Bad Smell


A guy walks into a drugstore and asks for a package of condoms.

"I'm afraid I can only sell them to you if you're married." The druggist says.

"Well, I am, "replies the guy.

"You'll have to prove it," says the drugist.

So the guy rushes back home, gets his marriage certificate, shows it to the drugist and finally gets his condoms.

A few days later, the same guy comes back in & tells the druggist he needs to get some flea powder for his dog.

"Got a dog license?" the drugist asks.

The guy reluctantly trudges home in a rage and gets the dog license and is finally handed his flea powder.

The next day he's back in the shop and hands the drugist a screw-top-jar.

"Here, smell this," he tells the drugist.

"The drugist unscrews the lid and takes a whiff.

"That smells like Sh-t!" cries the drugist, wrinkling his nose.

"Correct," says the guy. "Now two rolls of toilet paper please."

Entry #303


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