Mirror, Mirror On The Wall...


   Self and I are truly relieved. Our truest friend and buddy checked out of the hospital with minor ailments and a complete list of what to do's plus medicines to be taken regularly with our help and support. He has an infected tooth that has to be stabilized with anti-infalmatories; water pills to reduce liquid on the lungs and an anti-histimen for easier breathing, apparently he has asthma too. Self/I and my friend have been around for a very long time, we're family don't you know, so we stick together and do for one another as best that we are able. My friend can't do a lot but be there for us when we are in need and that's saying a dictionary full of things. How many times have you needed a friend or something done or just a kind word over the years and got the base result of...nothing? We don't have to guess do we? A friend for you is the same type of partner for me; a person in their own right that has feelings and wants and gives until they die. They don't ask for money or expensive valuables. These friends only ask for love, at least two square meals per day and as in my friends case, a clean litter box. My friend is a golden short-haired; thirty-two inchs long and eight pound feline. He, like you and I, needs his quiet times; entertainment times and friend to friend times. How many humans are this way? My buddy has his quirks just like humans too. Many times through his body language, he'll tell me that he will be my friend when he is ready and keeps on going. This does irritate me sometimes but hey, aren't we the same way?


Entry #43


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