Ga. maintenance man wins Mega Millions lottery jackpot

Sep 18, 2006, 4:36 pm (43 comments)

Mega Millions

A 52-year-old maintenance man collected a $163 million lottery jackpot Monday. Now you can call him a retired maintenance man.

Ben Chason chose to take his winnings in a lump sum, receiving about $66 million after taxes.

Chason bought the winning ticket in Friday's Mega Millions drawing at a convenience store in Bainbridge, where he was a maintenance man for the housing authority.

Asked if he will continue working for the housing authority, Chason replied, "I'm retired."

Chason bought 3 quick pick tickets on Thursday — one day before the drawing. He went back to the convenience store where he bought the tickets on Sunday — checked the numbers and noticed he'd won.

He says he is still in shock.

Fifty-two-year-old Chason was so excited about winning the $163 million jackpot, he drove to Atlanta to pick up his winnings on Sunday.

The lottery offices are closed on Sundays.

The new multi-millionaire was asked by reporters how the money would change his bank account.

"Right now, I got $600 in there, so it's gonna change it pretty good," said Chason.

Chason's back account is about to undergo an extreme makeover. That's after he just became the largest winner in Georgia Lottery history by being the sole winner of the $163 million Mega Millions jackpot.

He said he plans to spend some of the money on his family and his girlfriend's family, and to invest some of it. He also said he wants to buy some land and help a nephew who is becoming a minister.

"I have thought of probably trying to start him a church — and I may just put the money up and build him one," Chason said.

The jackpot is nowhere near a nation-wide record. In February, eight workers at a Nebraska meatpacking plant split $365 million in the other big multistate lottery, Powerball.

Tuesday's Mega Millions jackpot is worth $12 million.

Lottery Post Staff

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I hope Mr Chason is wise..

It troubles me when someone runs to the lottery office as quickly as he did ( Sunday ??) without getting the proper financial advice and legal representation...



psykomo's avatarpsykomo


Bainbridge, Georgia.......WINNER

of million$$$$$ of DOLLAR$$$$ MEGA MILLION!!!


LakeSeminole in Bainbridge, famous for

great fishing & now the mega million..........."JACKPOT"!

There is also, BIG CATFISH in this HOLE &  someone

may just be the lucky winner of next FANTASY-FIVE


PartyPartyPartyWhite BounceWhite BounceWhite Bounce"Quick-Pick"

White BounceWhite Bounce<>                    US Flag <>                 White Bounce<>        White Bounce<>   White Bounce                                                           White Bounce




I'm with you.  This guy, I am happy for him.  But the suddenness in which he has come forth is an indicator that he doesn't have the education and info to properly manage this huge winning!

 Hopefully he still will change course with quickness and fade to black.

psykomo's avatarpsykomo

Quote: Originally posted by delS on Sep 18, 2006


I'm with you.  This guy, I am happy for him.  But the suddenness in which he has come forth is an indicator that he doesn't have the education and info to properly manage this huge winning!

 Hopefully he still will change course with quickness and fade to black.

"Wach a" you all..........

tonkin bout, no egdeca

tion, can you spell.....

matancce man???????

HE got de mony n ban


This is a good example of how long it takes to get a very, very

BIG JACKPOT.......................$ETTLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




When I use the term education, I'm speaking not about schooling education, but I am speaking about wealth, money, and lottery education.

psykomo's avatarpsykomo

Quote: Originally posted by delS on Sep 18, 2006

When I use the term education, I'm speaking not about schooling education, but I am speaking about wealth, money, and lottery education.

  It L@@K$ to me that he has a darn G@@D

   "LOTTERY Education"

                                     (JUST BUY)

 When "you" win.............put the money in

step (1)   BANK

step (2)   Buy more quick-pick$$$$

step (3)   $pend the MONEY$$$$$

step (4)   Buy land as He suggested!



JAP69's avatarJAP69

"Right now, I got $600 in there, so it's gonna change it pretty good," said Chason.


Green laughROFL

psykomo's avatarpsykomo

Congrat$$$....Mr. Cha$on:

PartyPartyPartyI Agree!

you are a very $MART MAN"!!!!




sirbrad's avatarsirbrad

Ironically it doesn't seem that the educated/prepared lottery players are the ones winning big most of the time, if any. Education also comes in many forms, some might say it is actually very intelligent not to allow lawyers, advisors, and financial planners win the lottery every time you do, and control your destiny. It is bad enough the IRS does. They all want you to assume you can't live without them, so they can jump on for the ride.

Most will be fine provided they have enough sense to handle the funds. It is also quite easy to assume you would not run to lottery headquarters when you do not have a $66million dollar ticket in your house. That much money and the life that it could provide may make you do things you would have never thought. But it is very easy to remain calm and rational when your outside looking in.

Chalk up another for QP's. Three nonetheless, that is painful to lottery players who use systems and play up to $100.   

Raven62's avatarRaven62

Lady Luck shined her light on him!

Congrats to the Money WINNER!



I really don't know and don't understand why someone look at the immediated claim winner with a negative thinking and even think that they are kind of uneducation ???

I'd like to say that I am college graduated, and If I won big, I will come to the lottery headquater as soon as I can . Because I think if I spend time with finance advisor with ticket unclaimed I may be scared to death. And claiming soon is my first choice!

If we claim soon at the lottery main office, will we lost some money ? get dangerous ?

May anyone explain to me ? thank you!

Trained2beRich's avatarTrained2beRich

maybe he is mature enough and he did not get too excited.  My only thing is all the things he has already said he is verbally going to do. I dont have an issue with the church thing...but a nephew who wants to be a minister?   He does not have an established congregation or following.  And to build a church. how big and who will own the title? the nephew, the church or the board members.  I think half the money(around 35 million) will be spent the first year and some tax issues will happen next year with all the gifting.  His loose lips may sink his own ship.

Rick G's avatarRick G

I'm happy for the maintenance man.    Smash

psykomo's avatarpsykomo

Quote: Originally posted by Rick G on Sep 19, 2006

I'm happy for the maintenance man.    Smash

LOTTERY POST members pro/say MGM winner DEAD!!!

sorry to lo$e this GREAT MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thinking of...PokeSmashBashSurrenderSurrenderSulk Off

very sad............beliver'$

GOD BLE$$....agai N


Rick G's avatarRick G

Quote: Originally posted by psykomo on Sep 19, 2006

LOTTERY POST members pro/say MGM winner DEAD!!!

sorry to lo$e this GREAT MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thinking of...PokeSmashBashSurrenderSurrenderSulk Off

very sad............beliver'$

GOD BLE$$....agai N


If you were a maintenance man like I am, you would understand that the hammer represented the work he did.  I am truly happy for this guy because it gives blue collar folks like me hope that it can happen to us too.

Plus, he can communicate. 

weshar75's avatarweshar75

It is nice to see someone that you can identify with make it big.  I like to see the average person win the lottery because then I think that maybe it can happen to me.  I would like the chance to live the good life while I have air to breath in these lungs.  Who cares what he does with his winnings any way.  When you have the title Lottery winner you can be as stupid or smart with your winnings as humanly possible.  Hence the title Lottery winner.-weshar75

psykomo's avatarpsykomo

Quote: Originally posted by psykomo on Sep 18, 2006

  It L@@K$ to me that he has a darn G@@D

   "LOTTERY Education"

                                     (JUST BUY)

 When "you" win.............put the money in

step (1)   BANK

step (2)   Buy more quick-pick$$$$

step (3)   $pend the MONEY$$$$$

step (4)   Buy land as He suggested!




I build the DARN things, please donot lecture meeeeeeeeeeeeeee

about a HAMMER...........(just L@@K at the FACTs of this WINNER??

PSYKOMO re$pect$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

"ALL PROFE$$ION$"...............SAVY????

where are your..............


to this .........."FAMILY!!!!!




Qdg99's avatarQdg99

I say congarts to this man. Yes he has had some loose lips but the fact that he wants to HELP others and do something to help build the kingdom of THE LORD is going to be a bigger blessing for him that the 66 million that is now in his bank account. He is educated in the LORD it appears. You can't get more educated than that.

maringoman's avatarmaringoman

Quote: Originally posted by DoubleDown on Sep 18, 2006

I hope Mr Chason is wise..

It troubles me when someone runs to the lottery office as quickly as he did ( Sunday ??) without getting the proper financial advice and legal representation...



How come no one from MASSACHUSETTS ever win the mega millions jack pots? I feel i should move out

maringoman's avatarmaringoman

why dont massachusetts people ever win the megamillion jackpots? i feel as if i should relocate or something equally as stupid as that

SassyOhio's avatarSassyOhio

Quote: Originally posted by sirbrad on Sep 18, 2006

Ironically it doesn't seem that the educated/prepared lottery players are the ones winning big most of the time, if any. Education also comes in many forms, some might say it is actually very intelligent not to allow lawyers, advisors, and financial planners win the lottery every time you do, and control your destiny. It is bad enough the IRS does. They all want you to assume you can't live without them, so they can jump on for the ride.

Most will be fine provided they have enough sense to handle the funds. It is also quite easy to assume you would not run to lottery headquarters when you do not have a $66million dollar ticket in your house. That much money and the life that it could provide may make you do things you would have never thought. But it is very easy to remain calm and rational when your outside looking in.

Chalk up another for QP's. Three nonetheless, that is painful to lottery players who use systems and play up to $100.   

You know I Agree!  I really really do. Yeah I think that if you dont feel that your responsible enough to handle it then seek some advice... But I of course would not go to the office on a sunday lol but I would be there bright and early the next opened day.. I look at it this way, we waited long enough to finally be a winner, why wait longer?  I would love to be in his shoes!!  Hey I would have done the same thing... just would not have made any EARLY USSUMPTIONS of what I would be doing with the money. Shoot its in the paper..... now days people will sue you for that  when ya hit the lotto. Just keep your mouth shut get your check and RUNNNNNNNN Hyper

sirbrad's avatarsirbrad

Exactly. It is not so much what you do, as what you tell everyone you will do. Jackpot paranoia is what feeds many of these so called professional leeches. Some are legitimate, but many look to capitalize off your big win. I would not say anything to anyone until the money was in my bank account. It is just sad that there are so many potential obstacles involved after beating such high odds. It is best to give very little or false information for your own protection at the press conference.

That way no one has any leads to follow. I would love to win a record jackpot, however winning the jackpot the very next drawing after somebody else won the record jackpot, would be about as anonymous as you could get. No one is going to care about my measly $5 million after taxes after that. They will all be busy watching the record jackpot winners on Good Morning America, while I am slipping out the back door at lottery headquarters with my $5 million. Big Smile   


Quote: Originally posted by psykomo on Sep 18, 2006


Bainbridge, Georgia.......WINNER

of million$$$$$ of DOLLAR$$$$ MEGA MILLION!!!


LakeSeminole in Bainbridge, famous for

great fishing & now the mega million..........."JACKPOT"!

There is also, BIG CATFISH in this HOLE &  someone

may just be the lucky winner of next FANTASY-FIVE


PartyPartyPartyWhite BounceWhite BounceWhite Bounce"Quick-Pick"

White BounceWhite Bounce<>                    US Flag <>                 White Bounce<>        White Bounce<>   White Bounce                                                           White Bounce


WOW! I almost had a seizure looking at this post!

Raven62's avatarRaven62

Quote: Originally posted by maringoman on Sep 19, 2006

why dont massachusetts people ever win the megamillion jackpots? i feel as if i should relocate or something equally as stupid as that

Because they buy fewer Tickets than folks in other States!


Quote: Originally posted by sirbrad on Sep 18, 2006

Ironically it doesn't seem that the educated/prepared lottery players are the ones winning big most of the time, if any. Education also comes in many forms, some might say it is actually very intelligent not to allow lawyers, advisors, and financial planners win the lottery every time you do, and control your destiny. It is bad enough the IRS does. They all want you to assume you can't live without them, so they can jump on for the ride.

Most will be fine provided they have enough sense to handle the funds. It is also quite easy to assume you would not run to lottery headquarters when you do not have a $66million dollar ticket in your house. That much money and the life that it could provide may make you do things you would have never thought. But it is very easy to remain calm and rational when your outside looking in.

Chalk up another for QP's. Three nonetheless, that is painful to lottery players who use systems and play up to $100.   

When you use are actually handicapping your chances to win....don't ask me is just the way it is. Working a group of numbers is guranteed to keep the grand prize running away from you like a plagued. In playing the Lotto it doesn't play to be smart....cause you will outsmart yourself. It is simply the game design.


Enjoy Mr Carson!!!Party...........unfortunately I have that uneasy feeling that this guy is going to end up on the news....and not for good.

Rick G's avatarRick G

Quote: Originally posted by Shane3 on Sep 19, 2006

When you use are actually handicapping your chances to win....don't ask me is just the way it is. Working a group of numbers is guranteed to keep the grand prize running away from you like a plagued. In playing the Lotto it doesn't play to be smart....cause you will outsmart yourself. It is simply the game design.


Enjoy Mr Carson!!!Party...........unfortunately I have that uneasy feeling that this guy is going to end up on the news....and not for good.

I agree with Shane3.  Over-analyzing jackpot games seems to be detrimental. 

I hope Shane's uneasy feelings about Mr. Carson's future are incorrect.  I like the guy.

RJOh's avatarRJOh

Quote: Originally posted by sirbrad on Sep 18, 2006

Ironically it doesn't seem that the educated/prepared lottery players are the ones winning big most of the time, if any. Education also comes in many forms, some might say it is actually very intelligent not to allow lawyers, advisors, and financial planners win the lottery every time you do, and control your destiny. It is bad enough the IRS does. They all want you to assume you can't live without them, so they can jump on for the ride.

Most will be fine provided they have enough sense to handle the funds. It is also quite easy to assume you would not run to lottery headquarters when you do not have a $66million dollar ticket in your house. That much money and the life that it could provide may make you do things you would have never thought. But it is very easy to remain calm and rational when your outside looking in.

Chalk up another for QP's. Three nonetheless, that is painful to lottery players who use systems and play up to $100.   

If there were more educated/prepared people playing the lotteries there would be more of them winning the jackpots.  Educated/prepared people think playing lotteries is a waste of money so they have nobody but themselves to blame if they aren't winning more, besides the stock markets need players too.

As for those system players spending a $100 per drawing, if they have that kind of money to waste they already have more money than they can handle.

Lotteries aren't designed to make smart or dumb, educated or uneducated, rich or needy people richer, they are designed to make that lucky guy or lady with a dollar to spend on a lottery ticket richer and that could be almost anybody even me a system player.


Quote: Originally posted by DoubleDown on Sep 18, 2006

I hope Mr Chason is wise..

It troubles me when someone runs to the lottery office as quickly as he did ( Sunday ??) without getting the proper financial advice and legal representation...




It would be a month or more before I claimed.  Get the trusts set up. Change phone. Move to TN or Texas (No Income tax) 


Quote: Originally posted by sirbrad on Sep 18, 2006

Ironically it doesn't seem that the educated/prepared lottery players are the ones winning big most of the time, if any. Education also comes in many forms, some might say it is actually very intelligent not to allow lawyers, advisors, and financial planners win the lottery every time you do, and control your destiny. It is bad enough the IRS does. They all want you to assume you can't live without them, so they can jump on for the ride.

Most will be fine provided they have enough sense to handle the funds. It is also quite easy to assume you would not run to lottery headquarters when you do not have a $66million dollar ticket in your house. That much money and the life that it could provide may make you do things you would have never thought. But it is very easy to remain calm and rational when your outside looking in.

Chalk up another for QP's. Three nonetheless, that is painful to lottery players who use systems and play up to $100.   


I am financially astue and could handle that part w/o hiring a financial planner. How ever would defintly need lawyer to set up a trust to own the ticket between me and the kids.  Also a question I have always had, that would need answered is, for tax purposes when do you incur the liability.   For example if I hit in Dec 06 and don't claim till Jan 07 which year is my tax liability.  Also I live in AL. If I win in TN can I sell my house in AL, establish TN residence before I claim and not owe a State income tax?  Also what if I take the annuity pay the 1st year of AL tax and then move to a non income tax state?  I rememeber  something several years ago about Calif trying to tax retirement of people that had left the state.   Yes I need a lawyer!!!!!!!!!!   And if anyone has insight in to my questions  I realize you are not providing leagal advise if you answer.

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