More liberal mega failures are all around us>>



Hayne Palmour IV/San Diego Union-Tribune via AP
By Wayne Allyn Root 
August 11, 2018 - 9:00 pm

Liberals are so obsessed with Donald Trump. But maybe they should start looking in the mirror. The problem is they won’t like what they see.

Donald Trump isn’t hurting you. You’re hurting and killing yourselves. You are your own worst enemies. You can never admit that, so you focus all your anger, bitterness, frustration and humiliation on Trump.

Take the economy. Liberals refuse to admit the economy was horrible under Barack Obama. They refuse to face facts. Obama spent the most taxpayer money in U.S. history. He created the most debt in U.S. history. He presided over the most people on welfare, food stamps and disability in U.S. history. And he produced pathetic growth. Obama is the only president to never produce a single year of 3 percent economic growth.

Obama’s economy was like Jimmy Carter’s. You can’t get more proof positive than those 12 combined years of misery and malaise.

Entry #670


Avatar eddessaknight -
L@@K liberals still won't honestly admit they’re wrong and their policies are a total unmitigated disaster. :-(
Avatar sully16 -
Misery loves company, misery must be the only thing that makes them feel alive.

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