Radio Needs a Makeover...



Notice something, they came up with the Nano ipod that you can listen to music from computer files...YET, they didnt invent the nano that you can listen to radio, i am talking something digital not that crappy radio that gets some signals stronger than others...

Also they need to invent a way to make radio go through the same phone lines or light lines that way you can hear every radio station crispy clear...Also they need to make radio be more like the internet a means where people can publicicy ideas not something where people listen to music...Let radio come with the electricity lines and people pay a 50 cents charge to their electricity bill...Dude if there is something i hate is wanting to listen to a particular radio station later to find out that i am losing the signal...Also have you noticed that not even cell phones come with radio...Nowadays more people are using cell phones over house phone because the bill is cheaper i think...So if house phone is going out of style why not use it for radio or why not use it jointly with radio...Again radio needs a makeover...TV comes from cable lines and it comes out crispy clear why cant radio do the same...Not only that, THERE IS NOT ENOUGH RADIO STATIONS...that crap of radio you buy for 30 bucks that comes with like 15 to 20 radio stations 7 in am and 7 in fm is crappy, i am talking been able to listen to: 2,000 radio stations in your radio you take your pick...Again radio needs a makeover....And why not have a computer screen, again pay attention to detail..i said a computer screen i didnt say a tv screen, but why not have a computer screen that listen to radio that gets radio from the phone lines or electricity lines that display computer imagines and not tv imagines but that display computer images related to what they are saying on the radio since if i am not mistake doing a publicity on a computer comes out incredibly cheaper way cheaper for pennies on the dollar compared to doing something on tv...Think about it as a RADIO TV WITH COMPUTER SCREEN but is not TV is radio tv with computer imagines....Isnt it true that anybody with a computer can make a commercial or make an ad so why not use that technology to put it on a Computer screen but listening to radio....Like for instance advertisement on the RAdio, they can show you a computer picture of what it is instead of a tv picture which is exorbitantly more expensive...

It will be like a second TV except that this is not a TV but a Radio TV and while you listen to the RAdio TV who knows a video game is playing or something important...You know take advertisment on this RADIO TV, imagine looking at a huge COMPUTER SCREEN but the computer screen is showing you like a site with pictures of clothings, or products and since it is a radio it is telling you, the price of them..Is a good way to advertise...The internet is nice but it doesnt have sound...while this RADIO TV HAS SOUND...


Now i want you all to look at this phone:

with one of those phones you can hear somebody crystal clear from any where in the country and yet the phone goes through your ear, you LISTEN TO IT THROUGH YOUR EAR what happens when you are listening on a radio? IT GOES THROUGH YOUR EAR...So isnt listening to radio same thing as picking up the phone and listening to 20 homes speak on the phone at the same time and you can hear them all and switch which one you want to listen to at a time and you can hear them crystal clear not like that crap of radio where certain radio stations you cant hear them...ES mas is even better, why dont you take a radio station and tell them that whatever they are saying to announce it over the phone while i listen to it on the house phone and put speakers to my house phone it will sound the same as listening to the radio except that is clearer the sound and i dont have to put up with that crap of a handful of radio stations losing signal...

Also what if you take this Radio TV and you build into one of them a translator to translate to whatever language you want or caption in the same language that way you can better learn i dont know English or whatever language you want that way you learn English faster because the caption of the tv is always seconds behind sometimes 20 or 30 seconds you are listening to language how people talk not to TV tv is more of a refine language and many times a dummer language....

I am not an expert in those kinds of stuff nor am i going to claim that i am...

And what about radio that gives nothing but news all day news from around the world, 24/7 and important facts...i would set aside money for it but it first needs a makeover...I am also sick and tire of listening to radio and hearing nothing but politics and is not even politics is opinion about politics...

a lot of people will say: Oh radio is is NOT FREE, is paid by advertisers and advertisers are the ones that maintain the radio stations...

this gave me a second idea...What if you was to "LISTEN" TO THE INTERNET....Everything you read is READ TO YOU WITH A PARTICULAR VOICE...Or how about having a special screen where whereever you point the mouse it reads to you...

Entry #542


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