The Ryan record! And his infatuation with Ayn Rand.



In 14 years in Congress Paul Ryan only passed 2 bills he submitted.

One was the naming of a U.S. Post office in his hometown.The other was a tax break for arrow makers.

His own heroine the pro-abortion,atheist Ayn Rand would be ashamed of the anti-abortion,practicing Catholic Ryan.

Paul Ryan often quotes the rights Patron Saint Ronnie Reagan while Ayn Rand hated him because he was an advocate of a mixed economy with Government controls slanted in favor of business rather than labor.

Ayn Rand called Reagan "A Conservative in the worse sense of that word"!

Ayn Rand Also Wrote "abortion IS a moral right which should be left to the sole discretion of the woman involved,nothing other than her wish in the matter is to be considered".

Ayn Rand believed that the source of all rights came from simply existing.The source of Mans rights is not divine law or congressional law,but the law of identity.A is A-and Man is Man she wrote.

About faith she wrote "Faith is the worst curse of mankind,as the exact antithesis and enemy of thought."

Ayn Rand preached self-reliance and her heroes were always self-made.

For all of Ayh Rand's ranting about the limits of government and the need to be independent,she benefited from Medicare.After decades of smoking she needed surgery for ling cancer,and where did she turn?

The EVIL of Collectivism!

Whatever Ayn Rand's beliefs or intentions her character provided a real testament to the virtues of Government that promises its citizens "General Welfare" which the preamble to The Constitution also mentions that The Government should and will provide to its citizens.

Entry #77


Avatar sully16 -
Is that all you got ? I read Atlas shrugged, I think she had a keen insight as to the workings of the world, I don't agree with everything she says, but that doesn't make me hate her.
Second, she paid into Social Security and medicaid, she has a right to collect.
Third The General welfare meant the safety and well being as the country as a collective whole, not food stamps and all the free things lazy greedy useless mindless little sh*ts can get their hands on.
At no point in the constitution does it say we the people have to be taxed into taking care of people who made bad decisions and life altering choices,
Free education in this country k-12, if you didn't get an education blame yourself, blame your parents, but don't blame people who had nothing to do with someones inability to take advantage of what this country has to offer,.
If your poor, maybe you need to reflect on your life to see where the dream went wrong, did you get pregnant to young? Did you spend more than you made ? Did you pick the wrong person to be your spouse? Did you make bad financial decisions?
Still not okay to tax others for the mistakes of many.
Maybe someone need to take the time to explain to people what their mistakes where, and to grow up and accept the fact their where their at because of their own stupity.
Avatar sully16 -
Keep blogging, I think your helping Romney!
four and out !
Avatar MADDOG10 -
For all of Ayh Rand's ranting about the limits of government and the need to be independent,she benefited from Medicare.After decades of smoking she needed surgery for ling cancer,and where did she turn?                          ( LUNG ) not ling..

Get spell check crapper it's free with your donation to the cause.
The cause is you're a democrap and you expect it for free.
Avatar bobbya -
rabidDOG!You knew what it was didn't you "Blithering Idiot"?
Avatar bobbya -
rabidDOG!You knew what it was didn't you "Blithering Idiot"?
Avatar bobbya -
sully is NOW A Constitutional scholor and Supreme Court Justice interpreting the Constitution to what she WANTS it to mean instead of its actual meaning.
You probably believe Corporations Are People Too don't you?
The point of Ayn Rand and Medicare and Social Security she took if you read my post was if she truly believed,with all her rants,her whole life,that big Government Is the problem,it is hypocritical to take from that Big Government that you hated your whole life.
Obviously you don't get it either!
Taxes are to and for all to benefit from whatever government provides for NOT just what Sully thinks they should be used for.
I read you ranting all the time against the poor and needy and what they get from government but have never read any rant from you against Corporate Welfare and subsidies they use to take American jobs to 3rd world countries that cause those same people you hate,the poor and needy,to reach out to government for help,because they can't find work.
I never heard you complain at all about the 2/3 of Corporations paying NO federal income tax while the middle class picks up that slack for them.
You want everything free too that government provides,like roads,police,fire,safe drinking water,snow removal,trash removal,etc,
You just don't want to pay for them.
You're just the same as those you hate and complain about.
They are not hypocrites like you though.They did what they did out of need and desperation.You out of Greed and Choice.
Avatar MADDOG10 -
I would rather be a blithering idiot , than a friggen Moron.

What it's a different set of rules when you correct someone crapper?
You can do, but when someone else does it's not alright?

It doesn't matter if I knew what it was, you're quick to critique aren't you Moron.

I tell you what take your thoughts and stick them so far up your A** that you tickle your throat.

You're a troll with no contribution to life whatsoever. Have a good life crapper until November...
Avatar bobbya -
Does your above rant mean that you will not comment on any more of my truths by Lying about them until November 7 when you congratulate me on my prediction of President Obama winning re-election by a landslide over the fascist-nazi Romney-Ryan ticket giving him another;
Avatar sully16 -
well Bob, I do have a problem with corporate welfare, bailouts, etc.
I have a problem with the government using welfare in exchange for votes.
I have a real big problem with welfare FRAUD!
MY tax dollars pay for the people who don't pay income or property tax, they enjoy all these things on someone elses dime.

All these poor people, they drive Cadillacs, monster trucks, have all kinds of money for lottery, beer, cigarettes, casino, clubbing, then they scream about their hungry children, they make me sick, I watch it day in and day out, most of them put their wants and needs way ahead of their children.
I feel sorry for their kids. Someone else can feed their kids because they going to the track...
Maybe you need to discuss these things with these needy poor people, people wouldn't be fed up with them if they weren't so stupid and selfish.
Avatar jarasan -
Barry Soetero,
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Just what is the proper function of a central government?

Should central government provide for everyone or just a few? Should central government even provide anything for anyone?

Being a conservative I feel that government should provide only those things which benefit everyone. This includes roads, bridges, a standing Army, a post office, things of which everyone can take advantage.

What is not a proper function of government are laws which tells me I have to buckle up, wear a helmet, have health insurance, or what size cup I can hold in my hands.

If I want those less fortunate than I (a minority, I assure you) are to be provided for, then the burden for doing so falls on my shoulders. I should take the lead and institute a fund raiser.

It is not a proper function of government to tax me so that someone else can benefit. If I am taxed enough, I will cease producing.   If I and others like me stop producing, what will government take then? Seeing that there will be nothing for government to take, what remains is forced productivity. Forced productivity is nothing more than slavery.   

So when asking yourself, "What is the proper function of government?" you should think your answer through. Your answer will determine what the future will bring to your grandchildren.

Avatar sully16 -
Very nicely put Gasmeterguy, the future, looks bleak, I see more cameras at intersections, more rules to live by, daily stories of government interference in the lives of people just trying to make it through the day.

Every day, in everyday conversations, the word government regulations comes up, sick of it.

Forced Productivity, you nailed it.
There's an executive order for that.
Seems many want socialism, they think it's social equality and it's not.
You cannot tax people to make other people equal.
Freedom of choice, will solve the equality problem.
Avatar jarasan -
Too many bureaucrats (overpaid).
Avatar jarasan -
oh yeah
Barry Soetero,
Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Four and Out. Barry Soetero,
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Avatar rdgrnr -
Four and Out Rocks!

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