Gamblers Itch...


  Bet you neo-gamblers don't know about 'gamblers itch' do you? Ofcourse, the  wanna-be's say. My personal view, BULL! When you have been in any business not just gambling as long as many of us 'geriatrics' have then and only then could I begin to believe your comment! This is a special feeling that occurs after a few years of doing a specific thing in a specific way and you know that something is either right or wrong. For a gambler, it's like your lottory commission calling you on the phone and saying that "these are the winning numbers for tomorrow"  or you drew to an inside straight in cards for the winning hand(which is generally a no-no) or you feel that the phone is going to ring before it does, etc. If this sensation were dry scalp or dry skin---my bones would have been showing years ago. No sir, I am well acquainted with that joyful misery and wish for more non-comfort$ for ages to come. The neos of the world 'talk the talk' very smoothly and with great confidence until it's time to win a hand full of cash; I'll get mine in the next day of two but how about you? Have you studied your game? Under-studied a person or group that has a good winning average? This, the LP Forums, has many gems to observe and many diamonds in the rough that go begging, have you really checked them out or do you know everything about your game? For those personages that feel that they have useful innormation---by all means post your thoughts! The worse that can happen is that you will not get a response! Some folks will jump your case and some will agree with your proposals and even some will work with you; just can't lose in any case because you are here or on another forum---to learn and acquire some skills, yes? The 'gamblers itch' cannot be taught, that is acquired thru many sessions of pratice with whatever you are into. You will know it when the time is right, thou shalt know it for what it is!


Entry #100


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