Pentagon Video a sham



Here's the video stills, notice the outline of a small plane in the first frame ... mmmmmmmm!!!


Don't believe anything you hear, and only half of what you see....." -APFN Webmaster

You would think the Defense Dept would make it a better picture than that with all the new technology.....hummm


Entry #180


Avatar emilyg -
interesting. thanks.
Avatar pacattack05 -
Kitty knows me very well........
Avatar time*treat -
A small plane or a cruise missile with wings? ;-)
Avatar konane -
What they released seems to be the same video that's been circulating around the internet attached to the conspiracy theory.

I checked this morning and since Neal is a pilot and owns/pilots one or more airplanes, he had nothing derogatory to say about the released video and seemed to consider the matter settled.

My take is that given how many seconds between frames and the descending speed of that plane the blip shown on one video frame would be just about all you could see. Also upon impact with thick Pentagon walls that would effectively have collapsed the wings backward into the fuselage leaving an entry hole not as big as one would have expected. .... like a small plane Just a little common sense mechanical reasoning kicking in.

I believe there are larger conspiracy theories looming on the horizon regarding immigration.
Avatar pacattack05 -
Thanx for the response Konane.

I'll give you that one, but why haven't the tapes of all the other cameras been released? The gas station, the Sheraton hotel, a camera showing 1-395, and I think a couple more. Click on the link in my blog entry after this blog, and see all the cameras.
Avatar konane -
I couldn't get Macromedia flash to download correctly, probably due to so much spyware protection on the puter.

Probably since those were not government/military cameras they didn't admit them into evidence.

My understanding of any military still photos is that you have to make them with a film camera instead of digital because digitals can be altered. Probably something along those lines is their reasoning since it's a military thing.

Also meant to mention that the hole made by Flight 93 when original photos were released wasn't anything but a hole with probably not over 10' either side of wingspan indicating that it was a plane that went straight down.
Avatar pacattack05 -
Forget admitting them for evidence, but have them available for the general public to see. What are they hiding?

I just don't buy any of it.

As far as alterations, these days anything can be doctored.

They only found one engine core, HMMMMMMM

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