Unaired video shows Nancy Pelosi admitting responsibility for not having National Guard at Capitol



Entry #32,910


Avatar noise-gate -
* Right- anything to absolve the religious leader of any crimes.

* Psst: Jim Jordan tried this tactic way way back, trying to put the blame on Nancy only to find out that security at the Capitol is the “ Responsibility of the Capitol Police Board.” Count on the Maga  idiots to run with bogus claims, much like “ everyone knows l won in 2020.” Just quit making fools of yourselves, l guess that’s to much to ask.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Then we told that America will respect having a felon running the country. We not talking about some 3rd world country, but the United States of America. Right, okay.

* These polls probably didn’t ask people “ So you al for having a felon in the WH?” You wanna bet these polls were conducted in Red States. No F way you going to get sane people saying “ l don’t care, l want my 78 year old liar guiding us into uncharted territory. His leadership during the pandemic was incredible.”
Avatar JAP69 -
In Cahoots with j6 infiltrators for a planned entrapment.
Avatar lakerben -
If trump didn't start the riot then the  guard wouldn't have been needed.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Yep, it's like throwing a party & when fights break out, you blame law enforcement for not showing up to take control of the situation.
Avatar grwurston -
Jap,  https://x.com/ImMeme0/status/1726005647517356182
Avatar noise-gate -
* Un F believable. Don't you morons ever " get it?" Yeah,  l am talking to ALL of you brain dead supporters of the Ex President of these United States,  just the thought that the fool was the most powerful man on the planet makes one's head spin.

* OH, Where was l? Yeah. You fools are " always" unearthing some piece of crap and running with it as though " no one else" on the planet knows about it. Have you fools any idea the information the US has that is not shown to just about anyone? Take Rudy for instance: years back he showed up in court with piles & piles of papers, saying look here! The law enforcement pushed back & dismissed his crap because they had better information.

* How the F do you think law enforcement could ID some of the folks who broke into the Capitol with masks on their faces? How dd the Jan 6th committee come up with footage of the break in that the general public had not seen?

* Your silly attempt at " look here " BS won't fly G. Grow the F up. How were law enforcement able to nail the fake electors & their scheme? That F-r who made a movie " 200 mules" is being sued. How the F do you guys keep being taken for suckers & you fall for it every F time. It's disgraceful to sat the least. It's no wonder your religious leader lost every round in court- then you post nonsense which people are expected to take seriously.
You a very flawed person G.
Avatar noise-gate -
* By the way: Your disgrace fool of a leader told the crowd in Vegas that he " Didn't care about them, but all he wanted was their vote."

* Then folks started to leave early. The foo takes advantage of you guys time & ti.e again & you come back for more. He has you eating out of his hand & you guys are dumb enough to stick around.

* You guys remind me of buying a product that you want to use to remove a stain on your carpet- the advice is " use on a small portion of the carpet " to see results. Where are you going either this noise? I will tell you.

* Your disgraced leader said years ago " l could shoot someone & not lose any votes." He was right,  just like a test run on the carpet, the Orangutan wanted to test whether he was right, and boy is he spot on. What a bunch of poisoned brain morons he can always count on.

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