket statements.

"how  can  the  lottery  target  blacks  and  hispanics  and  not  other  races"

Lotteries offer games of chance though there is a degree of hypocrisy that this form of gambling is somehow different because its profits go to education and not to stock holders of large gaming groups. I can patiently wait until you offer any proof the games of chance offered by the state lotteries are the exclusive domains of "blacks  and  hispanics  and  not  other  races".

"I  am  not  saying  dont  play  I  say  we  can  all  be  targeted  the  media  artical  only  pointed  out  the  poor  ....I  am  sure  we  are  all  targets  and  sheep  for  the  slaughter"

Didn't know that; I thought I was playing lottery games because it's fun spending a couple of bucks and taking a chance of winning hundreds and possibly millions of dollars. Should I start buying my tickets in a large chain store where, in your opinion all the jackpots are sold, or should I continue to buy my tickets at the other place where I can flirt with that cute little clerk?

Since I usually pick my own numbers does the lottery monitor my play and make it impossible for me to win as part of your huge conspiracy?


Quote: Originally posted by Todd on Oct 8, 2007

Oh my.... now you're saying that there is some deep-rooted psychology behind the lottery and that they "choose" the winning stores because middle-class people play there.

You're also making blanket statements that are just untrue.  Can you please show me a real statistic that shows supermarkets sell more winning tickets than mom & pop stores?  Not a statistic that you claim is real, but actually show the numbers and source.

The only way supermarkets would sell more winning tickets is if they SOLD more tickets than mom & pop stores.

So you tell me: if supermarkets happened to sell more lottery tickets than mom & pop stores, should they or should they not produce more winners?

It sounds to me like you are advocating that the lottery manipulate the winning tickets so that an unfair number of winning tickets are sold in mom & pop stores -- that they should do it because some people happen to "need" the money more than other people.

The lottery is entertainment, not an income source.  If the lottery did what you suggest it would not be in existence anymore because people would stop playing.  In fact, we already have a system in place like you're suggesting:  it's called "taxes".

"It sounds to me like you are advocating that the lottery manipulate the winning tickets so that an unfair number of winning tickets are sold in mom & pop stores -- that they should do it because some people happen to "need" the money more than other people."

Public assistance comes from tax dollars and if it's true that mostly welfare recipients play lottery games and the lottery commissions can determine which store sells the most winners, wouldn't it make more sense to let those welfare recipients win so they are no longer a tax burden?

It would be fun reading all the feedback if CBS ever does an exposé on church run Bingo games.

computerhead723's avatarcomputerhead723

Quote: Originally posted by Stack47 on Oct 8, 2007

"WeLL  I  was  infering  that  large  chain  stores    and  spermarkets  with  multiple  locations  who  sell  lottery  tickets  have  larger  winners  with  bigger  payoffs  than  in  small  corner  stores:"

I was in one of those large chain convenience type stores early this morning in a very small town and saw a sign above the lottery machine saying that a $232,000 Rolling Cash winner was sold at that store. There is also a competing large chain convenience type store on the other side of town and a Mega Million jackpot ticket was sold at one of the chains other stores in another city a couple of years ago. Is the state lottery commission taking turns distributing large winners among large chain convenience type stores and neglecting stores part of your conspiracy theory?

"These  chain  stores  are  also  in  the  malls  and  plazzas  in  middle  class  america  quite  different  than  your  foriegn  nationals  who   own  the  vast  number  of  mom  and  pop  conner  markets; When  these  stores  sell  lottery  tickets  ,this  includes  lotto,cash5  and&&instant  tickets ,  their  winngs  are  no  where  near  the  huge  giveback  they  are  in  the  larger  chain  stores;"

The large chains franchise their stores so it's a fact many of them become "mom and pop's" type stores. Do you have any documented proof these huge givebacks don't go to Smith's, Jones', or Brown's Food Mart or are you just guessing?

Unless you have the facts or statistic to prove "welfare  recipients  play  lottery  in  hopes  of  buying  food " or any other reason to play lottery games that is exclusive to only "welfare  recipients", you ought to add "in my opinion" to blanket statements.

"how  can  the  lottery  target  blacks  and  hispanics  and  not  other  races"

Lotteries offer games of chance though there is a degree of hypocrisy that this form of gambling is somehow different because its profits go to education and not to stock holders of large gaming groups. I can patiently wait until you offer any proof the games of chance offered by the state lotteries are the exclusive domains of "blacks  and  hispanics  and  not  other  races".

"I  am  not  saying  dont  play  I  say  we  can  all  be  targeted  the  media  artical  only  pointed  out  the  poor  ....I  am  sure  we  are  all  targets  and  sheep  for  the  slaughter"

Didn't know that; I thought I was playing lottery games because it's fun spending a couple of bucks and taking a chance of winning hundreds and possibly millions of dollars. Should I start buying my tickets in a large chain store where, in your opinion all the jackpots are sold, or should I continue to buy my tickets at the other place where I can flirt with that cute little clerk?

Since I usually pick my own numbers does the lottery monitor my play and make it impossible for me to win as part of your huge conspiracy?

well  I  would  like  to  repeate  something  I  said  before ;PEOPLE  ONLY  SEE  WHAT  THEY  WANT  TO  SEE ......

In  reading   the   replys  to  this   artical  several  people  saw  my  rely  was  about  race  while  others  said  I  was  advocating  for  the  poor  to  win  in   mom  and  pop  neighborhoods  so  they   could  buy  food ....others  sugguested  I  provide  statistics  to  classified  information  while  providing  none  of  their  own proff  that  my  information  was  incorrect ; One  person  saw  the  large  banners  stating  someone  won  a   huge  pile  of  money  at  this   store  and  he  saw  it    at  several  larger  chain  stores&&Funny  people  only  see  the  forest  and  no  trees ;

I  have  never  walked  into  a  small  mom  and  pop   store  and  saw  a  winning  banner  in  my  life in  any  black/hispanic  community   and  I  have  been  to  many  accross  america;

I  want  people  to  win  but  the  distribution   of  winners  for  instant   tickets  needs  more  over  sight&&&sure  all   lottery  jackpot games  are  hard  but  when  it  comes  to instant  tickets  and  quick  pick  games   there  is  no  comparrison  middle  class  whites  get  more ;

Think , lotteys   make  billions   per  week  they  sell   games   for  money  ...guess   who  wins  regardless  I  dont  trust  the  lottery   or  any  corporate   entriprise  , because MONEY   does   strange  things  to  people...and  then  there   is   GREED  AND  ENVY  who  can   stop  it  ???? 

Todd's avatarTodd


I have seen lots of banners in mom & pop stores.  I am even friends with a mom & pop store owner (owns 2 stores) who had a Mega Millions jackpot winner in her store, and they have an enormous banner in the window.

Rise up out of your own line of vision to comprehend that your experiences aren't necessarily indicative of reality! 

There is a reason that people are trying to explain to you these things. 

They want you to understand that there is a much larger, happier world out there in which the lottery is not engaging in a conspiracy against certain groups of people!

psykomo's avatarpsykomo

Quote: Originally posted by psykomo on Oct 8, 2007

U will never "C" an

uhahhhhduuah   an


on the great state of TN.........from abc, cbs, nbc or cnn for.....

improper management  ..........of the LOTTERY  .........."ITSELF"!!

because, they are not in the business to INFORM the PUBLIC !!

 the Lottery Post is about all the INFO

on the what's going on

 "NOW" new's

(U or most people gona "GET")

LOL>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some of U need a ....>>>JACKPOT!

Thank "U"......Todd!

"YOU".....................yes >>>>>>>>>>>>"YOU"

should be honest with all the member's >>>>>>>on Lottery POST!

"PLEASE" tell us what school of gradulated?

............HAVARD, YALE, maby Dartmouth ????????????????????????

YOU appear to "know"

how to report the ^^ "news" ....better/d-network

 "WE" L@@K forward to Ceen'n U on the TLC soon!!

jarasan's avatarjarasan

Check out this mom and pop store:

All we need is a PowerBall jackpot, they've hit everything else.

computerhead723's avatarcomputerhead723

Quote: Originally posted by Todd on Oct 8, 2007


I have seen lots of banners in mom & pop stores.  I am even friends with a mom & pop store owner (owns 2 stores) who had a Mega Millions jackpot winner in her store, and they have an enormous banner in the window.

Rise up out of your own line of vision to comprehend that your experiences aren't necessarily indicative of reality! 

There is a reason that people are trying to explain to you these things. 

They want you to understand that there is a much larger, happier world out there in which the lottery is not engaging in a conspiracy against certain groups of people!

I  look   very  well  thank  you  but   get the  picture   reality  starts  with  questioning  authority.

Rise up out of your own line of vision to comprehend that your experiences aren't necessarily indicative of reality!

Wow   Todd , if  I  didn't  know  better  I  swear  you  were  insulting   me  and saying  I  had  lost my  mind , seeing  that  my  personal   experiences   were not  indicative  of  reality ???

In  the  larger  cities  real   mom  and  pop  stores  are  run  by   foriegn  nationals  with  competition

some  times  less  than  a  block  away  and   within  3 -5   block  radius  there is  a huge   supermarkets :  thats  competition  and   yyet  its   suported   the   neighborhoods,  Ii  dont   frankly  care  if  people  chose   to  ignor  the   facts    and  chose  to  believe  the  lie&

The  facts  speak  for  themselves  ,  do   you  see  millionairs   running   around  in   low  income  neighborhoods  ,...No  either  ....did  they   buy  a  winning  ticket  at   Moms  OR   CHANG  LEE S  MARKET   and  become   wealthy   or   set   for  life  ....No ......

case   closed


Quote: Originally posted by computerhead723 on Oct 8, 2007

well  I  would  like  to  repeate  something  I  said  before ;PEOPLE  ONLY  SEE  WHAT  THEY  WANT  TO  SEE ......

In  reading   the   replys  to  this   artical  several  people  saw  my  rely  was  about  race  while  others  said  I  was  advocating  for  the  poor  to  win  in   mom  and  pop  neighborhoods  so  they   could  buy  food ....others  sugguested  I  provide  statistics  to  classified  information  while  providing  none  of  their  own proff  that  my  information  was  incorrect ; One  person  saw  the  large  banners  stating  someone  won  a   huge  pile  of  money  at  this   store  and  he  saw  it    at  several  larger  chain  stores&&Funny  people  only  see  the  forest  and  no  trees ;

I  have  never  walked  into  a  small  mom  and  pop   store  and  saw  a  winning  banner  in  my  life in  any  black/hispanic  community   and  I  have  been  to  many  accross  america;

I  want  people  to  win  but  the  distribution   of  winners  for  instant   tickets  needs  more  over  sight&&&sure  all   lottery  jackpot games  are  hard  but  when  it  comes  to instant  tickets  and  quick  pick  games   there  is  no  comparrison  middle  class  whites  get  more ;

Think , lotteys   make  billions   per  week  they  sell   games   for  money  ...guess   who  wins  regardless  I  dont  trust  the  lottery   or  any  corporate   entriprise  , because MONEY   does   strange  things  to  people...and  then  there   is   GREED  AND  ENVY  who  can   stop  it  ???? 

"I  have  never  walked  into  a  small  mom  and  pop  store  and  saw  a  winning  banner  in  my  life in  any  black/hispanic  community  and  I  have  been  to  many  accross  america; "

Every time somebody makes this type of statement, I feel compelled to look for what they didn't see but I guess I'm lucky this time because I can't find "black/hispanic  community" on my map. Maybe you could elaborate on why you go into so many black/hispanic mom and pop stores across America. Where can I find one in NE Ohio?

"when  it  comes  to instant  tickets  and  quick  pick  games  there  is  no  comparrison  middle  class  whites  get  more " 

I suppose asking for any kind of data to back that up is out of the question?

computerhead723's avatarcomputerhead723

Quote: Originally posted by Stack47 on Oct 8, 2007

"I  have  never  walked  into  a  small  mom  and  pop  store  and  saw  a  winning  banner  in  my  life in  any  black/hispanic  community  and  I  have  been  to  many  accross  america; "

Every time somebody makes this type of statement, I feel compelled to look for what they didn't see but I guess I'm lucky this time because I can't find "black/hispanic  community" on my map. Maybe you could elaborate on why you go into so many black/hispanic mom and pop stores across America. Where can I find one in NE Ohio?

"when  it  comes  to instant  tickets  and  quick  pick  games  there  is  no  comparrison  middle  class  whites  get  more " 

I suppose asking for any kind of data to back that up is out of the question?

well   if  you  stop  chasing  people  with  a  burning  cross  and  chains  in  the  other   hand   and.....  loose  the   white   robe   ...then   some  nice  black  lottery   player   will  show  you   his    neighborhood:

Todd's avatarTodd

Quote: Originally posted by computerhead723 on Oct 8, 2007

I  look   very  well  thank  you  but   get the  picture   reality  starts  with  questioning  authority.

Rise up out of your own line of vision to comprehend that your experiences aren't necessarily indicative of reality!

Wow   Todd , if  I  didn't  know  better  I  swear  you  were  insulting   me  and saying  I  had  lost my  mind , seeing  that  my  personal   experiences   were not  indicative  of  reality ???

In  the  larger  cities  real   mom  and  pop  stores  are  run  by   foriegn  nationals  with  competition

some  times  less  than  a  block  away  and   within  3 -5   block  radius  there is  a huge   supermarkets :  thats  competition  and   yyet  its   suported   the   neighborhoods,  Ii  dont   frankly  care  if  people  chose   to  ignor  the   facts    and  chose  to  believe  the  lie&

The  facts  speak  for  themselves  ,  do   you  see  millionairs   running   around  in   low  income  neighborhoods  ,...No  either  ....did  they   buy  a  winning  ticket  at   Moms  OR   CHANG  LEE S  MARKET   and  become   wealthy   or   set   for  life  ....No ......

case   closed

You may have the case closed, but I haven't begun to understand what case is closed!

We obviously disagree about a lot of stuff, so let's agree to disagree.

I would love to understand your bottom line about what you believe the lottery is doing.

What is the lottery's role in all of this?  If you could please explain it in as simple terms as possible, that would help me, because sometimes I'm a little slow. Crazy

Which part of the whole thing do they manipulate?  Do they change the lottery results to make sure a particular store wins?  Or is it something else?

There are other people who have similar thoughts to yours, so although you don't speak for all of them, maybe you could shed some light.


Quote: Originally posted by computerhead723 on Oct 8, 2007

I  look   very  well  thank  you  but   get the  picture   reality  starts  with  questioning  authority.

Rise up out of your own line of vision to comprehend that your experiences aren't necessarily indicative of reality!

Wow   Todd , if  I  didn't  know  better  I  swear  you  were  insulting   me  and saying  I  had  lost my  mind , seeing  that  my  personal   experiences   were not  indicative  of  reality ???

In  the  larger  cities  real   mom  and  pop  stores  are  run  by   foriegn  nationals  with  competition

some  times  less  than  a  block  away  and   within  3 -5   block  radius  there is  a huge   supermarkets :  thats  competition  and   yyet  its   suported   the   neighborhoods,  Ii  dont   frankly  care  if  people  chose   to  ignor  the   facts    and  chose  to  believe  the  lie&

The  facts  speak  for  themselves  ,  do   you  see  millionairs   running   around  in   low  income  neighborhoods  ,...No  either  ....did  they   buy  a  winning  ticket  at   Moms  OR   CHANG  LEE S  MARKET   and  become   wealthy   or   set   for  life  ....No ......

case   closed

"some  times  less  than  a  block  away  and  within  3 -5  block  radius  there is  a huge  supermarkets :  thats  competition  and  yyet  its  suported  the  neighborhoods,  Ii  dont  frankly  care  if  people  chose  to  ignor  the  facts    and  chose  to  believe  the  lie&"

Within about the same radius there is a supermarket, 2 gas stations with food marts, a convenient store and 2 drive-thru's in my neighborhood; and they all sell lottery tickets. Maybe people buy tickets when they buy their groceries, gas, bread and milk, or beer, but there are no facts supporting any one these stores will sell more large prize winning tickets.

"The  facts  speak  for  themselves"

Discussing the facts would be a change of pace from your opinions of mom and pop stores across America.


Well speaking as an African-American here in NC(charlotte) I don't see the lottery targeting any specific race, they even run messages encouraging people to play responsibly. And we do have minority's here that have hit it big. there was a jackpot winner from charlotte who bought his ticket in SC before Nc offered the lottery and he was an african-american(won $80 million) and just last year a correctional guard from Raleigh(African-American female) won $22 Million in the power-ball so let's get off the race kick it all comes down to just how lucky you are to win the "GREEN"

computerhead723's avatarcomputerhead723

Quote: Originally posted by Todd on Oct 8, 2007

You may have the case closed, but I haven't begun to understand what case is closed!

We obviously disagree about a lot of stuff, so let's agree to disagree.

I would love to understand your bottom line about what you believe the lottery is doing.

What is the lottery's role in all of this?  If you could please explain it in as simple terms as possible, that would help me, because sometimes I'm a little slow. Crazy

Which part of the whole thing do they manipulate?  Do they change the lottery results to make sure a particular store wins?  Or is it something else?

There are other people who have similar thoughts to yours, so although you don't speak for all of them, maybe you could shed some light.

first  question:

I would love to understand your bottom line about what you believe the lottery is doing.

What is the lottery's role in all of this?  If you could please explain it in as simple terms as possible, that would help me, because sometimes I'm a little slow"

First  Goal  of  the  lottery  is  to   raise  revenue  ,just   who  gets   the  Bulk  of  that  revenue  is  questionable and  classifyed  information:  

How  they  retain  a  steady  winning  streak  ( here  in  NY)  is  beyound  me  but   suggest  manipulation  of  the  draw  machines  by  weighted  balls   and  player  habits  since  tracking  players  bets   are  a  by-product   of  computer  sysyems  ; this  is   where  I  have  my   issue  with  GETEC   and  outfits  simmular  to  them; GETC  first  coustmers  were  cassino's  and  video   slot  machines  -these  are  computer  controled  and  fiber  optic  upgraded  ;  which  means  if  they   downloded 30 Gb  it  would  take  less  than    3  hours  but  if  it  were  a  56K  line ( plain  old  telephone  line  )  it  would  take  a  month   to  download   30Gb. .......with  high  tech  software   and   equipment  throw  in  some  Professional   Advertisement   and  a  paid  consultant    psychiatrist ,  would  insure  a  high  yeild  proffit  on  running  a  lottery: Dont   look  at  just  the  lottery  look  at  those  behind  the  scen  like  KGMG  and  GETEC  here   all  involved ,  they  all  have  an  interest  we  think   just  as  you   suggest ....  its   fair...they   wouldn't   cheat   ...ok   ??/Agree with stupid   and  prying  on   little  small  mom  and  pops  stores  make  up   50%    of   retailers  in  the  system ,  they  are  the  cash  cow ;

Consider a paradox outlined by London School of Economics economist Richard Lay¿ard in Happiness (Penguin, 2005), in which he shows that we are no happier even though average incomes have more than doubled since 1950 and "we have more food, more clothes, more cars, bigger houses, more central heating, more foreign holidays, a shorter working week, nicer work and, above all, better health." Once average annual income is above $20,000 a head, higher pay brings no greater happiness. Why? One, our genes account for roughly half of our predisposition to be happy or unhappy, and two, our wants are relative to what other people have, not to some absolute measure.

Happiness is better equated with satisfaction than pleasure, says Emory University psychiatrist Gregory Berns in Satisfaction (Henry Holt, 2005), because the pursuit of pleasure lands us on a never-ending hedonic treadmill that paradoxically leads to misery. "Satisfaction is an emotion that captures the uniquely human need to impart meaning to one's activities," Berns concludes. "While you might find pleasure by happenstance--winning the lottery, possessing the genes for a sunny temperament, or having the luck not to live in poverty--satisfaction can arise only by the conscious decision to do something. And this makes all the difference in the world, because it is only your own actions for which you may take responsibility and credit."

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