This dangerous Venezuelan gang has infiltrated the USA


Entry #32,908


Avatar jarasan -
Thanks joepedo! FJB
Avatar noise-gate -
* l would agree with you IF Biden told him to come to America. Can we blame 45 for Covid-19 coming to our shores them?
Avatar sully16 -
No ahole, you blame Fauci for Covid, was his little bug he funded.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Trump invited Covid here,  so confident was he that he told Americans not to worry, it will soon pass through like a summer breeze- when that did not happen, he told Americans that " disinfectant " is the go to product to stop the virus in it's tracks.

* Then when the bodies started piling up and he had no solution- he came up with the idea that when asked about his administration's response,  tell journalists they did a "fantastic job." Probably thought that would be a ringing endorsement for a 2nd term. The more bodies that pile up, the more Americans want him to stick around.
Avatar noise-gate -
* What l would like to know is why didn't the faithful Maga supporters not tell 45 to avoid getting vaccinated? If the Virus was fake like so many other things that the Maga folks claim, why not become a martyr for the cause?

* lnstead he folded, can you imagined if he bought the farm- 45 would have achieved Sainthood by now. The Maga folks would have wanted JFK Airport re named after him. Mt Rushmore would have become Mt Trump.
Avatar lakerben -
If trump gets elected I'm throwing away my remote!  A felon in the white house!!?
Avatar grwurston -
How could this gang come into the US? Biden and Mayorkas said the border was secure.
Avatar noise-gate -
* No- The so called " wall of shame" that your leader claimed was impenetrable, did allow weary travelers from South of the border in...

* Trump had falsely claimed that the wall he repeatedly promised to build across the 2,000-mile border had been months away from completion when he left office. The Trump administration built roughly 450 miles of border wall, nearly all of it in areas where dilapidated barriers existed or vehicle barriers had once stood. That was " his wall." So what do you think these gang members did G? They cut their way into the US in the areas your hopeless, helpless leader had his crew patch up. In a word- He failed like he always does.
Avatar grwurston -
Wrong Again!! Biden's first day EO got rid of all of Trump's borders policies. That action on Biden's part allowed 10 million illegals into US. Don't believe me, look it up.

If they were all dilapidated then I guess the dems didn't do very good job, so Trump had to redo it.
Avatar grwurston -
Funny how the dems were all talking about how we need to be building fences and barriers on the border to keep illegals out before Trump came along.

Now we know it was all BS with them just telling people what they wanted to hear in order to get votes.
Because as soon as Trump said, "Let's build a wall" suddenly the dems were all against it. Why?
Maybe it's because they are all a bunch of lying A holes that really don't care about keeping illegals out.  Because if they did actually care, they would have all been in favor of Trump building the wall instead of trying so hard to stop it. 
Heaven forbid we have someone that wants to actually fix the problem instead of just talk about fixing it.
Avatar sully16 -
Hey everybody, NoiseGate is nothing more then a liar , don't respond to him anymore.
Avatar CDanaT -
Sully, that's all IT has ever been. Posting partial truths and full blown lies. Then telling more lies to covers those up....
Avatar sully16 -
evil POS told me to read the bible because Hell was a good place because Jesus went there, he went there to rescue good souls.
I just can't take the liars of the world anymore, they will be punished but until then I am done with them.
Avatar grwurston -
Right on!! No matter how many times he gets caught in a lie he still keeps right on lying. Even with the same lie we just caught him in. It's gotten sooo old. From now on he can talk to himself.
Avatar noise-gate -
* I have been called worse names,  but at least l am not in a cult or pretend to know what l am doing, cause unlike the Maga fols, l am not taken for a ride on BS simply because you follow a charismatic leader.  The world is filled with them, and for the most part- they religious figures. David Koreah, Jim Jones, Lama, Rajneesh- and then we have 45.  Its pointless running away from the comparisons because they glaring, others see it, why cant you?

*Instead of saying l am a liar, why not address the lies that continue to flow from your
leader's mouth? Psst- it's easy to call me a liar because you have no facts. The fat one is big on promises, sure he knows how to rile up the base, but what lasting legislation does he have to show the American people? If his tax cuts were so great, why didn't he run on it in his 2nd term agenda, instead he had no agenda, he was counting on " likeabikity" to carry him over the finish line.

* I will repeat another Truth: The border has always been a sieve, going back hundreds of years. Your fat guy decided that it would get the attention of the low IQ folks & it has. Neither Nixon, Reagan or Bush made it a priority,  but your toddler did. The master drifter sold you guys on the idea that if you build a wall, it will keep cheap labor out. Try telling that to the farmers that depend on cheap labor.

* Your Toddler promised the return of " coal jobs" Hillary said 45 was promised smoke from his a**. Where are those jobs? He promised that any American country made moved abroad would be penalized- right. Companies gave him the middle finger.

* As for quoting scripture- you wrong.  Common sense dictates that religion is subject to interpretation. For instance at the height of the pandemic- Pastors who call themselves religious figures stated that folks should stay away from vaccines. You have Julie Green a so called Prophetess claiming to speak for God telling her listeners that God told her 45 would be cleared of the charges in Manhattan- so excuse me if my post rubs you the wrong way.

* Here's a question for you to ask your pastor since you seem upset: Why did Adam & Eve's sentence for disobeying God resulted in them being told " For dust you are, and to dust you will return." Yet fast forward 1,000 of years & you told- if you sin, you burn! Who's sin is worse, yours & mine's or Adam & Eve who SOLD humanity into slavery and death?
Avatar noise-gate -
* Common sense:  If you don't like my post, don't respond, problem  solved.
Avatar lakerben -
Hey qwurston you hero is going to have to meet his probation officer today!  I dont see the need to being him back since he did such a lousy job!

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