How AmI going To Tweek.....


Well self/me,

we worked this new platnorm into an almost winner, now question is, "how do we fine tune this upstart?" Self says, "we've gotten two double digits and two stray single digits in three plays and missing the the whole bit by one digit...hmmmm. I know that we don't want to mess with a lot of computation...major brain fart! We'll think on it and have a solution way before it's time to post for tonight's evening draw." 



Folks, this is what happens when you collaborate with someone else or converse with yourself. It's called brain storming! Yes, I do talk to me quite frequently and no I'm not crazy but I have found that for me to ask another and get an intelligent answer to a specific whatever, I am better off running my intellect through my own wringer (this item is known to us oldsters, you "teenagers" probably don't have a clue and yet some of you "know it all" don't you? eeeehaaaaa!) than to deal with a lot of the nonsense that I have seen posted. No offense is meant to anyone or any group but it's true. On the side for a moment---just why in Samhill does a PreK teacher in Ohio have to be able to teach physics? My wife is one of those unfortunates and has gone back to college, she's finished now with an 4.0. but the point is...the children are not passed blocks, sand piles, dollies and toilet training. Look at it this many of us will aspire to greater uses of math, hmmmm? It is great to have a dream and have it come true but it rarely does! The largest percentage of us are in a humdrum depot of life called making a living with out much time for other things period. Something like lottery enters our lives and what do we do but complicate a simple game with bombed out hasbeens that are rehashes of what was. Start thinking for yourself after you have applied what doesn't work. Collaboration is great but not gospel!

Well Self, which way is a winner for this tweeking of numbers?  Let us continue our quest....


Entry #42


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