Logical Fallacies are on the rise too.


Especially among the uneducated. A person has to be really stupid to suggest someone is "thin skinned" because they pointed out a rule that apparently either means nothing or is not being enforced. But hey we're talking about the people that can't stop talking about widespread election fraud with no proof. 

The logical fallacies I'm talking about are the very dangerous claims being made about getting a covid vaccinations. The FDA told the CDC to create the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System and to record all deaths of people that were vaccinated.  The anti-vaxxers are using that information hoping none their uneducated readers will get vaccinated. In other words they want people to think every death recorded was caused by vaccination. 

The primary objectives of VAERS are to:

  • Detect new, unusual, or rare vaccine adverse events;
  • Monitor increases in known adverse events;
  • Identify potential patient risk factors for particular types of adverse events;
  • Assess the safety of newly licensed vaccines;
  • Determine and address possible reporting clusters (e.g., suspected localized [temporally or geographically] or product-/batch-/lot-specific adverse event reporting);
  • Recognize persistent safe-use problems and administration errors;
  • Provide a national safety monitoring system that extends to the entire general population for response to public health emergencies, such as a large-scale pandemic influenza vaccination program.

Ask any of anti-vaxxers how many people died of a direct result of being vaccinated and they will either lie or say nothing. As to why they are making it look like all recorded VAERS deaths are from vaccinations, ask them.

Entry #198


Avatar Stack47 -
And the worst is from the ex-con that found out he was using a gay poet's face for their avatar. Bet he was really loved while in prison.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Jaracrap is the worst of them all. Clueless loser...
Avatar noise-gate -
* It’s real easy to spot the fakes here. I mean no one wants to be called a fake, but please. Take the election: Despite what Donald says, the authorities took a long hard look at the results, knew the machines were recording the goings on, and the results came through. Suddenly the loser is saying “ l was robbed of a 2nd term” and without evidence- these suckers believe it.

* Then they say vaccines are phony, they actually useless. The manufacturers of these vaccines were really giving humans a death jab. OTH, people on their death beds have said “ if only l had taken the vaccine” but of course, like believing Trump won in 2020, the vaccines are bogus. What’s the old saying “ you can’t fix stupid!”
Avatar Stack47 -
The childish name calling comes from "wanting to be like Trump" by always giving answers to questions that were never asked and/or spreading misleading and usually false information.

Whether or not saying "let's go Brandon" is childish should not be debatable but saying it over and over again is. We got it the first time; they don't like Biden. But when we think about it, when people can't stop claiming imaginary widespread election fraud with zero proof, they're either acting very childish or pitifully stupid.

The My Pillow weirdo is setting records trying to be king of logical fallacies in his quest that still proves nothing. Said something about having a large number of state Attorney Generals that would sign on with him to petition the Supreme Court to reinstate Trump. Forget the fact not one AG signed on, there is nothing in the Constitution that allows for "reinstatement".

We've had 59 presidential elections and the results were disputed in several, but this is the first time the loser claimed he lost because of widespread election fraud that he and his people not just failed to prove but didn't even have enough evidence for favorable ruling in any court. The U.S. Constitution clearly defines the electoral process and clearly states Congress will decide any disputes and the only mention of the Supreme Court is in impeachment process.

Anti-vaxxers say "thousands of people died" after being vaccinated but can't or won't say those thousands of deaths were directly caused by any vaccine. Another very misleading number is the number of covid related death after being vaccinated.

“you can’t fix stupid!”

But you can confirm people saying, "We have flu vaccines. Flu kills—I believe—hundreds of thousands of people every year," as a Supreme Court Justice.
Avatar Stack47 -
Read an interesting logical fallacy on another blog. Said something about a large number of people in blue states moving to red states with the usual misleading percentages. It's trying to look like a very large group called "what we're standing for" but just someone's blog entry.

Did find a counter article in the Atlantic, "American Migration Patterns Should Terrify the GOP". Don't exactly see any real statistics, evidence, or proof from the blog or the magazine so why bother addressing either?
Avatar Stack47 -
Was wondering when a blogger would start giving examples of logical fallacies and wasn't disappointed after seeing "Here is the reason they hate President Trump".

Even by assuming "they" means politicians, it's still not true unless the blogger is forgetting that Jordan, Green, Boebert, Gaetz, Gohmert, Graham, Cruz, and many more MAGA supporters are all politicians. But they did get it right by saying "Clearly politicians are liars and thieves" or are they saying Trump hates himself because no one is a bigger liar than Trump?

FYI, Trump is an ex-President.

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