The Super Super Global Wealthy Lotto: 54 Billion Dollar Jackpot



It could happen, theoretically speaking...China & India could make it happen....China has 1 billion people...India has 1 billion people...

If you took 30 million people from China, 30 million people from India, 30 million people from the USA or Russia & 30 million wealthy community from Around the world....

That will be: 120 million people....If each willingly contributes 30 per paycheck for 8 years...It will be: 690 BILLION DOLLARS...Placed in the bank at 8% it will be 55 BILLION DOLLARS COMING YOUR WAY EVERY YEAR....You take those 55 billion dollars And create a: 55 Billion dollars Annual/Yearly lotto....

Price per ticket? ranging from $500 to $2,000....

But such a lotto faces some problems...Because if you are let's say in "Afganistan" and you won, do not pick up the phone and call saying you won, the best thing be on that airport runway, on your way to the Global Wealthy Lotto Headquarters...Your life is such in danger...And do not say you cracked the game, because...Alright them...

Actually it will be: 53 Billion dollars paid and 1 billion for lower prices and 1 billion for publicity & running cost...

53 billion dollars that's almost the bulk of the wealth of the richest man in the world...Is like 94% of the wealth of the richest man in the world...

It will probably be a Pick8/200 + Pick1/30 + Pick1/30....

You know the richest wealthy community and people in the world they are all fighting among themselves to see who is what and nobody is pushing for this...Just to show you....

Entry #413


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Actually, i am sorry to do this but 54 BILLION DOLLARS, we don't need that...I think is better create several: 1 billion dollar lottos like in the movie "The Day after tomorrow", i think that's better...What we could do with 53 or 54 billion dollars is let it go into research...All kinds of research...Global research...To sponsor new research from around the world...I had this idea in mind all along, i just wanted to teach the richest people on earth a lesson....What was i trying to teach them? That if you was number 3rd or 2nd richest person in the world, in 10 years you will be number 12 that's if you was killing yourself to be number 1....
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That will be 53 or 54 billion dollars every single year going towards new human research around the world....
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lots of experiments that need to be done are experiments to try and see if we can speed up the process in evolution...Genes are the ones responsible for creating evolution right, well if we can speed up the process we will have reached a galactic milestone...And a lot of researched are not doubled, tripled, quadrupled backed up and by this i mean othe research confirming what other research do...
I'll tell you how i see it...Imagine research as been a lottery, many scientist look at the microscope for a couple of days which is equivalent to looking at some drawings of the lottery when there is plenty, and deducing their own conclusions...That's how a lot of experiments are done...Also this 54 or 53 annual billion dollars can help into making the binoculars of the microscope bigger visible through a laptop....
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this is why you see a lot of research/experiment contradicting other experiments/researchs...
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Have you noticed that "Cancer" can be read as: Can" Ser....Ser is spanish for beign or for "What it could be"...So it will be read as what the body can be...And what is cancer???
Also research can be read as: Re-search or in other words: Search again...thought both words were oxymorons...
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want to know another oxymoron: the word: it a different way and it reads as: Is...."Ra"....El.....
El is spanish for him so it will read as: Is Ra him...And what is "RA" isn't that the Egyptian Pharao ruler of the earth or the Sun Pharao? find it interesting coming from that country and its history...
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Well you could always have 2 of them, one 54 billions a year for research, and another with 54 billion a year for the huge gigant Super Wealthy Global Lotto you could since is only 120 million people that's not even half the population of China, if you was to doubled it it will be 240 million people which again it will not be even half the population of China alone and since China & some Indians from India se la tiran de gran vaina aveces, y say PROVE IT...Cut the talk and PROVE IT....The Chineses believe of themselves as superior to everyone else...So is only 240 million out of 1 billion and if you divide it with India it will be: 120 million from China & 120 million from India....Can't hurt...CAN ITTTT???
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Also you know something else beneficial to humanity that you can do???Since is only 120 million people, to spur people up you can get 120 million people which if you add everything is not even half the population of China, so you gather 120 million people and they will have 54 BILLION DOLLARS, money that can go to whoever creates/invents something beneficial to humanity...For example if you find the cure to cancer you will win 54 billion dollars if you find the cure to AIDS, or found a way to dissolve/eliminate hurricanes or if you solve the M Theory you win 54 billion dollars....
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What i am saying is if you help humanity make great strides/leap you win 54 BILLION DOLLARS...AGAIN IT ONLY TOOK 8 YEARS & $30 PER PAYCHECK....
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But after seeing the news and how Spain's unemployment number is rising, this gave me an idea...I don't know if something is wrong with the calculator but remember that's 54 BILLION dollars coming your way every day...What's the average salary of someone in Spain? i don't know but i'll say: $700 per month...So if you had 54 billion dollars coming your way, it will be: you could give 270,000 jobs each worker getting paid: $700 per month, EVERY SINGLE YEAR YOU WILL RECEIVE 270,000 PEOPLE...EVERY SINGLE YEAR THERE WILL BE 270,000 PEOPLE ADDED...Do you know what it is to have 270,000 people working for you...Jee, that's a lot of "Los Alamos" labs..plenty of it...Also you don't think is fair to make someone be ontop of the world by snapping a finger do you? is enough that 99.9% of the population of the world, will never achieve 1 billion, imagine now 54 billion coming your way every single year...You know how many "Eurotunnels that is" 270,000 people working for you, that's an Army un ejercito....Who knows what wonderful things they could be doing...You know what i think we should do? out of the 54 billion take 4 billion every year to pay scientist who make the Earth make great strides, and the 50 billion for jobs...The 54 billion dollar lotto is a no go...With that they could do amazing things...You know 270,000 people can change the world or raise awareness, 1 richest person with 50 billion dollars can't do it, well actually they can but you get way more done with an army of: 270,000 people....And about the 54 billion dollar lotto, dont forget that maybe in the future there will be free lottos that cost 1 or 2 pennies that will give a person a steady earned interest for his/her entire life different from the banks that only give you earned interest for 5 years...if you have been reading my blogs...So you have to take that into account...You know what this is? This is laying down the path to accomodate/house the population when it increases numbers and reaches 20 billion or 30 billion which means an increase number of poverty...That's why you must think of the future, AND CREATE THE LOS ALAMOS...
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But after seeing the news and how Spain's unemployment number is rising, this gave me an idea...I don't know if something is wrong with the calculator but remember that's 54 BILLION dollars coming your way every YEAR...What's the average salary of someone in Spain? i don't know but i'll say: $700 per month...So if you had 54 billion dollars coming your way, it will be: you could give 270,000 jobs each worker getting paid: $700 per month, EVERY SINGLE YEAR YOU WILL RECEIVE 270,000 PEOPLE...EVERY SINGLE YEAR THERE WILL BE 270,000 PEOPLE ADDED...Do you know what it is to have 270,000 people working for you...Jee, that's a lot of "Los Alamos" labs..plenty of it...Also you don't think is fair to make someone be ontop of the world by snapping a finger do you? is enough that 99.9% of the population of the world, will never achieve 1 billion, imagine now 54 billion coming your way every single year...You know how many "Eurotunnels that is" 270,000 people working for you, that's an Army un ejercito....Who knows what wonderful things they could be doing...You know what i think we should do? out of the 54 billion take 4 billion every year to pay scientist who make the Earth make great strides, and the 50 billion for jobs...The 54 billion dollar lotto is a no go...With that they could do amazing things...You know 270,000 people can change the world or raise awareness, 1 richest person with 50 billion dollars can't do it, well actually they can but you get way more done with an army of: 270,000 people....And about the 54 billion dollar lotto, dont forget that maybe in the future there will be free lottos that cost 1 or 2 pennies that will give a person a steady earned interest for his/her entire life different from the banks that only give you earned interest for 5 years...if you have been reading my blogs...So you have to take that into account...You know what this is? This is laying down the path to accomodate/house the population when it increases numbers and reaches 20 billion or 30 billion which means an increase number of poverty...That's why you must think of the future, AND CREATE THE LOS ALAMOS...
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Also i expect you that whenever you hire the 270,000 every year, that "HALF OF THEM" be males the other half be "FEMALES....I just hope....
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going back to the oxymorons, if you didn't get the cancer part, search for: "Apotesis" or cell death...For us to live "FOREVER" our cells will have to constantly divide or refresh but have a stopping point and after years, divide or refresh again but it needs to have that cutting point which in cancer it doesn't know how to stop dividing...
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another smaller definition of Cancer is: Can-Ser: or beign in a can, a can like beer can and what's a can stand for? A cryogenics can, which is also used to try and live forever or cheat death...My question is did people really stop and think when they named stuff???
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you know i just realized something after watching CNN...I never thought about it up til this minute...I am sidetracking a little but still...i know the Egyptians could do certain surgeries but i don't think they could replace kidneys or certain organs they didn't know how to do it...I think Medicine had to wait until the industrial revolution but i could be wrong...Anyways have you ever stop and think what will have happened had kidney transplant been successful from the time of Christ? not only that have you ever thought what will have happened had we all had the same blood type? Want to know what will have happened? Heroine or Cocaine wouldn't had been the rulers of this world, but human traffiquing for body parts will had been, kidneys and other parts...what role do drugs will had played i don't know...that would have been the scenario and i honestly don't think the USA would have existed it would have changed everything...Something i meant to say couple of days ago that i wanted to confirm for i knew about it since i was 23 years old...The slightest action can change the future like fractals but not as sensitive as fractals...Also despite that people don't listen that much they do retain some of what they listen, so the slightest word change that you say to a person will cause that person to change its behavior 50% which will be like a fractal and change everything...Don't worry is not that sensitive but still is there...changing the future will not be 100% done more like some 10% but it is still there...But if you think about it humans work in groups meaning the society they live which in turn can change another society and thus create a systemic change in the future...
And don't forget something else out present history was shaped by the past and remember that 1 continent was cutt off from the world...
Ask yourself had the surgery to get organ transplants been available in the past what would had happened to the American continent once Christopher Columbus discovered it and the indians where slaves and what if we all had the same blood type..Again the USA wouldn't have existed...
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Also now that i talk about it after carefully thinking there MIGHT be a way that Astrology could be correct BUT it will only involve the planets of the solar system And the sun and it doesn't have anything to do with planets aligning...but it will require a lot of calculations more calculations than astrology so much that you will need a supercomputer do simulate them...this is only a hypothesis...think of the human mind as the light array of light bulbs in the movie "The prestige", the ones that the magician uncovers...think about each mind as that and as been an independent RNG...
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Remember Rome, ever ask yourself what will had happened had they figure the art of medicine???All those slaves...Human body parts compa...What will had happened had the microscope and the scientific reform happened earlier in Chirst time...Yeah it will had cure a lot of lives but say good bye to those slaves...Remember the majority of men of a country formed Armies and those armies were injured during battles and what will they had need? Look cuts from machettes/swords didn't have eyes your typical soldier back in those times had the capacity to be injured in the heart, or kidney or anywhere else...And subjugates will had been body parts to the army back on those days again had medicine evolved a lot and had we had the same blood type...Exactly...

this is why i want the lottery to still exist in the future because future people coming behind me could use the randomness of the lottery and use it to predict or to explain many things, the lottery will be sort of their training where they could go beyond...
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Also something that can influence the future is the way you look, your height, male or female....
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also remember the astrology part i told you it could be true? Well i was referring to an "INTERNAL CLOCK" that we will all have posibly the cell clock that was borned with the first cell organism and it will had account for some matching of numbers of the lotto of the random event we called life that is like a lotto...And this internal clock could be influenced by the other planets of the solar system...that's what i was referring to...
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Also there is a chance that had medicine been perfected or evolved a lot during the time before Christ that caucasian people had been a small minority in the world and by this i mean the typical European caucasian person, and i think that blond people will had been none existent but i first need to know if a blond person is recessive or dominant, also caucasian people will had still existed but not the typical european which will had been a very small minority....For example Arabs are white and so are many latins but they are not the typical European...And it all will had depend which gene is recessive and which gene is dominant...
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but the key lies in knowing what was the size of each region and countries population back then, the size of the population will tell you a lot along with which feature is dominant/recessive...
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This is one scenario and the very likely...If a region had conquered another region it will had used that region that lost use their body parts for the army that won's body parts, leaving the region that lost not very optimal to resits and who knows if they will had killed them instead of using them as slaves, they will had killed them and use them for body parts for the army that won...little by little eliminating the enemy or resistant or if not weakining it leaving it not fit to resist or fight oppression and an Global empire will have arisen, there will had been a surplus of women, for every man alived of the global empire there will had been like 50 women for him...Again this is had we all had the same blood type and had medicined been perfected before Christ....
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and so you know, i didn't bring A in world history or history, i got A+ on them...And i took it 3 times...I don't remember a lot but so you know how much i got...
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going back to the 270,000 people...What you could do is you could take a group whatever size you want, 5,000, 10,000 and send them to college give them a college scholarship and they will work for you after they get out...And you train them in mathematics, economics, world events and use them as "Los Alamos" thinking stuff up, theorizing, working with computer models with a supercomputer and they predict many things in the economy...Each person only paid: $30 per paycheck, yet pin pointing when the next global recession is coming it helps prevent millions and millions of job loss and it saves the the entire world, like 4 quadrillion dollars which again is like dissolving a 100 hurricanes category 6 coming to different parts of the USA....
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another oxymoron is: Osama Bin Laden...Look at his first name...Osama...Os in spanish is US, ama means love so it will say: us love us...put a dot on us and it will say: U.S loves....And look who we are talking could also say that bin is the thrash bin which to humans translates as the coffin...So it will say: U.S LOVES COFFIN OR ANOTHER WAY: COFFIN LOVES U.S....
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Actually is not Coffin Loves U.S but Cementary loves U.S...Also this happened in September which translated to spanish will read as: Septiembre which se means i know and ptiembre where tiembre sound like latin for tiemblar or tremble...which will read as: I know you tremble...
another oxymoron is police: pol for polish and ice is an illegal drug i think they call it crystal is a drug can't remember which one it is i think is liquid...which again police are suppose to work to enforce people not selling drugs...
Well this one is not an oxymoron but is funny...Cocain can be read as: co-cain but it can be read backwards and it will read as: OC-Cain which will read as the occidental cain and cocain is from the occidental hemisphere...many people believe that cocaine was the first plant from creation possibly the plant that were prohibited adam and even from eating or looking at and yet you could say that cain was the first son of Adan something from creation or from el paraiso/paradise...

do people think before they named stuff???
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another explanation can be read as: OC-CAIN which can be read as: OC-C-AIN ADD P TO IT AND IT READS AS: OCCIDENTAL C-PAIN OR OCCIDENTAL SEE PAIN OR SEE OCCIDENTAL PAIN...or it could be read simply as: Occidental pain...we live in the occidental hemisphere....
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Another oxymoron is Gun Fire....When countries go to war and they take their guns and fire at each other what do you feel? You feel hatred, ire....Take Fire take the "F" out of it and is what? Gun ire....
this is not an oxymoron but something funny...You know Pistol right....Pistol is used to kill people...divide pistol into two and it sounds as: Pi-toll...Or taking a toll out of pi...What is pi? 3.14...And you know instead of pistols/guns we should be thinking of mathematical stuff like Pi and variables and all of that, make us smarter because when we kill someone we get dummer....yet learning stuff like Pi makes us smarter...And Pi has been used to solved one of the world's greatest problems....Again as serious as a weapon of death to have a mathematical name...In a way you could say is an oxymoron...
Again do people sit down and think before they named stuff...
the pi example is like a soccer player named beisball....
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another oxymoron is: black as in black people...Black can be read as: Lack b and what is B? b can be like a protein as in B12...And what do black people lack? hair....
Another one is Africa which can be read as: A Rica....A meaning Una and Rica meaning Rich can be read as: A Rich all they got to put is a rich nation or a rich continent...And WHAT THE HELL IS AFRICA? isn't Africa the poorest continent?
Another oxymoron is Women which in spanish is: Mujer can be read as: Mu-jer which jer take the j and place and S it will read as: Mu-ser and what is Mu? the sound of cows...And what do you do to a cow? You milk a cow, don't you milk a women except that women's milk doesn't look like the cows milk is the man's milk that looks like a cow's milks...
Again did people sat down and thought carefully before they name stuff...
You know the pistol can be read as: the toll of pi...or Pi is toll...or pi is a toll...
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also another oxymoron is Lotto which can be read as: to toll and if you pay attention to what i've been saying collecting $15 per paycheck from 15 million people for 3 years [which is tolling] can amount to a lot of money which placed in the bank at earned interest can create: "A FREE LOTTO"....
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another oxymoron: Danger which can be read as: Anger and where do most danger come from it comes from anger...
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another oxymoron...Cut, people used to cut others to make them harm which cut placed backwards is: Tuc and when you tuc your kids aren't you showing love or appreciation...
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Also i am showing you something it is not an oxymoron but just to show you something...Slaughter which can be read as "laughter" of as "S" laughter which if you put the I infront of the S it will read as: Si Laughter...Also backwards it can be read as: Ret gual which in spanish is: Ret short for retar and gual sounds like gial so it will read as: reta a una mujer...
Also oil backwars it reads as: lio which if you put an N it will read as: Lion and what is a lion? Isn't a lion king of the jungle? Isn't Oil king of the world? it can also be read as: oli which in spanish reads as: I smell and what smell is caused by? odor or fumes and what does oil produces? harmful gases which the earth smells...
Also look at this one: Tiburon which is spanish for shark...Tiburon can be read as: Bit ron or i bit ron, which if you was to give it to the tiburon/shark he will not act so violent...Also shark read backwards reads as: crash or Krash people die from sharks same way with crash....Again another oxymoron...
you know this could be an encryption not because of the words that are selected but because of the words that are missing...You see there are two types of encryptions, regular encryptions that uses the words that are selected as numbers and is an easy type of encryption and there is the words that are there that are not missing this type of encryption is harder to crack because is longer...
Again do people think twice before they name something?
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what i meant to say is that basically one will be forward encryption the other will be backwards encryption...The backward encryption will be more specific meaning you will have to be more specific when breaking it or decoding it and is harder too...Also i realize that specially the backward encryption can form a design with the long string of numbers...the forward encryption can form a design/image but it has more contours or turns...I just realized this i never thought about it...
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is suffice to say that the backward encryption has not been invented...all of the encryptions of the world use forward encryption....
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the backward encryption can form a design/image faster than the forward encryption....It will take several volumens of the forward encryption to form the design/image that 1 backward encryption forms.....
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The image/design that the backward encryption makes will be a sketched/coordinates/points in a platform without color, it will be a drawing but unlike the people that makes drawings think about it this way imagine that you was to start drawing but you could not lift up the pencil from the paper you had to keep it touching the paper until you finish, however that's only a sentence of the backward encryption...That's how backward encryption will make the design, now adding color or/and mass will be a literature/text/texto/chapter of the backward encryption...
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Another oxymoron is the H1N1 Virus...In Spanish is: AH1N1 which could be viewed as: AHIN1 which translate AHI NI which Ni can be viewed as NO or some latin for no i don't know latin all i am saying: So it can be read as: AHI NO...Which translated is something like: Please NO or PLEASE NOT THERE...Again do they think before naming something...
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Also there is something i've known all along since 3 years ago it has to do with psychology lots of people say they don't want to be spied on the phone or they don't want a supercomputer to read their mind...The truth is that a supercomputer can do it, want to know how? And before i tell you this noticed something i didn't get this idea from myself i got it from the TV, from CNN which i believe is reacting to me...You don't necessarily need to simulate the human brain to know what a person is thinking since simulating the brain will take the whole earth full of supercomputers...Most humans actions are a 1 or 0 meaning is a yes or no action...even thoughts or most thoughts are a yes or no action...So basically your thoughts can be read/simulated it, is just your spontaneous light matches that can not be read....
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Dude, Dude dont forget that what a supercomputer can do will take a human 900 MILLION years...Dude don't forget...Dude you know what is 900 MILLION YEARS...I wonder if that is in 10 minutes you know something? i think that is 10 minutes...Dude, Dude if is 10 minutes or 2 seconds...I'll leave the conclusions to you...
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Dude don't forget that people turn older and become elderly...Dude, Dude, Dude...remember the movie "terminator" the last one day made...Dude i didn't come up with the idea, the tv said it....Remember the UFO? those are man made crafts and they are so ahead in the future what more does the USA got that is ahead in the future...
The only Lucha against this is an army of people, a "Los Alamos" thinking stuff up...You are talking about simulating what a person will do in its entire life and where he/she will be...Dude, Dude, Dude...O.K then....You could even simulate combat and predict where particular soldiers are going to be at which time...I wasn't going to say it but i rather i tell it to you than you find out the hard way...
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And want to know something that is creepy? If World War3 or world war4 was to happen right now, countries will go by their features, just so you know...You don't believe me? This way you have a bigger chance to almost eliminate 1 or 2 features from the face of the earth...Just pay attention and noticed what happened to Germany in world world 2 after its economy was shattered noticed what happened...This is why the world must mixed...
i've been to the USA and i don't need to be around the world to see it...
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Even if the USA was ruled by black people the same crap will have happen...
And i am not talking about the 5 or 7 predominant features that exist, i am talking more than those...features will be their compass...
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and don't forget this is not passed down from father to children...
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actually my bad what i meant to say is:
What i told you is not passed down from father to children...
What is passed down from father to children is that bond between features of their own...I call it been gay...I think every human beign as things are right now every human beign is gay but we should all try to fight against it...
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You know one way to stop World War 3 or World War4 or all the World WArs coming and is probably your only chance but it will be killing the planet is to release 100 Huge Atomic Bombs in SAudi Arabia, 100 in Nigeria, 100 in Venezuela and 100 in IRak & United Arab Emirates....That will bring a stop to world war 3...But i am talking about the heavy grades Atomic Bombs, the ones that leave a lot of radiation because i want to know how are they going to go after oil without getting radiation.....Nothing moves without oil...
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you also drop 100 Huge Nuclear Bombs in the mines where Led is produce...Led is used to make bullets ain't it? So basically it will be a suicide mission trying to get led or bullets...
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whatever country that is that has the world supply of led...
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You may say why i dont side with the USA...Look i don't like to explain myself but let's look at the scenario: You have the strongest and possibly biggest army in the world, you are super rich which means you can save a lot of money for when world war3 breaks out which will mean that you will last longer if world war 3 or 4 or 5 or whatever was to break out, you have satellites how many countries in the world got satellites, you are the manufacture of supercomputers which you can simulate wars and the economy making your economy as robust as ever forever, did i mentioned that you got the largest or second largest number of NUCLEAR WEAPONS, you speak English which means that whoever you side with your armies can comunicate better with their armies even pilots, and now you can see the future anticipate the future, what the hell...And your country has the highest level of gayness in the world in my opinion...Jesus, for that matter just take over the world and be hittler...I wonder what else do you got that the world doesn't have....You got the largest number of roads/highways than any country meaning that your economy will continue to be robust and you are the world's 3rd most populated country, meaning that more taxes will be taken to continue making the economy robuts.....And did i say that you can see the future???And you know what's worse? I can't rememmber how much it was in my government class but i heard that 1 billion went to foreign aid which i consider too low...With beign the richest country comes been the biggest giver also...So what are you telling me?....Again i couldn't say this in the USA because i probably be accused of been a comunist which i am like 25% communist or get appedriado...See what i am saying...
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Did i mentioned that you got the fastest plane in the world???What the....See what i am saying...
not only that but a country that should be a mini USA is Saudi Arabia and is it???See what i am saying...
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actually the backward encryption all that i told you about it is going forward or reading it forward but if you read the backward encryption backwards it forms a second layer of encryption which means that to break it you REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY have to be specific and it forms a second image within the image kind of like 3 dimension...And a text/literature will form an image with form, mass and color embedded within another image with mass, form, and color...But you probably will not know what you are looking at, specially the second image that is embedded...All this knowing that strings/sequence of numbers form an image...and i have to say the second image will really not make sense...

Not only should Saudi Arabia be a mini USA but it should be reformed...
Going back to world war 3, if the USA couldn't see the future i'll understand but you are talking about potentially seing the future, actually is not potentially but really looking at it is just to what extent....
You know is funny because Denzel Washington did the movie Virtuosity and he went ahead and did the movie "DeJavu" which is about previewing the future before it happens...You will understand what i am talking about if you look at my blogs...I don't think he knows what movie he is making...I remember when i was a kid someone told me that some hollywood movies are done with the mandate or release of information of the pentagon/government...
but i am glad i said this because that way both parties or all 3 parties will have the technology which can bring a deadlock or neither side advancing...
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Everytime you hear on tv them talk about ants which is could be an algorithm not yet invented that could track complex calculation, when you hear them talk about this they could potentially be talking about supercomputers and seeing the future, or everytime you hear them mention the word: "something or rithm" they could be talking about it since:Algorithm is: algo which can be translated to "something" and rythm which can be translated to rythm or watch out...
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whatch out for the word "hair" which can also be an algorithm and specially the word: "Afro" since the afro hair will look like an algorithm also a very specific algorithm...
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Also going back to Germany...Remember what happened in Germany, just to prove you a point...Remember what happened to Germany? Germany is now the 4th or 5th richest country in the world...Tell me have they sweated? Is Germany the country that sweats the most? Who sweats the most? The USA and Saudi Arabia...Notice that Germany spends everything on itself it doesn't get involve in world affairs and yet of all the countries in the world the one that should have sweated the most should ge Germany...Dude notice that is "NOW" that they are placing a women president...All Germans care about is image, that's all they care about...
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and again just to prove you a point...Everybody knows that Germany should be the country that should sweat the most and NOTICE nobody tell Germany anything, why? Exactly...Because to europeans Germany is the motherboard sad reality...Why is the USA supporting Israel where the hell is Germany...What about Japan in Asia....Somethings just creep me...
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Also about the features war you may not think is possible, but don't forget ANY HUMAN in his house is ok but as soon as he step out of his house and the sun light shines on him, he begins to box as in boxing, don't forget and humans including women are constantly boxing throughout the day...Don't forget that...Dude dont forget...Stop playing machoman...And there is a dislike between women each women doesn't like each other...And believe it or not to must people because they live in countries where everyone looks alike the particular number of their feature is their bond and which they identify themselves more than their wifes...Dude don't forget...Again stop playing machoman...And not only this but because whithin every features whatever number you might be there are ranks...And unfortunately that's a problem...And please i am begin you please create a los alamos in every country and a global one where they they tackle human problems...Not only that most people follow or identify a handsome person is like wired in our brains and that's a problem...You may not see it but because most humans identify with the handsome person a Bin Laden could arise and we will not even know it and it will not be 1...And not only that but the people on top don't know how to sweat which is another problem...Dude every women in an airport her mind is read/cracked every single one of them dont care what you look like...
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Also something else i knew which i was going to keep secret forever but i also heard it on tv, is the keeping a secret/telling the truth scenario...Keeping a secret or telling the truth which are the same thing is also a 1 or 0 meaning is a yes or no action...You are either telling the truth or you are keeping a secret and since most wars have to do with secrecy i am telling you this so you know...I am not going to go into the details but you know what could happened? both about seeing the future or revealing a secret again i am not going to go into detail but a person could spot you what you are doing or where you at and then spot you again a couple of hours later or couple of days later and figure out if you was telling the truth earlier and it gives them a clearer image of the future and they can predict the future more clearer and find out what will be your course of action in the future and figure out what was the secret you was hiding...Think about it as a graph in a xy plane if you take sample coordinates you could little by little approximate the slope of the graph and this way find out the position the graph is going to be in the future...Same way with keeping a secret and with figuring out what was the particular slope on previous x coordinates...Same thing here..I call spotting the person i call it: "taking a picture"...They could even build an algorithm for it....Again i am not going to go into the specific but i am telling you so you know....
Dude i am telling you so that both side will come to a deadlock...Also the reason i am telling you this and as a human i am obligated to tell you is because: "if in the distant future this universe become riddle with Androids/robots and there was an empire of androids/robots the only way to defeat them will be if you knew the future and if you could become invisible...Those are the only 2 ways...Don't forget Androids/robots don't make mistakes when aiming and they don't shake when firing a lazer/gun...You know what it will be if Androids/robots had lazer? Say good by to humanity and the USA...
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You will say that Oh my gosh you can reveal all of the USA secrets again i say it came from the TV...Also if you gave me a choice between revealing all of the USA secrets and preventing Androids to taking over the universe and the world...Guess which one i am going to you know...Also they could do this a long time ago by making movies around someone.....
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So theoretically speaking the biggest threat to the USA as silly as this may sound is an: "ALGORITHM"....theoretically speaking....
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But you know what's even creepier than androids having lazer to shoot? is an alarm lazer..Just imagine that you could put an alarm lazer in every inch of the border of the USA that way an incoming fighter plane is detected, a lazer shoots it...You know i've seen previews of the movie terminator and something they don't have is alarm lazers that detects movement...Dude up to this day i've not seen any human infiltrate a alarm lazer field, i've only seen it in the movie "Entrapment" & "Oceans 12 i think it was...And those were "MOVIES"....not to mention that a robot doesn't have fear....You can beat the crap of the USA if you have Russia full of fighter planes, but if you have cuting lazer you can beat the crap out of a Russia full of planes...Nada mas falta, all that is needed is been able for robots to get a rope and toss it at the sun and make it move towards a planet...That's all that is needed or shoot out a lazer and create a black hole...Because if that happens, Say good buy to this universe...
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Dude i want you to stop and think...Did Isaac Newton ever saw coming a computer that could do in 10 minutes what it will take a human 900 million miles...And that was only 300 years...
or a planet full of androids some say: "IMPOSSIBLE"...Really good example: "Powerball/MegaMillions" is like a maximum security prison and remember is the only way to be happy, and guess what: IT HAS 200 MILLION COMBINATIONS"...Can anybody in the world crack it...Exactly...They forget that we have "DARN WOMEN" DO THEY HAVE COMPASSION? not only that that Powerball/MegaMillions is reacting to us, everytime someone comes up with with a system to crack it, it increases the matrix...DO YOU SEE WHAT I AM SEEING...Dude what was the worst invention mankind ever created? Is called the bullet...And yet nowadays you see "SUPERTANKERS" FULL OF BULLETS...DO YOU SEE WHAT I AM SAYING....All that is missing is that "PROSTITUTION become legal in all the countries of the world...Dude and they forget that native indians and black people are STILL at the bottom of the pit...DO YOU SEE WHAT I AM SEEING...I ask myself many times, WHO in the darn world invented powerball...All that is needed is to have cameras in the gas stations...Dude they act like illegal drugs dont exist...Do you see what i am seeing....Dude i wasn't going there but you got people that care more about sharks than they care about people you got people that care more about their cars than they care about people...And this suppose to be a religious country...Do you SEE what i am seeing...Dude this is not coming from Burma, or Ethiopia...In the USA teens lose their virginity at: 12...Do you see what i am seeing...Dude is not just the USA...Dude just send atomic missiles to every continent and wipe out the planet...
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Dude i want you to stop and think...Did Isaac Newton ever saw coming a computer that could do in 10 minutes what it will take a human 900 million YEARS, YEARS ABUEABAO...And that was only 300 years difference...
or a planet full of androids some say: "IMPOSSIBLE"...Really good example: "Powerball/MegaMillions" is like a maximum security prison and remember is the only way to be happy, and guess what: IT HAS 200 MILLION COMBINATIONS"...Can anybody in the world crack it...Exactly...They forget that we have "DARN WOMEN" DO THEY HAVE COMPASSION? not only that that Powerball/MegaMillions is reacting to us, everytime someone comes up with with a system to crack it, it increases the matrix...DO YOU SEE WHAT I AM SEEING...Dude what was the worst invention mankind ever created? Is called the bullet...And yet nowadays you see "SUPERTANKERS" FULL OF BULLETS...DO YOU SEE WHAT I AM SAYING....All that is missing is that "PROSTITUTION become legal in all the countries of the world...Dude and they forget that native indians and black people are STILL at the bottom of the pit...DO YOU SEE WHAT I AM SEEING...I ask myself many times, WHO in the darn world invented powerball...All that is needed is to have cameras in the gas stations...Dude they act like illegal drugs dont exist...Do you see what i am seeing....Dude i wasn't going there but you got people that care more about sharks than they care about people you got people that care more about their cars than they care about people...And this suppose to be a religious country...Do you SEE what i am seeing...Dude this is not coming from Burma, or Ethiopia...In the USA teens lose their virginity at: 12...Do you see what i am seeing...Dude is not just the USA...Dude just send atomic missiles to every continent and wipe out the planet...
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Lo que yo me pregunto is where the hell is the religious leaders...Same thing happen in Germany...Dude sometimes you can't see things...Not only that but isn't it true that if you wanted you could record all the computer keystrokes of the world...Dude do you see what i am seeing...
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Dude and don't forget that a person sweats working on his job everyday until he turns 63, 63 dude because after that it only leaves you with like 5 years to really enjoy life if you dont get cancer and all that meat didn't accumulate on you and you are probably fat...Dude don't forget...
Also i want you to see something...What will had happened had i not come and show to view Powerball as: 2 Pick3 and then deduce or view it as a Pick5/28 + Pick1/16....What would had happened? Want to know what would had happened...They would had all WORSHIP the thing...And what did Hittler wanted? To be worship...Tell me isn't that what people do to the UFO...Dude do you see what i am seeing? All that is needed is androids/robots functioning normally....And they day they make them as human as possible...Say good bye to your wife because is going to drain every drop of fluids if you know what i mean...Dude do you see what i am seeing?Dude did newton saw a lot of stuff coming? Did they had modern airplanes in Newton's area? Dude and Newton was from England back then the 2nd or 3rd richest country in the world...Also just showing you something...As genius as Newton was with all his smartness could he had broken the World War 2 encryption code...And Back then Newton was from England...Could had Newton stoped Germany in world war 2 and Newton was a genius....Dude all i am saying....Dude i just hope you see what i am seeing....
Dude you know where an android needs to hit you to disabled you? In your eyes, you are missing 1 eye and you are not the same...
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Dude is says it right there on the label....We are a religious country....Again where are all the religious leaders....Dude again whe are all the religious leaders...Dude you know what i heard from a religious leader?? He said that the big lion or nation was going to come from the middle east and the USA was going to fight against him...Germany is sitting right there and "NOBODY" in the world tell it anything...More people are against the USA that they are against Germany...And to many here in Latin America, Germany is the land of gold is what i always wanted...Again dude all that is missing is an android/robot...And in the middle east more people hate Israel than they hate Germany, Israel dude a country que no tiene ni tamano and doesn't have enough oil...Again everybody se hase la vista gorda against Germany...Believe it or not you know how a lot of people say: USA is their motherland, well lots of people view Germany as the motherland...
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believe it or not I've seen people hate the USA and say they love germany...Exactly...dude again why did Germany now put a women president...Now all this decades...Dude i've seeing cartoons where they praise Germany....
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Dude another example, why didn't they drop the atomic bomb in Germany back then remember they had to make a choice let me guess they only had 1 bomb...Whatever...Dude y lo peor que no puedo creer, why in the world after all that happend why did you rebuild Germany economy...why dude...Dude from the first time i heard that i didn't like it but i didn't say a word...Well you probably don't believe all this...Up until recently they say they found the "eslabon perdido" where was it found? In Germany and the guy that found it had hold it for decades fearful or repercutions...Dude even if he wasn't persecuted why did he hold it...Exactly....Dude i hope you have your eyes open because what is going to killl this world is gayness...Also dude have you ever wonder why Israel doesn't mix???
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Also noticed where the women president of Germany likes to take her picture with other presidents...Notice where she stands next to, is not next to her comrad president sarcozy...
And i am going to say a last thing...Could Isacc newton the smartest guy on the planet could he had crack Germany encryption code? I'll leave it like that...
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Also you know something that many people don't know, i believe that 300 years from now minorities are not going to exist in the USA...And again another vista gorda...Dude just so you know...
And dont forget that a women any women rather do someone from Afganistan than a rich guy from Japan....Dude i am telling you there is a lot of inconsitencies...
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Also why did the USA join world war 2 late...See what i am saying...Also don't forget that the USA wasn't the strongest country in the world when world war 2 started...And it was the USA who help win the war...Just so you know dude...Again dude why did the USA join late? also the USA was requested to join the USA didn't voluntarily join world war2....
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All i am saying, COULD ISAAC NEWTON HAD FIGURE IT OUT, could Isaac Newton had break Germany's Encryption code IN HIS TIME...People can't even crack the lottery...Dude could Isaac Newton break Germany's code because it will had taken him 400 years and by then...i leave the conclusions to you...again is only 300 years difference...And dont forget that the top list ranking if there is somebody from the top list ranking who drops down in the rankings is usually migajas...That's how it starts with a migajas with crumbs...
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You know why i don't want to punish Germany? Because if you take just 1 person from Germany and you could be like a spirit and follow every single detail that that person does you will end up laughing...People that say they hate a particular feature and they are walking with an afro full of black hair, or they say they love chocolate, or their last name is Brown or instead of having their last name be brown is not or they want a black dog as their pet, or yellow is not their favorite color or they couldn't live without meat, or they like agriculture, or instead of been a serial killer killer of a particular feature, or the clothes they wear, or dont have someone of a particular feature kidnapped doing them harm all the time with a gillette, or if they have a particular body they hate their bodies, and i could go on and on or their in a gang targetting a particular group, dude a lot of the racism or hattred if you really look at the psychology of it is gayness, or they go on cutting people's faces, or they say they don't like number 48 on the features ranking but if you was to approach them with a georgeous person of group 48 they will end up saying yes, or if they were caught in prison without no sex for 30 years and you offer them an option of the uglies chick or nothing see what will happen, little tiny details like that that you could only see if you was a spirit watching them 24/7....
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or worse they are a sniper who has the community terroried targeting a particular group....again little details like that...
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you know something else that is creepy that you dont see in the USA and worse you dont see it in Germany? a younger guy with an older women...very creepy...or a shorter guy with a taller women...Dude what are you telling me???Do you see what i see???
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Dude there is something else i am trying to show you...What happened had Hittler won World War2 what you think would had happened to Japan Hittler ask Japan's help because he knew that he himself could not take over the world but ask yourself the question...Hittler wanted a superior features he wanted them tall with blue eyes and Japanese are not looks of perfection...So you know what will had happened after Hittler won World WAr2, he would had gone after Asia & Africa...Because he wanted them all to be tall and perfect...Dude do you SEE IT NOW...If Hittler was willing to kill same caucasian people just to get a master caucasian people race what you think would had happened to Japan...Dude i got this from the TV...Dude and dont forget, what i told you is not pass down from father to son...Dude didn't the USA think about this and again the most sad thing is that the USA joined world war 2 late....Dude i also want you to see something, What happens if Caucasians become the predominant race, not only that dude but the entire world favors caucasian they all want to have kids with caucasians...Dude again i dont understand, why did the USA joined late and i remember clearly reading that the USA was requested to join...what i ask myself, could Isaac Newton had cracked Germany encryption....Dude the USA wasnt the strongest country in the world at that moment just dont forget that...Dude i say this sarcastically, dude dont worry that nowadays they dont have concentration camps they got something worse, have you seen the movie "the rock" the v-poison gas, dude dont forget that, dude all you need is the fastest plane in the world you know like the UFO planes...Dude again where the hell are the religious leaders that CAN'T SEE THIS...You know the ONLY thing that is missing is androids/robots and for all of us to have the same blood type...Also i want you to see something...What had happened if they were 2 features in this planet and world war 2 came...Or what had happened if in the entire life of the history of this planet there was only 1 feature, what would had happened to women...There will not be no check & balances...Remember slavery? what would had happened had there been 1 feature on this planet...women slavery compa i don't care who would had been the predominant feature...Also dude what would had happened had there been 1 feature on this planet and women will had been slaves? Lots of lesbianism and gayism....You know the best women slave with the best prospects and assest like Laura Simpson will had been sold to the highest bitter just to indulge in lesbianism sex along with group sex...Dude things are creepy abuebao...And if that would had happend all that is needed to come is AIDS along and remember medicine were not known...Wipe out the human race...
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Want to know something that happened in the USA???I had written about people needed to sweat i remember it clearly, i had written that people needed to sweat like a year and half ago, and i remember i went to this city restaurant to eat and i guess someone has been reading my blog, the FBI i don't know and they wisper in my ears so as for me to hear it because i tell you if there is one word i should not hear is accident...Anyways a white person they were two women and they said, that was an accident waiting to happened if he sweat...and what they had tried to tell me was that a white person will had made an accident and drop on the abyss...Dude and this is a town that has a significant amount of black people...Dude if that happened in the city now imagine other states and if that happened in the USA, imagine now Germany....Imagine now Germany....And this supposes to be the FBI or i don't know who...See what i am saying...and that was just from white to black imagine now from feature to feature...and the person they were talking about was blond, straight yellowish hair and a women...Just imagine...Dude and those were 2 women talking that...Imagine that...Where the hell are the religious leaders...Again it says it right there on the lable, "WE ARE A RELIGIOUS COUNTRY, NOT ONLY ARE WE RELIGIOUS BUT WE ARE SO RELIGIOUS THAT WE SUPPORT ISRAEL"....Dude dont forget there is not such thing as a concentration camp now, now they got the movie "The rock" v-poison gas and remember what the guy says a drop of this in the atmosphere and i hope you have a big imagination.....
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Dude did you know that in Iran during 1970 they were thinking of using the nuclear bomb....Again all that is needed are robots and for us to have the same blood type....And the sad part is that women follow along with it...Dude let me hear the sorry excuse about world war 2, of we rebuild Germany economy because it will affect the global economy...LOL...And i heard that Germany got troops? What the???Dude you may not believe it but there is a big chunk a huge chunk of the global population who Germany or parts of Europe is their dream country...Talk to anyone in Latin America ask them if you had 1 country to live in between Europe And THE AMERICAS which one will that be...Or mention between the USA, the Americas or Germany...See what will happened, see the response....There are people who you mention the USA and they will tell you they are not interested however you mentioned to them Germany and see how their faces light up...Dude world war2, they had rather MONEY, than to make Germany be the way it was, leave it devastated...And this just proves another example...Why Germany started world war2 because its economy was bad and THEY "COULDN'T TAKE IT" "THE COULDN'T TAKE LIVING POOR" dude the higher you fly in the skies the harder the collision....Whatever...i tell you...and yet the rest of the world...Dude i tell you es ese cascaron que tu tienes puesto...And tell me something how the hell can you repeat the same mistake twice...I repeat dont forget in the USA 200 or 300 years from now minorities are not going to exist...Also notice something every latino in the USA his dream is to marry a blonde, every latino...Dude you know what i heard on THE NEWS...Multiculturalism doesnt work...Why you think lots of people dont like the USA and prefer Germany? Because the USA is supposedly a melting pot and they can't take orders from a melting pot, the whole world is like that....Dude that's how it began...Also something else you don't see..You know it wasn't until 1999 or 1990 that India got a nuclear weapon....dude little tiny details like that that you dont see....Also something else that you dont see...When Germany was united and made 1 nation german people in different countries flocked to Germany and worse they were fighting to have that wall deribada...I tell you abuebao....Dude you are going to tell me you weren't happy in Hungary or eastern europe...Dude that's how it start, first they are united then after sometime the different features begin to kick in and they form a pyramid of features hierarchy whithin the race...Not only that but to Americans they were more "TERRIFIED" OF communism than "GERMANY" dude i don't get that and this is only 20 years after world war2 like world war 2 never happened...And yet Russia has never invaded the world...The question you should be asking is: Which one are you more terrified of "Communism" or Germany taking over the world...Also if communism had suceeded in taking over "the WORLD" WHAT WOULD HAD HAPPENED...You know what will had happened? All the world people of different cultures, features, races will had lived in harmony, some poor but still the world would had probably be mixed...That's all it could had happened...But you couldn't take that your pride is too high for that to happened....If you couldn't take orders from communism russia how are you ever going to take orders from another feature/race...Yet the darn country that was evil was allowed to be reunited...Don't forget russia retreated from Germany and it wasn't until later that it turn to democracy because of economic problems...And yet Russia still pose a threat to you more than Germany and dude this is coming from the USA....
Dude and if India did not steal a nuclear weapon as bright as you are, YOU COULD NOT SEE IT...Isaac Newton could not see it...
And something i want you to see, Dude if it wasn't for RUSSIA, WORLD WAR2 WOULD HAD BEEN WON BY GERMANY...I REPEAT IF RUSSIA DID PUT UP A FRONT AGAINST GERMANY WORLD WAR 2 WOULD HAD BEEN WON TO GERMANY and what did Russia get a hostility from America...And i want you to see something bigger? where in the world was the oil coming from? Saudi Arabia dude Saudi Arabia if the oil came from them is the 3rd country that help win world war2...and yet the USA se vanagloria that they won and there is nothing wrong with that but tell me how is Saudi Arabia treated now...Because dude if it wasn't for Saudi Arabia's oil Hittler will had still exist and this planet erased...I think the Middle East will had been Erase...And my question is...Who was the superpower back in those days? WAsn't england the superpower...If Russia didn't intervene they will had taken the crap out of England...dude again was England the strongest country in the world? and what happened? It almost didn't make it...So strenght is not everything....And notice that England didn't have good relations with Russia prior to that...
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dude and 500 years from now or 2,000 years from now since this is not pass down from father to children it will be like it never even happened like something of the renaissance or something of the time of Christ...Why Germany has an army?Afraid of who...
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Dude don't forget that men prefer women who have "straight hair" over curly or wavi hair and they prefer women who have wavy hair over curly hair...Dude dont forget...Dont forget that you almost dont see younger people with older people dont forget...dont forget that men prefer taller guys over shorter guys, skinny guys over fat guys and asians are at the bottom of the pit..Dude dont forget...cuter over ugly...dont forget dude...
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dude people are more affraid of violence or terrorrism than they are affraid of Germany....Exactly...
want to know something that i saw in the USA that is scary and little by little is growing...You are ontop of the world but you dont plan to marry a "WHITE" American person who has curly hair, or bald, or fat, or wavy hair, or has black hair he/she has to be blond has to have blue eyes, has to be tall has to look like a body builder, you are 6'0 you already had done orgies or foursome or whatever, you dont drive foreign cars only american cars in fact they will never see you driving a toyota and worse never a daewood or kia, you only listen to rock, black people are the bottom of the features of all the features, they will never catch you listening to R&B, rap you only listen to rock or pop, you live in the USA so your country is the richest country in the world, not only that you speak english the most popular language in the world, is very likely they will never see you with someone who has an accent, you will think twice before dating a red haired, you will think twice before living in the south, you are handsome/georgeous, you get piropos all the time, you got a nice job, to you history is boring, you are plastic and you only date plastic people, dont forget every generation is whiter personality wise and every kid has to do better than its parents...should i go on...dude just shoot the world...
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dude going back to Germany, WOMEN, DUDE I REPEAT, WOMEN where killed in the concentration camps, what does this tells you? That if Hittler had succeded women would had be sex slaves...all because you couldn't take been poor...Dude when you ride high in the air whenever you crash you hit the ground harder due to gravity, the higher you are the harder you hit the ground...Again only thing missing is androids/robots and lasers...And want to know something? That was only because Germany was poor, imagine now if the top feature began to lose features ground...And you know where this happens? In the USA...You don't believe me? States that have the highest concentration of mixture have the hardest lottos, and remember the lotto is water/food in the dessert...See what i am talking about, messing up with the food supply...Little details like that...
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Dude just to prove you what i am talking about...How many Germans at this moment have the movie Saving Private Ryan, HOW MANY...Dude why is Germany not the most threatened country in the world, why is the USA...Why doesn't the president of Germany receives phone calls from other european countries telling her we are going to send missiles with nuclear weapons to Germany...Why hasn't this happened...Why this information is not public...Dude complacency...
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Dude, i live in Panama and believe it or not there is still a bunch of people that believe that my country is Africa that i should go back to my country...But dude dont worry about me, the same thing happens if a vietnamese or thailandese or Chinese tries to convince Americans, Americans still think that those Chinese or Thailandese countries is in China or Thailand...That's how it start...and dont forget i care who logs me in...Dude Little details...Dude not only does the number 1 major group has to log me but the number 1 or 2 out of 200 rankings has to log me...dont believe me? have you seen those women that get kidnapped and raped dude they want to commit suicide and they didnt have a child...Dude the same thing happens to billionaires when they lose their money...Dude thats how it start and it just begins to climb, and climb and climb...
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dude no se te olvide que Jose Cuervo es primero...and that he really is...
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Dude but you know what's more creepy? Forget Germany...You know long range missiles only have a limit dude can you imagine if every country had long range missiles with the atomic bomb or the gas that they mention in the movie the Rock....Dude dont forget what happened to the guy that got left in the room...Dude could you imagine if every country had a long range missile that spans the entire globe...And as dumb as the USA is sometimes i know they are working on it...Dude sorry but there are technologies that NO COUNTRY should have i dont care who you are....Dude notice this, i dont know but something tells me that soon countries are going to have long range missiles sent from each country that will span the world NOTICE SOMETHING, they got that but nobody has cities underground and if 1 or 2 countries have it they will not covered everybody or they probably covered the smartest with GOOD GENES...Dude pay attention...
you know something else that is creepy? you don't need for now to have missiles that can span the entire world, just have the fastest plane in the world get to the range limit/coordinates limits and fire them from there...Dude you dont need a massive asteroid to wipe out the world...
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Dude but you know what's more creepy? Forget Germany...You know long range missiles only have a limit dude can you imagine if every country had long range missiles with the atomic bomb or the gas that they mention in the movie the Rock and those missiles had a range that could cover the entire globe....Dude dont forget what happened to the guy that got left in the room...Dude could you imagine if every country had a long range missile that spans the entire globe...And as dumb as the USA is sometimes i know they are working on it...Dude sorry but there are technologies that NO COUNTRY should have i dont care who you are....Dude notice this, i dont know but something tells me that soon countries are going to have long range missiles sent from each country that will span the world NOTICE SOMETHING, they got that but nobody has cities underground and if 1 or 2 countries have it they will not covered everybody or they probably covered the smartest with GOOD GENES...Dude pay attention...
you know something else that is creepy? you don't need for now to have missiles that can span the entire world, just have the fastest plane in the world get to the range limit/coordinates limits and fire them from there...Dude you dont need a massive asteroid to wipe out the world...
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Dude you may say, why bring all this? Because i want you to see stuff...
Also i am trying to show you something...Dude the brightest kids in the USA can't see this, dude kids with straight A's "TOP OF THE LINE" can't see this...Dude you know what i heard they wanted to do? Get that smartest and brightest to come to the USA or accept them to get a visa as oppose to anyone who wanted to fullfill his/her dream could do so...Dude i thought it was barbaric...anyways, but you know why 1 country full of the brightest of the world will not work? because there is too much gayness which disrupts mental capacity, dude not only that but if you absorb the smartest people from the world, incase of a war, what's going to happened...
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dude you know another country that is very barbaric? Mexico...Dude How many "AMERICANS" like to go to mexico "AND ENJOY IT"....Dude dont worry about me, because i just see Mexico been the land of women and the visitors been the land of males...
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Dude and dont forget: 2009, the year when contact was made between an alien Civilization and earthlings you know what i mean...However the movie contact with Jodie Foster was a movie, this is reality...It should be she the one doing this....just dont forget...and dont forget about heckler....
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Also look at the word: bullets...Backwards it will be like: tell bu which put backwards can be read as: tell ub, just missing the b and the l and it will read as: tell bulb or it can be read as: tel bul which is just missing the b to be bulb and what is the bulb? The sun, so wars are countries trying to aniquilar one another and if you was to reall arojar the sun to the earth you will aniquilar one another...
you might not believe that one...Look at this one... backwards will read as: roba tino, roba is spanish for steal and tino is spanish for aim, and what do people do in wars their are aiming to eliminate the other person to eliminate life and what is abortion?
Dude lo que yo me pregunto is, this is a large number of coincidence...
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JUST SO YOU KNOW YOU HEARD IT FROM ME: I rather you hear this from me...And dude los Chinos who is turning into a superpower don't have no sense of civility/morality no sense of right and wrong i really dont think is going to be in the next 50 years but more like in the next 130 years or more....But dude in the future they are going to have a very powerful scan that is going to scan your brain really quick and be able to tell what you are thinking, what is going inside your head....Also you know those i dont know what they call them: infrared or x-ray, or untra violet vision but the one that the alien from the movie Predator 1 with Arnold Schwazzannegger is in, well that kind if vision they are going to look at it numerically and a computer with algorithm is going to be able to detect the slightly rise or fall to a micron per second and tell WHAT YOU ARE FEELING....So just be aware...You are talking about making this technology be on all cars and if you get so angry as to beat up your wife it sends a wireless message to the police station or a place that monitors your feeling input...Can't say i didn't tell you....And I knew about it way before they came up with that discovery of something that could potentially read your mind...And you know China who doesn't have a sense of morality is going to follow up on it...Dude i am telling you this because i believe such technology already exist...
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And if they dont have that they will have a video camera with such vision where you see and it gives you a reading/number telling you what that person is feeling...
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Remember the: 0101 i told you about seeing the future or knowning people's secret? Well the algorithm for it COULD not saying it can, HYPOTHETICALLY not saying theoretically so it hypothetically could form an image or a coordinate....What kind of imagine any image it could be a bizzare image...But again this is: "hypothetically speaking, dream-like speaking different from theoretically speaking...But what i am saying is too far fetched....
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also since you are talking about 0101 and only that, if you was to use vectors you could also form an image you could form an unfinished building imagine or images of the directions of atoms/neutrons/ions, etc....Again could...And the vectors images could translate to different numbers, regular numbers...again could....not saying it can...
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also you know how numbers which are angles form a circle in trigonometry they form the unit circle, well same thing with the angles of the imagines that the vectors form or with regular numbers [01] that could form a unit circle so an algorithm about this could be talking about trigonometry formulas.....But again this also is far fetched....
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people will say why am i continuing talking about this? Because i am thinking of possible aliens if in case they are real what could they be looking here on this planet...
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also you know how numbers which are angles form a circle in trigonometry they form the unit circle, well same thing with the angles of the images that the vectors form or with regular numbers [01] that could form a unit circle so an algorithm about this could be talking about trigonometry formulas.....But again this also is far fetched....
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Also you know what concert is backwards? Concrete [as in house concrete], very few people will pick this one up...Again another coincidence?
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But you see i just realize this...Remember the 0101 seeing the future? well i just realized something yes they will be able to tell you the future it will only be able to tell you where that person will end up at or whether he will do something or not but it will not be able to tell you what it is...It will not be able to tell you what the person is wearing or how tall he is or short or his features again there is a bunch of stuff it will not be able to tell you...It will only be able to tell you yes or no decisions...Also there is something very creepy about knowing the future or randomness...Theoretically if you know this stuff you not contrarrestarlas but work on a different floor or sky i should say and the more randoness you add to it it will make you incredibly undectectable i mean that's one thing about working with randomness...that you dont have to take the same path or combination and you see a large combination can only detect 1 single point...So is a doubled edge sword...
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I wish concert or music had meant: mathematics backwards or in another language...
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another oxymoron is the following: Atom...Atom is the principal unit of every living thing and the universe so man is made out of atom so you could call him, atom man the same way you could call him cell man...well if you call him atom man: Atom backward in spanish is: toma man or man toma or man take...And who gave us life? Wasn't God? you could say God said: Take man or man take...and when i say man i mean mankind...
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Another oxymoron is the word: "Universo"....Uni means one and verso means a part of a word or a word....What does the bible says: "En el principio era el verbo which is a part of a word, a literature" y el verbo era con Dios y el verbo era Dios...
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want to know another oxymoron that is creepy? the word: Dollar....take the ar out of it and what does it say: Doll...and what is a doll? a women...i hope you know what it means...but a doll in spanish is muneca but it could easily mean: muneco...which is a man...
my question is: Do PEOPLE stop and think before they name stuff...why wasn't it name: Universo or uni or verso...weird stuff...
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want to know another oxymoron though i dont know how true it might be: The word: Stone...Silicone where computers are made i think is a stone...take the "S" out of it and write it backwards and it reads: "neto" and what is neto in spanish..."Exact" is used in calculations when there is no "0" left meaning exact...and what does a computer or supercomputer that is derived from silicone does??? it makes "exact" calculations, calculations that mentally will carry errors in computation...
Again do people stop and think before they name stuff...
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another oxymoron: Race, backwards what it is: cera what is cera in Spanish? wax as in a candle wax...Isn't a candle like "Sex", i've heard women mentioned that the sex experience as slowly melting away....
funny, funny, funny...Again do people stop and think before they name something...
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And isn't race something that devides people and in the major source of hate and isn't sex love or a form of love?So isn't it trying to say sex or love is more important than race...Dude what are the dam odds that this will happened...
Also sex can be read as: xes and isn't the "x" in spanish pronounced as the "S" or "C" all that is missing is the A or O which will read as: sesa or seso...Which is to cease as in "death" which is telling you that people that die or the eternal fountain of youth is more important than sex..
Again why sex wasn't named: carton, or lotto or pebbles, or petroleum or dinossaur or dot, dude how many   words in the dictionary exist that sex could had been named...
Again i just think is funny...
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ANOTHER OXYMORON...very moronic oxymoron...the word: "VIOLENCE"...I'll like to know when was the word "violence" invented...I think it was invented before the invention of cameras...Anyways..."VIO- is what? "SAW" and "LENCE" isnt in spanish "CE" PRONOUNCED AS "SE" ALSO in certain circumstances...So it will read: "VIO-LENSE" or in English: "THE LENSE SAW", got to be kidding me...And Lense as in "Camera lense" or "Telescope" lense" or Microscope "lense", VERY VERY FUNNY...Why wasn't it named: "VIO-VERSE" OR "VIO-LADEN".....Again dog garn why...
I will have loved to see this in lottery see if is possible...
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another oxymoron: VIAGRA...what is "via" means through even in English it means through what is "G" is the letter to represent the women's sexual organ as in "g" spot, and ra backwards: ar, basically through the women sexual organ...Remember dollar? as doll and "ar" i've seen that "Ar"3 times, is as if it was a cat or a cat family animal saying: "Arrr"...very funny...
do people "THINK" before they name something...

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