Starting in 2015 Operation Mockingbird.


Since 2015 the media has been brainwashing the weak minded into hating President Trump for no reason. This Mockingbird effect is seen here with the leftist brainwashed trolls. I see this guy as a perfect eg. of one of our dimwitted trolls.....

Entry #2,234


Avatar sully16 -
Figures, what a rube.
Avatar rdgrnr -
"Provable acts? Uh...Uhhh... I'm done talking." LMAO!
That's a classic. And so typical of all the morons who just believe the fake news media like noise-gate and stack47 and Coque-eyed Joe.
Avatar rdgrnr -
Trump oughta put this typical woke leftist Democrat's video in one of his campaign commercials.

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