All Guts And No Glory!


What does that title mean? You folks that went to VietNam should know;  Korean Vets; Gulf War Vets and quite a few WW2 members that are still around.

 Mr. Bush is at it again! 154 proposals to...CUT...more benefits! Make the poor, poorer, if there is such a thing. You "youngsters" that are in the middle of your work life, will be in for a rude awakening when you get on in years. Unless you sock a lot of money away, you will be hurting like a lot of our citizens are now! I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my butt but even I feel the beginnings of the monetary pinch that I worked for. Because of the political powers that be--- my company is forced to tighten its' belt with trickledown effects on our employee benefits. Many of our jobs went to foreign nations to have the products sold back to us at very high rates {and the super rich get richer} The drug bigwigs are bitching because the older citizens can't get a realistic purchase price for their money so they look elsewhere and now it appears that to get even the drug walla-wallas are jacking up prices and attempting to cut off trade from Canada and any other foreign country. {What happened to NAFTA? It was their idea to begin with---do the shoes fit only on someone else's feet?} IN TEN YEARS OR LESS WE---ALL OF US ---will have maybe half the benefits that we are getting now and at muchly increase prices. If you think I'm kidding open your eyes and don't be foolish! This person is really PO'ed! Don't tell the political people where to get off; don't standup and be heard and be a doormat (ashes to ashes and dust to dust), when it rains all of the cuts that politicals want for our "betterment"---just you play like the mud that you will be and enjoy!

It's---We The People's--- fault for letting little things like--Corruption, unfair labour laws, letting this nations political powers think with one sided ambitions(theirs) and we do nothing!

   All of the above comments are from my view and I really feel sorry for you!


Entry #104


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