JoePedo voters mostly jabbed.


Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock.....

Joepedo, The CDC, and Trump pushed this.  So the true independent thinkers are mostly the Trump supporters, the independents and some normal democrats. Us Ultra Dark Magas don't do anything Trump says and definitely nothing joepedo dictates. The angry hateful demoncRATS do exactly as their demoncRAT masters tell go get boosted again dummies.

Entry #2,301


Avatar jarasan -
91% is a large proportion of demoncRATS.
Avatar rdgrnr -
I don't do anything anybody says, never have.
I do what I want, always have.
Never took the Clot Shot, never will.
I don't even take flu shots, never will.
Have I ever had the Flu?
Yep, survived it, no problem.
Have I ever had Covid?
Yep, survived that too, no problem.
Pisses me off though that I have some kinfolk that have been bamboozled into taking it.

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