Rep Maxine Waters: FBI Needs To Investigate Trump Supporters As Domestic Terrorist They're...


Entry #32,893


Avatar JAP69 -
Told ya they would come after MAGA supporters.
Trump told us, they are not only after me they are after you.

Do not be surprised when they show up at our front door in zuit suits.
Avatar jarasan -
That woman or whatever the fawke it is, is repulsive as he11, chrome bumpers have no chance. And if you listen to her for more than 10 secs. your IQ begins to drop.
Avatar grwurston -
Say what they want, the dems have ALWAYS been the ones calling for violence. They're so busy fighting nothing gets done. They will get antifa and now the illegals to do their dirty work for them. 

Here's ya proof.
Avatar CDanaT -
One guy posted this in response to that troglodyte:
" She'll never find us back in the hills training. I have a battalion of 3, 4 and 5 year old supporters that are proficient in the use of AR-15's, .50 calibers, along with setting up roadside bombs".......🤣
Avatar lakerben -
Smelling salts are in order !   Jan 6th Trumpie riot. Trumpies in prison.  Crawl out from underneath  the rock.  Republicans can't handle the truth!!
Avatar noise-gate -
* The Cult won’t say a darn thing about the conviction of their leader when he himself was in on picking the jury. Yet they all up in arms about Maxine saying she needs protection from these lunatics.
* Comparing BLM to the Proud Boys or Oath keepers is a joke. You don’t see the former talking about “ impending civil war & taking our country back.”
* Their Maga prophetess Julie Greene said that God told her that 45 would prevail in court- probably got an answer from Satan instead.

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